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What are the chances that Payam Sadeghian will grow up and reach his potential?

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    What are the chances that Payam Sadeghian will grow up and reach his potential?

    Sorry to post another thread, but I was just thinking about how 2 years ago, I thought this kid was the new Ali Karimi. He is technically very gifted, and his horrible attitude has messed up his chances in clubs and TM.

    Do you guys think that as he gets older (currently 23 years old) he will mature as a person and be able to get over his childish behavior?

    Do you guys think he was overhyped, or is he deserving of the praise he gets as a top technical player in IPL?

    I sadly have only seen a handful of games from him, as he seems to be benched a lot on Persepolis, and now he is without a team.

    Do you think a move to Europe is possible for this guy, or are his career options done now due to his bad behavior, like Sheys Rezaei?

    lots of potential and possibilities, but to sum it up realistically a mid or even lower IPL table team will give him a chance and he will become an average player their. hopefully I'm wrong and he does mature up, but depends if you want to hope or be realistic.


      Originally posted by baba ab dad View Post
      lots of potential and possibilities, but to sum it up realistically a mid or even lower IPL table team will give him a chance and he will become an average player their. hopefully I'm wrong and he does mature up, but depends if you want to hope or be realistic.
      Do you, or anybody else, know what it is that Sadeghian specifically does to make himself so disliked in his teams? Is he just a douchebag to personnel, or does he refuse to train/show up? I feel like the games I've seen him play in for Persepolis, he actually had a lot of poise on the ball and speed. He is actually the perfect build for a CAM. It's just such a shame that he somehow poisons his environments. He is signed to the same Sports Agency as Pouraligangi, so maybe it's possible he can make a move to a lower team in Europe to try to earn his way up. Maybe not being in the luxury and comfort in Iran that he is used to may sober him up a bit and light a fire under his butt to stop doing whatever he is doing. I really think he had/has the potential to be TM's CAM of the future, but he's squandering it at the moment.


        The chances are very low.


          i personally dislike him because of exactly what you said, he can be exactly what team meli needs a speedy gifted young CAM to replace i,e shojai, but the thuggish mofo doesn't want to earn his praise and live up to it by doing the same thing alireza and sardar did, it takes a seriously motivated individual to leave iran and travel to i,e russia or second league team in europe and work hard to develop, his mentally weak and very big headed, he thinks real madrid are going to fly him to spain in a private jet, he was more gifted than SA and JB now his lucky his career isn't finished.


            If being kicked out from PP is not enough, then I don't know what is.


              No, and never a move to Europe. He prefers to be close to his mom, and Tataloo.


                He says he's sorry about his disappointing season with PP and he has got offers from IPL teams, Qatar, Japan, China, Slovakia and another good European team which is the one he's working on and may be finalized in the next few days.

                He says he will definitely not go to Qatar and if the European move does not materialize, he will go play for Mansourian in Naft [that will discipline him pretty quickly ]. He says he has no hard feelings toward Branko and PP and wishes them the best of luck and the only time he will return to PP is when he has been successful elsewhere and shown that he will not repeat his disappointing season in PP.

                It sounds like he's being more serious than before and has learnt his lesson. If that's the case, wish him the best of luck.

                Full interview:

                P.S. I think the country he's receiving the offer from is Belgium since they have players in both Chelsea and ManU.


                  how old is this fool now..??
                  simple aging has its own natural process of Maturing folks..! its especially accelerated process amongst youngsters..!!

                  but this kid has mokhy issues in addition to immaturity..!! dont see how thats gonna get better if First he doesnt come to term and accept he has asabi issues and seek professional help for it.?


                    What are the chances that Payam Sadeghian will grow up and reach his potential?

                    He would undoubtedly be among our top 5 most talented players of the moment but he's extremely immature and overly emotional.

                    We are really repeating ourselves now tho, and the day he decides to wake up from his madness is a great day for Iranian football.


                      unfortunately.......... very small, i had high hopes for him at the start of this season, another one that never was for iran and tm


                        after seeing a recent picture of him with a big tattoo on his left arm (which I had not see before), I know he is happy being a soosool and content with being where he is. no motivation to move up or even get better.

                        I would not call anyone out for just a tattoo if they have everything figured out, but when you go out of your way and try to look like a "football" player without having an ounce of on field or off field professionalism then you should stop calling yourself a football player. you are just a wanna be...
                        IRI = FAILED


                          What has he done to be disliked so much? Don't know the player, never watched him play, please provide me some real examples, I want to know what he did on the pitch to make him being disliked. Thank you.


                            Originally posted by mahestan View Post
                            What has he done to be disliked so much? Don't know the player, never watched him play, please provide me some real examples, I want to know what he did on the pitch to make him being disliked. Thank you.
                            he was banned 3 months for pushing referee

                            he has gotten into fights with several teammates

                            he smoked ghelyoon on tm omid trip to kish

                            he constantly has unprofessional behaviour

                            oh and also he is probably the most technically gifted player in iran since masoud or karimi, much more technical than AJ or Azmoun, which makes it even more sad, he doesn't realize his own potential, hopefully he gets his sht together and we don't have another karimi story of "what could have been"

                            but other than that, he is actually surprisingly a nice guy, met him couple times at persepolis restaurant in tehran, seemed pretty nice to me, he is just a lost kid, but certianly not a punk that people lable him to be


                              As a footballer you don't need to be Ibn Sina or Khayyam, all you have to do is be a little normal in the head. Sadeghian has the potential and talent to be our CAM, a position where we are in desperate need of a good player with football vision, passing, technique, dribble ea Sadeghian has these abilities, but he's unfortunately a bit mentally challenged it seems.

