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Would Prince Ali as FIFA president benefit Iran or no?

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    Would Prince Ali as FIFA president benefit Iran or no?

    I'm sure everyone knows that the FIFA presidential election is this Friday. I'm hearing that Prince Ali from Jordan could seriously win the election over Sepp Blatter ... Now I know Blatter is very corrupt and I want him out like anyone else but I'm wondering if Prince Ali would benefit Iran compared to Blatter or not? Anyone have opinions please share

    its a lose lose situation


      I can't see how it could benefit Iran.


        we have no friends. i wish FBI raided IFF too.


          FIFA is not abut benefiting iran but benefiting football itself


            if any of these Bin... or Al... in AFC had benefit for Iran so far, He will also do.

            wishful thinking.


              Blatter will win it 100%.

              He has all the small federations in Africa and Asia, who have equal votes as all the large federations in FIFA, in his pocket!

              (all federations in Fifa wheher Maledives Islands or Germany have equal amount of votes)

              Means in the end of the day he has more votes than any of his contenders and will win again.

              And I like Sepp Blatter far more than Prince Ali!

              Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


                Originally posted by Adesor Vafaseya View Post
                Blatter will win it 100%.

                He has all the small federations in Africa and Asia, who have equal votes as all the large federations in FIFA, in his pocket!

                (all federations in Fifa wheher Maledives Islands or Germany have equal amount of votes)

                Means in the end of the day he has more votes than any of his contenders and will win again.

                And I like Sepp Blatter far more than Prince Ali!

                Are you sure Asia won't vote for Prince Ali?? I mean he is from Jordan. I wish Luis Figo was still running.


                  Originally posted by naderb94 View Post
                  Are you sure Asia won't vote for Prince Ali?? I mean he is from Jordan. I wish Luis Figo was still running.
                  Arabs might vote for Prince Ali.

                  But Laos Island, Maledives Island, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Fiji Island, LULU BUBU Island, Googooli Magooli Islands, Bambooli Tatooli Islands etc etc,... are probably (most certainly already) all in Blatter's pocket.

                  Bear in mind every member country has equal amount of votes!
                  Blatter will win it 100%.

                  He knows more about Fifa's poltical voting game than Prince Ali. And knows were to put his eggs. He is very smart.

                  Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


                    Persian gulf Arabs are all definitely gonna vote for Blatter he finally gave them their much wanted world cup through corruption and bribery and there not gonna necessarily try vote for the Prince even though his also Arab.

                    I think if everything what's being said about Prince Ali is true and his true to his words, than I think he would definitely be a better choice than Blatter.

                    And whether the Prince becomes elected, as Zamboor mentioned its not all about benefiting Iran diectly but benefiting football itself in the long-term which will later also benefit countries like Iran and the rest of the world.


                      Yea no royal should be in charge of FIFA, but then again this sepp guy has got to go


                        lmao the whole point of straightening up FIFA is to make the organization fair and you are asking if individual X will benefit Iran?


                          The thing is it is a lose lose case any way. If Blatter is elected now, Qatar does not lose its WC and next opportunity Arab plus the rest of Blatter's enemies take him down (either next election or sometime from now). If this Prince Ali takes the seat then Iran should say bye bye to fair play for many years. Blatter can give us a chance that later maybe another candidate from Europe such as Figo comes forward and takes the lead but it won't take Qatar's WC away from them any way.

                          Qatar is most likely already safe in its position on WC.

                          For me it is either let the Qataris have their WC or Qatari keep the WC plus Arab ruling the Fifa. I think I prefer the first one.


                            None of them will benefit us. lol, the whole fifa system has to be revamped...


                              No he is an Arab and anti Iran just like his brother the king of Jordan

                              I preference Blatter

