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    Originally posted by MesKerman341 View Post
    deen e keshvaremon nist deen e arabast
    emrooz deen e maast yani kolan male maast shia male maast.. but seriousley too many iranian kids like you and me died in war shouting allah akbar for islam not to be ours too many kids jumped on mines and gave blood with the courage these two words gave them for islam not to be ours, too many people suffered for iran to be islamic republic of iran and weather we like it or not iran is islamic and if we are real iranians we will love our motherland, besides who are we to say whats right for iran?


      Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
      Deen keshvaremoon? We have all kind of religion in Iran Suffism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Bahaism, Budhism, Hinduism,... and people who do not believe in god too. Every one can criticize religion, policy, regime, behavior, accountability,... or any person. This is called freedom of speech. Frankly, IR has even destroyed Islam for many religious folks. I know people who told me they were religious and attended mosque frequently before revolution and in early days of revolution, but IR has destroyed the image of Islam and religion for them so bad that they are not practicing Muslims any more.

      The only way that we can correct the corruption and mistreatment of people is by addressing those issue and have a loud voice, then push for the right actions; otherwise,
      we gain nothing and we continue to suffer at hands of wrong doers.
      i never said there was only islam in iran i said majority so i don't understand why you mentioned that, and there are millions of good muslims in iran who understand the difference of islam and akhoond and regime, the people your talking of were never muslim, fu+k akhoonds and the regime but islam is different my friend, but these dam akhoonds outsmart these other nations (uk,us) so i don't mind them, besides i see the every day development of life in iran and the improvements people too blind to see and focus on the negatives


        Originally posted by OFFSIDE_1 View Post
        yes, clearly PFDC can damage the image of the "islamic" republic of Iran. Let's stop this right now and no more blaming of IR for the incompetencies shown by IR. How can we risk damaging such a lovely image the akhoond jamat has created for us worldwide. It has taken them years to achieve what they have, and let's hope the damage from PFDC to our image around the world has been contained.
        to be honest i don't give a dam what other nations think of us if thats what is important to you than that is something we can't even start to argue, iran has become a strong independent country that can't be touched and other nations hate it and will do anything to make us look bad, u seem so angry with islam i wish i was a practicing muslim to be able to speak on there behalf but i believe islam is the cleanest and purest religion. just because a few american soldiers in beards call themselves isis don't make them muslim, and neither does a few bad fruits in iran who call themselves akhoond are muslims, but there are some really pure and good ones who care for the country and have served iran well


          Originally posted by sirvan View Post
          Khosh behalet
          jooooooooon hulu to ke jaye boos dari asal khanoom


            Originally posted by baba ab dad View Post
            i never said there was only islam in iran i said majority so i don't understand why you mentioned that, and there are millions of good muslims in iran who understand the difference of islam and akhoond and regime, the people your talking of were never muslim, fu+k akhoonds and the regime but islam is different my friend, but these dam akhoonds outsmart these other nations (uk,us) so i don't mind them, besides i see the every day development of life in iran and the improvements people too blind to see and focus on the negatives
            1. Show where did you said majority.
            2. Those people I mentioned were practicing Muslims before IR, so your explanation is lame
            3. Akhonds follow Islamic law not Budhism law, so it shows archaic Islamic laws are not suitable for our modern society and it needs massive reformations just like Christianity in 17th century.
            4. IR has not outsmarted UK or US ever otherwise, they never had caused millions of our youth to die in Iran-Iraq war with no gains and massive destruction of our economy and industry. By the end they had to "Jame zahr benoshan" and got nothing back from Iraq while Iraq is still paying to Kuwait for its brief occupation.
            5. IR outsmart UK and US? how come we are in embargo and sanctions and literary begging for West to lift them? Ahmaghi Nejad and his followers can rot in hell with all other Sandis khors.
            6. What development are you talking about? We are not even where we were 36 years ago. Look around us all dirt poor countries in Khalij and Turkey are years ahead of us. Even most of former soviet union republics have better condition than us. So I really don't know what you are talking about.


              Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
              1. Show where did you said majority.
              2. Those people I mentioned were practicing Muslims before IR, so your explanation is lame
              3. Akhonds follow Islamic law not Budhism law, so it shows archaic Islamic laws are not suitable for our modern society and it needs massive reformations just like Christianity in 17th century.
              4. IR has not outsmarted UK or US ever otherwise, they never had caused millions of our youth to die in Iran-Iraq war with no gains and massive destruction of our economy and industry. By the end they had to "Jame zahr benoshan" and got nothing back from Iraq while Iraq is still paying to Kuwait for its brief occupation.
              5. IR outsmart UK and US? how come we are in embargo and sanctions and literary begging for West to lift them? Ahmaghi Nejad and his followers can rot in hell with all other Sandis khors.
              6. What development are you talking about? We are not even where we were 36 years ago. Look around us all dirt poor countries in Khalij and Turkey are years ahead of us. Even most of former soviet union republics have better condition than us. So I really don't know what you are talking about.
              1 (MY FIRST COMMENT) as soon as some idiot does something stupid, its not mature or wise to degrade the islamic republic of iran and the MAJORITY of its muslim population, many people only read this forum and never make an account like myself until now and all these foreigners see is iranians hating on there own country. in kara tofe sar balast dooste man, man na basiji hastam na hezbolahi az hame kundeh tar manam vali hichvakht be deen e keshvaram bi ehterami namikonam.

              2 your ither muslim or your not. what are you talking about? if ur that weak to change faith u were never muslim to begin with.

              3 christianity has gone to shite, no it just isn't suitable for oghdei horney guys, the rest of us are fine, the others can leave like you have done so why complain?

              4 the iran iraq war was all america and banisadr fault they saw iran kicked out the shah the first american rat than us put banisadr in charge who sold our guns and bullets and didn't inform the country of the iraqis invasion until half of khoramshahr was invaded, when found out he shaved his sibil and wore a chador and ran to france, he is still being protected by france the vatan foroosh, iraq was being helped by 32 countries who were supplying them with EVERYTHING, whilst we didn't have guns or bullets thats why so many kids died and the war went on for so long it was war world 3 and we still won so yes thats how they out heart them.

              5. we are under sanctions for years and we still survived and became independent we make all of our own shizz, and other countries are begging our sanctions to be lifted so they can profit from our cheaper better quality varedat such as gas oil ext, russia was sanctioned for a weak and they gave up, i see this in the news everyday of our brave young smart generation which doesn't beg to be given but use our own brains to build, one good example is how they hacked the pilotless drone of the USA and landed it in iran a million dollar piece technology that if anyone even tries to hack it it self explodes and many great inventions our brilliant youth are designing empty handedly, well now there are no longer empty handed they have caught up pretty well.

              6 baradare man eshghe man just because maybe you haven't been following up on this doesn't mean its not happening i follow iranian tech like u guys follow footbal, before shah kin midd be uk\us and will come bk with a few flashy things arabs have flashy things but they don't know how to use or fix it all american engeneers and such have to be on site all times but today iranian boys like you and me are building great things one screw at a time this is why iran is safe and no one has the balls to touch us this is why they have to arrange meetings with us but with other nations they order them what to do. be proud of your people research about our new tech please, you guys say the same thing everytime but its on repeat, you guys don't see how far iran has come to stand toe to toe with a country that is being helped by 40 others. when uk sends a rocket to the moon ir has german engine french body russian this and so on but when iran sends a rocket its 100% iranian. before saying the same old things please research read watch some iranian news that shows the new inventions and record breaking things on a dailey than speak. a lot of people just hear someones negative judgement and repeat and other repeat till people think its the truth. valid dadashe man iran soon irani hist ke shame fear mikonin iran kheili az in chiza gavi tare, ru paye khodesh vaisadeh vali turkey and the rest are still sucking uk/us balls till they receive a bit of juice to survive on.


                I read two paragraph and heck I am not gonna continue. Dude you live in your dreams. I am not gonna burst that bubble for you. You need a lot of effort to catch up! Reminds me of Delvapas folks!


