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Daniel Davari @ DSC Arminia Bielefeld | 2015-16

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    Hesl will remain as no.1 for the remaining 2 league matches. Davari was excluded by the coach from the match day squad on Sunday due to the media backlash:

    "Hesl confirmed with his performance that it was the right decision to have given him the advantage over the last time the pending Daniel Davari (29). "We felt we had to change. There was much criticism, Diva was also attacked by the press. I'll take him out of the line, "Saibene said. The information on the media Davari had been "attacked", the coach remained guilty.

    Rehn sits for Davari on the bench

    Regardless, it was probably the only right decision to have left the keeper at home on Sunday. "The distance does him good, I think," Saibene said. Instead of Davari yesterday Nikolai Rehnen (20) as reservekeeper had traveled to the Ruhrstadion.

    Hesl will also be in the last two seasons for Braunschweig and in Dresden for the DSC on the pitch. Whether the goalkeeper Keanu Staude also applies is not yet clear. Once again the 20-year-old wing player in Bochum made adductor problems, which is why Staude was replaced by Sören Brandy during the break."

    Bochum (WB/dis). Am Gegentor traf Arminia-Keeper Wolfgang Hesl (31) keine Schuld. Das sah auch Jeff Saibene so. »Der Torschütze hat wahrscheinlich selbst mit einer Flanke gerechnet«, sagte der DSC-Trainer über den Bochumer Selim Gündüz’ und dessen Glücksschuss acht Minuten vor dem Spielende.


      Why is Davari so targeted?


        Davari has been left out of the squad due to "Sickness" for their make or break match against 2nd placed Braunschweig:

        Bielefeld (WB). Die Voraussetzungen vor dem Zweitliga-Endspiel am Sonntag (15.30 Uhr) auf der Alm könnten unterschiedlicher nicht sein.


          If they win their next and final game, they will remain in the league, otherwise, they will probably relegate.


            Originally posted by Kian B. View Post
            If they win their next and final game, they will remain in the league, otherwise, they will probably relegate.
            Hopefully they will relegate with Hesl in goal


              Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
              Hopefully they will relegate with Hesl in goal
              Or survive with Davari in goal


                He messed up, made two crucial mistakes that probably will have Bielefeld relegated. So I totally understand the coach.


                  Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                  He messed up, made two crucial mistakes that probably will have Bielefeld relegated. So I totally understand the coach.
                  Yes he made mistakes, but the problem is that Hesl has been making mistakes all season long yet they put all the blame on Davari. What did they expect? A goalkeeper who hasn't played for almost a year and a half was going to come and singlehandedly save them from relegation with all that pressure?!


                    arminia bielifield won 6-0. And they are headlines around the world for this incredible speech their coach made prior to the game.

                    Hesl, Davari, Whatever, that was pretty damn motivating.


                      A. Bielefeld drew with Dynamo Dresden 1:1 to avoid relegation and retain a place in 2. Bundesliga next season. Hesl was in goal. Season review as per Liga Zwei:

                      "Who has disappointed?
                      Wolfgang Hesl and Daniel Davari are actually a solid goalkeeper, but in the past season, both phases developed into real uncertainty factors . Hesl - the number one until the 23rd day of the match - was taken out of the pits after Patzer and replaced by Davari, who beat both Stuttgart , Heidenheim and Fürth so hard that he did not belong to the squad in the remaining three season matches. Clearly, the DSC is looking for new staff for the goalkeeping position for the coming season."


                        Apparently Davari's contract ends next month, and I don't see Arminia re-signing him. It's possible he will join a 3rd division team as had been suggested here a few months ago, which is unfortunate. He was so close to making a comeback, but I think it's over for him. Some players just can't handle the pressure, and I guess that's how it goes. I don't think he did horribly, but the mistakes were enough for the coach and fans to turn on him. I honestly think he is better than Hesl or as good, and likely would have also prevented their relegation, but he won't get the glory sadly.

                        Poor Davari has had some hard luck, and I still hope he can make a rebound in his career.


                          Tbh, Davari should try playing in PGL. Better than playing in the third division, and he would likely be in a much more supportive environment with a chance at a comeback as well.


                            Originally posted by Kian B. View Post
                            Tbh, Davari should try playing in PGL. Better than playing in the third division, and he would likely be in a much more supportive environment with a chance at a comeback as well.
                            That's not a bad idea, if Biranvand goes to Europe, I wouldn't oppose Perspolis trying Davari for a season. We can finally see him with a respectable defense in front of him. Poor guy looked good when he played with a solid defensive line in front of him, but made a massive mistake going to Grasshopper when they went through a bad player transition and had soorakh defense. Arminia also is a weak team defensively.

                            Maybe a season with a strong IPL team could bring his confidence back and would help him learn Farsi.


                              Davari's contract with Arminia Bielefeld us up soon. He previously signed a pre-contract with Paderborn to join them in the 3rd division next season. However, as Paderborn was relegated from the 3rd division this season, his contract with them is void. He is now clubless:

                              "On the other hand, for the goalkeepers Wolfgang Hesl and Daniel Davari, as well as for Sebastian Schuppan, Steffen Lang and Manuel Junglas, the chapter Arminia might have done more. Manuel Hornig could be involved in the club work.

                              Davari is particularly hard hit. The keeper had already signed a contract with SC Paderborn - but only for the 3rd league. After the SCP's regional league withdrawal, the 29-year-old is now without a club."

                              Bielefeld(WB/dis/fwk). Die übermüdeten Arminia-Profis verabschiedeten sich nach ihrer  langen Partynacht am Montag in die Sommerpause. Einige flogen gemeinsam auf Mannschaftsfahrt. Ihr Ziel: Mallorca. Andere bleiben lieber zu Hause und lassen diese Saison erst einmal sacken.


                                Davari for PP, not a bad idea at all.

                                Lol at least if he comes to Iran he will actually have fans at the stadium, good food, pretty women, and a chance to play the game and shake off this bad stint and make a name for himself.

