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Taremi to join Al Qadesia

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    Two good updates on Taremi:

    1. As GolfePersique points out: Al-Qadisia seems to be no longer interested in Taremi.
    2. Taremi in an interview with 'Piroozi' said "I will make a decision that will not upset the fans". My understanding of this is that, most fans didn't want him to go to an Arab team. So, I believe he will either stay with Perspolis or go to Europe (Portugal).


      Originally posted by Shah Abbas View Post
      2. Taremi in an interview with 'Piroozi' said "I will make a decision that will not upset the fans". ..
      Translation: i will stay at PP and will bend over for the fans.
      IRI's politics is no different than handling a pressure cooker ..... As the pressure builds up, you slowly let the steam out just a tad bit so that you don't see overflow, and once the pressure from below is less, you put the lid down again and raise the temperature.


        this story takes another turn.

        Taremi's agent dismisses Qadesia's lack of interest.
        He states club representative is coming this Sunday to Tehran for negotiations.
        به گزارش "ورزش سه" مدیر برنامه مهدی طارمی در خصوص خبر انصراف باشگاه القادسیه از جذب طارمی اظهار داشت: امروز صبح از باشگاه القادسیه با من تماس گرفتند و خواستار تعیین وقت برای مذاکره نهایی شدند که من موضوع را به بعد از بازگشت تیم ملی و روز یکشنبه موکول کردم. این خبرها را باور نکنید ضمن اینکه این تنها پیشنهاد طارمی نیست و پیشنهادات دیگری هم دارد. به همین دلیل یکشنبه صبح نماینده آنها وارد ایران می شود و عصر هم مذاکره نهایی انجام می شود.


          Stop using footballitarin, Varzesh3 or 90 as a source. Check the real sources then post it here. A video of an interview is the best source and after that quotation by reliable news sources not the yellow journalists who have proven wrong previously.