                  Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
                  1. Show where did you said majority.
                  2. Those people I mentioned were practicing Muslims before IR, so your explanation is lame
                  3. Akhonds follow Islamic law not Budhism law, so it shows archaic Islamic laws are not suitable for our modern society and it needs massive reformations just like Christianity in 17th century.
                  4. IR has not outsmarted UK or US ever otherwise, they never had caused millions of our youth to die in Iran-Iraq war with no gains and massive destruction of our economy and industry. By the end they had to "Jame zahr benoshan" and got nothing back from Iraq while Iraq is still paying to Kuwait for its brief occupation.
                  5. IR outsmart UK and US? how come we are in embargo and sanctions and literary begging for West to lift them? Ahmaghi Nejad and his followers can rot in hell with all other Sandis khors.
                  6. What development are you talking about? We are not even where we were 36 years ago. Look around us all dirt poor countries in Khalij and Turkey are years ahead of us. Even most of former soviet union republics have better condition than us. So I really don't know what you are talking about.
                  i hope you read what i said i have my final uni assignment in 5 hours and i stayed up just to reply to you its 3;40 here right now, i hope in encourages you to research on our country and forget all this bull with akhoons and islam its iran what matters and if you know what our youth has been doing you will be as sensitive as me too. lets not sell ourselves short and undermine the hard work iranians muslim jew akhoond arazel or whatever has done. we are all iranian and whatever regime is there as long as shiraz doesn't look like baghdad which is what they wanted if iraq would have got iran with the backing of us/uk/nato than there never would've been an attack on iraq and right now we be begging to have this resilient independent iran that we enjoy today.


                    Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
                    I read two paragraph and heck I am not gonna continue. Dude you live in your dreams. I am not gonna burst that bubble for you. You need a lot of effort to catch up! Reminds me of Delvapas folks!
                    ommmmggg whatever dude you guys just chill and hate as much as u want the ones who matter know what is going on in iran who cares wtf me and u believe anyways.


                      I wonder which banned member this guy is. Any guesses?
                      راه یکی است و آن راستی است


                        I have a question for "ma haza, haza bab", were you born and raised in Iran or elsewhere? When did you last live and work in Iran?
                        راه یکی است و آن راستی است


                          Originally posted by baba ab dad View Post
                          to be honest i don't give a dam what other nations think of us if thats what is important to you than that is something we can't even start to argue, iran has become a strong independent country that can't be touched and other nations hate it and will do anything to make us look bad, u seem so angry with islam i wish i was a practicing muslim to be able to speak on there behalf but i believe islam is the cleanest and purest religion. just because a few american soldiers in beards call themselves isis don't make them muslim, and neither does a few bad fruits in iran who call themselves akhoond are muslims, but there are some really pure and good ones who care for the country and have served iran well
                          oh yes you do care what others think of us ...... you started with the following quote :

                          "and all these foreigners see is iranians hating on there own country. "

                          so you do care what foreigners think of Iran. It took you 4 posts to contradict yourself. With most posters, it takes more than 4.

                          You say we are independent ...... most intellectuals will say we are isolated. Hope you understand the difference.
                          You say islam is the cleanest and purest religion ...... and then you turn around and say you wish you were a practicing muslim to be able to speak on their behalf. If you don't know the religion, how can you claim they are clean and pure?

                          If your beloved islamic republic of Iran is so great, why do you live in the UK ?
                          “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


                            Originally posted by rugs View Post
                            I wonder which banned member this guy is. Any guesses?
                            Who's your guess?
                            Proud 2b part of #TrotsRabbleDogs as a working class dog, Oz Corbynite & jaded republican.

                            "I'll always walk around like a Persian popinjay, and no one's gonna stop me, honey!"―Freddie Mercury.


                              Originally posted by rugs View Post
                              I wonder which banned member this guy is. Any guesses?
                              he clearly said he is "TheRomanticGuy"
                              TEAM MELLI UNTIL THE END


                                Originally posted by rugs View Post
                                I wonder which banned member this guy is. Any guesses?
                                Originally posted by rugs View Post
                                I have a question for "ma haza, haza bab", were you born and raised in Iran or elsewhere? When did you last live and work in Iran?
                                why do i have to be a banned member i just made an account to see links but same time i had enough of idiots swearing and hating on something no matter how irrelevant the subject its getting old. this thing keeps changing my letters when i type iranian so what

