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Reza Shekari

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    I read the entire interview. It kinda seems like one of the main problems of the youth team was the mentality. After the first game everybody including shekari as he said in the interview, were overjoyed at accomplishing what no iranian u20 team had in 40 years, winning and scoring in the WC. and after the two goals against zambia they thought they were done. Lack of proper goals, concentration really cost them during the moment, possibly more than all mismanagement, bad preparation, etc.

    With regards to his transfer: Clearly, Zob ahan made it very difficult for him to leave which is sad. He ended up signing the contract with rostov and I think even he ended up thinking he may have gotten more offers. Tbh it seems like he just signed so zob ahan didnt drag him back after seeing his awesome WC performance which makes sense. For the move to rostov to be a success I just really wish he has spoken at length with management about their personal plan for him, playing time, etc. If he gets regular playing time, then hands down the move is a success. He has the talents to make it anywhere, and playing in russia will no doubt strengthen and progress his development a lot.

    He kind of reminds of me of Oleksandr Zinchenko of Man city. He played in shakhtar and ukraine youth teams all of his life, and then transferred to small russian club Ural. After playing consistently there and then at the euros for ukraine man city picked him up and loaned him to PSV this season. He is a year older than shekari and plays the same #ten position. Just shows that more gifted, technical players can also shine in russian league.


      Now it will be interesting to see with Berdyev leaving what will happen to Shekari??


        Originally posted by Iran_19 View Post
        Now it will be interesting to see with Berdyev leaving what will happen to Shekari??
        lets pray it falls through. If it was a more defensive/physical player, rostov would be a good move. But this kid can easily go to the likes of basel, RB salzburg/leipzeig, other teams who invest on youth talent and provide a window for them to show themselves.


          Good job to Reza Shekari at the U-20 World Cup! 👍🏻


            U20 team's main problem was lack of physical conditioning.
            When you play acceptably well for the first 45_50 minutes, then suddenly drop so badly that you allow multiple goals in, shows your body isn't here for such exertion. With that, you also lose focus and concentration which makes you mistake prone.
            Especially in tourneys that have a game every 3 days

            Physical preparation was very much possible. Doesn't need world class coaching standards like head coaching. That's the unfortunate thing


              A short video with Shekari's goals & assist in the AFC and World Cup - please support my new project on instagram:

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                He made an interview with Iranian medias and it looks like he already is a Rostov player and the move didn't fell through after Berdyev's move to Rubin! He has signed for 5 years though which is way too much... I hope that the next Rostov coach will use a formation with a CAM otherwise he will be forced to play DM or CM and that won't be good for his developement



                  Originally posted by Malavani View Post
                  He made an interview with Iranian medias and it looks like he already is a Rostov player and the move didn't fell through after Berdyev's move to Rubin! He has signed for 5 years though which is way too much... I hope that the next Rostov coach will use a formation with a CAM otherwise he will be forced to play DM or CM and that won't be good for his developement

                  He is not built to play as DM anyway, he may play as the winger like he did with U-20 though.


                    شکاری: 5 ماه در پارک تمرین کردم

                    مهاجم تیم امید از مشکلاتی که در این مدت باشگاه ذوب آهن برایش به وجود آورده ناراحت است.

                    به گزارش ورزش سه، رضا شکاری در مورد عدم شرکت در تمرینات تیم فوتبال روستوف می گوید: باشگاه روستوف حتی به باشگاه ذوب آهن نامه زد ولی برسر مسائل مالی فعلا توافق انجام نشده است. باشگاه ذوب آهن بیشتر از بندی که در قرارداد من ذکر شده بود پول می خواست و این موضوع کار را پیچیده کرده است. پولی که در قرارداد من آمده بود همین الان حاضر است و می توانم آن را بپردازم.

                    او در پاسخ به این سوال که بندی که برای جدایی در قرارداد او ذکر شده بود چقدر است هم گفت: در قرارداد من آمده که در ازای پرداخت 100 هزار دلار پول رضایت نامه می توانم جدا شوم اما باشگاه حالا پول بیشتری می خواهد. آنها یک یا 2 میلیارد می خواهند هرچند من در جریان دقیق این موضوع نیستم و وکیل و مدیربرنامه ام کارها را انجام می دهند. بعد از این اتفاق ما راه قانونی را از طریق فدراسیون فوتبال پیگیری کردیم.

                    مهاجم تیم امید در مورد نتیجه پیگیری ها از طریق فدراسیون فوتبال می گوید: کمیته انضباطی چندی پیش جلسه ای برگزار کرد و حق را به ما داد. بعد از آن جلسه بعدی کمیته انضباطی تشکیل شد و در آن به ما اعلام شد این کمیته صلاحیت رای در مورد این پرونده را ندارد و کمیته تعیین وضعیت باید تکلیف این بازیکن را روشن کند.

                    شکاری ادامه داد: طبق قرار قبلی باید جلسه ام روز یکشنبه برگزار شود. مطمئن هستم حق با من است و انشاالله بعد از بازگشت از اردوی تیم امید به روسیه می روم تا به تمرینات تیم فوتبال روستوف اضافه شوم.

                    او در مورد این که چرا در ایران مثل خیلی از کشورهای آسیایی کمک نمی کنند که بازیکن لژیونر شود هم گفت: شما خودتان می دانید من 7 ماه است که بدون تیم هستم. از قبل از جام جهانی جوانان با روستوف قرارداد امضا کردم اما نمی دانم چرا ذوب آهن نمی گذارد به این تیم بروم. امیدوارم باشگاه ذوب آهن من را کمک کند. من 5 ماه قبل از جام جهانی بدون تیم بودم و در پارک ها تمرینم کردم تا آماده باشم.

                    شکاری در پایان گفت: من هرگز مصاحبه ای علیه آقای آذری و ذوب آهن انجام نداده ام ولی در این مدت خیلی اذیت شده ام و فکرم واقعا درگیر است. البته الان تمام تمرکزم را روی موفقیت تیم امید گذاشته ام.
                    Last edited by St_Mark; 07-15-2017, 04:40 AM.


                      this is so sad. IFF should fine Zob ahan for their actions. Here is the most talented player in all of iran for his age, has recieved no playing time, no training with the first team, no coaching, no individual training, no access to facilities, no wages, and not even an ounce of help in preparing and training for the largest u20 event in the world. On top of that, they block every attempt the kid has to move ( no wonder moves to basel and leicester fell through), and keep him rotting in the local parks.

                      But on besides all of these issues, shekari prepares himself alone, and produces three masterful performances, notching up 3 goals and one assist, against some top competition. Portgual, a youth powerhouse, were unable to get the ball off of him without fouling him. You cant tell me that any of those portuguese players playing for Sporting, Porto, Benfica, Braga are any more talented than this kid. This is what you just call purely raw talent. Imagine where he could go with world class coaching ( or at this point any coaching), access to decent facilities, a clear mind to jsut focus on football, and support of an entire organization and management staff behind him. Idk why PP dont just sign this guy. He deserves to go to the very top.

                      AND still Zob ahan wont fuck off and let him leave.


                        Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
                        this is so sad. IFF should fine Zob ahan for their actions. Here is the most talented player in all of iran for his age, has recieved no playing time, no training with the first team, no coaching, no individual training, no access to facilities, no wages, and not even an ounce of help in preparing and training for the largest u20 event in the world. On top of that, they block every attempt the kid has to move ( no wonder moves to basel and leicester fell through), and keep him rotting in the local parks.
                        But on besides all of these issues, shekari prepares himself alone, and produces three masterful performances, notching up 3 goals and one assist, against some top competition. Portgual, a youth powerhouse, were unable to get the ball off of him without fouling him. You cant tell me that any of those portuguese players playing for Sporting, Porto, Benfica, Braga are any more talented than this kid. This is what you just call purely raw talent. Imagine where he could go with world class coaching ( or at this point any coaching), access to decent facilities, a clear mind to jsut focus on football, and support of an entire organization and management staff behind him. Idk why PP dont just sign this guy. He deserves to go to the very top.
                        AND still Zob ahan wont fuck off and let him leave.
                        According to himself the move to Rostov is a done deal but I really hope it falls through.. Signing a 5 years contract with them is very dangerous imo


                          Originally posted by Malavani View Post
                          According to himself the move to Rostov is a done deal but I really hope if fells through.. Signing 5 years with them is very dangerous imo
                          are you serious ? look at this situation he is currently in, he effectively has no club team an trains alone in a park. You're telling me playing with rostov, a respectable mid table russian side is dangerous for him. I think currently the main danger is rotting in iran. He clearly doesnt have any other options right now.


                            Stupid Zobahan. They don't even play him in the league, yet they block the transfer of a big prospect.
                            It shows how shortsighted the managers in Iran are.

                            It's to do with medieval mentality. Remember Taremi's case where even some of our "football experts" and "pishkesvat" say he needs to play another season in Iran and get more mature before going to Europe.

                            I'm afraid, they will become "Torshi" in the Iranian league rather than "mature".


                              Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
                              are you serious ? look at this situation he is currently in, he effectively has no club team an trains alone in a park. You're telling me playing with rostov, a respectable mid table russian side is dangerous for him. I think currently the main danger is rotting in iran. He clearly doesnt have any other options right now.
                              You mean playing for Rostov u23 right? If yes, I would prefer to see him start for a PGL team rather than joining a team already stacked with midfielders on a 5 year contract


                                Originally posted by Malavani View Post
                                You mean playing for Rostov u23 right? If yes, I would prefer to see him start for a PGL team rather than joining a team already stacked with midfielders on a 5 year contract
                                and what makes you think zob ahan are gonna play him. They havent for all these years lol ... If you mean a team like sepahan or PP then yes I agree, he would get access to th elevel of facilities and coaching he deserves, but currently he is rotting away and only natural talent is preserving him. And you watch his interviews he literally says that his mind is always occupied and worried about his situation. being in rostov ( u23 or senior team) would at least end this ridiculous burden.

