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Alireza Jahanbakhsh @ AZ Alkmaar | 2015 - 2016

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    Originally posted by pdot View Post
    Karimi at his peak at Bayern was far better in every aspect compared to Jahanbakhsh. He was playing champions league football in one of the biggest clubs in the world and to get to that level you need hunger and ambition.

    The unfortunate thing about Karimi was his injury. He was no longer the same player after 28 and he could no longer be that player. He was already at the end of his career.
    That is not entirely true, to deny Karimi's reluctance in integrating into the new society is quite a bias job. Lack of passion for his career was the biggest obstacle hindering him from becoming a world class legend (Yes he could have definitely become a superstar legend) I remember his agent (Can't remember his name) used to say Karimi just doesn't love football and has little enthusiasm for it.

    Of course his injury took a toll on his career at peak, but even after the recovery he just wasn't as motivated anymore.


      Originally posted by Tehranto View Post
      This is such a widespread myth.

      He got injured, that's what ruined him at Bayern and subsequently the World Cup. For those of who kept up with his performances at Bayern, he was constantly beating out their stacked midfield and was starting for Magath. All under a fitness-loving lunatic like Magath, who I remember, said that this notion of Karimi being lazy was ludicrous and that he was a hard-worker.
      oh we all remembered those days very well and followed him every step of the way. Magath did like him despite his k00n goshadi but after 2 years he decided to hang up the boots and take the easy route to Al-soorakh leagues. He never learned German or cared to elevate his game. He was shy and just listened to his ipod instead of interacting with players. He could've went really far but didnt care to.


        Originally posted by KeonKish View Post
        We have nothing but our poor scouting and youth football teams to blame for karimi. Do you think such a player would be unnoticed in a European or footballing country? A country like Germany would have discovered him at a very young age and had him playing in the bundesliga at 17 and 18 years old. Don't blame karimi. Yes, he isn't the best professional like Kia, but our own system is at a large blame
        You're too young to remember probably. He was discovered by Atletico at a young age but he refused to go there because of money or some other reasons. That would've been a huge boost to his career if he took that route.

        We do have a shit scouting system but Karimi did have his chances. He had his chances at Bayern too. He was still good after the injury, but he simply didnt have the hunger and work ethic of people like Andranik, Nekunam, Mahdavikia, Hashemian and Daei. Part of it is because he is shy and growing up in Iran kids arent that ambitious so our players tend to take the easy route and not go all out. Similar to Haddadi in NBA and many others. Most our kids just dont have that drive when they grow up in Iran's k00n goshad system.


          Originally posted by EKBATAN View Post
          You're too young to remember probably. He was discovered by Atletico at a young age but he refused to go there because of money or some other reasons. That would've been a huge boost to his career if he took that route.
          We do have a shit scouting system but Karimi did have his chances. He had his chances at Bayern too. He was still good after the injury, but he simply didnt have the hunger and work ethic of people like Andranik, Nekunam, Mahdavikia, Hashemian and Daei. Part of it is because he is shy and growing up in Iran kids arent that ambitious so our players tend to take the easy route and not go all out. Similar to Haddadi in NBA and many others. Most our kids just dont have that drive when they grow up in Iran's k00n goshad system.
          I disagree with this part. Haddadi was not correctly built for modern NBA. If you watch the league, the days of 7'+ centers is long gone. Small ball is the name of the game, so I wouldn't attribute his lack of impact to laziness. He could have dominated in an era less reliant on fast transitional play like basketball has become in the last few years.

          When it comes to Karimi, he was lazy. There was the factor of injury and whatnot, but the guy was lazy, we can't deny that.

          But with guys like Sardar, Jahanbakhsh, Ezatollahi, Mohammadi, etc. leaving Iran in their early 20's to learn and improve, I see the "Iranians are lazy" as a load of boloney.

          Everywhere Iranians go, we take over all of the Doctor, lawyer, and engineering jobs. Don't lie to yourself and say that we are not ambitious or that we choose to take the easy route.

          Iranians are some of the hardest working people in the world in my mind. Of course with any population there are outliers. Karimi happened to not have the same ambitions as most other Iranians, so he never reached his true potential. That's all.


            Christian Santos speaks of his former team-mate Jahanbaksh in recent interview:

            "What are your specific qualities and in what position to get their best right?

            "I score very easily with my head. Not because I'm so tall, but my timing is good. Give me a good ball and it goes off target. Last year it was especially nice when Alireza Jahanbakhsh stood on the wing, we understood each other well. In addition, I can with a key in position a winger right-pass and thus speed up the game. I play myself prefer between the positions "nine" and "ten" in. Then you are difficult to cover and you're a little out of sight of the defenders. You can then utilize space and try to score. ""

            Christian Santos was de afgelopen twee jaar een van de belangrijkste smaakmakers in de Jupiler League en Eredivisie. De aanvaller van NEC kwam afgelopen winter in het nieuws toen hij zijn contract niet wilde verlengen en de clubleiding hem uit het eerste elftal haalde. Coach Ernest Faber kon zich echter niet vinden in dit besluit en stelde de Venezolaanse spits toch weer op. Komende zomer trekken zowel trainer als speler de Nijmeegse deur achter zich dicht. Voetbalzone greep de mogelijkheid aan met Santos te spreken, nu hij nog in Nederland is. Hij bleek een uiterst sympathieke jongen en vertelde openhartig. Vandaag het eerste deel van het tweeluik waarin hij vertelt over zijn specifieke kwaliteiten, zijn twee seizoenen bij NEC, de kans op de play-offs en zijn toekomst.Kun je wat vertellen over hoe je leven eruit ziet?“Ik woon alleen in Nijmegen en heb geen vriendin. Ik ben erg gefocust op voetbal en dan is het lastig om de juiste vrouw tegen te komen. De stad vind ik leuk, maar ik ben niet iemand die veel uitgaat. Ik train veel alleen en probeer het maximale uit mezelf te halen. In mijn vrije tijd trek ik veel op met Marcel Appiah, de rechtsback van NEC. We hebben nog samen gevoetbald bij Arminia Bielefeld. Mijn familie woont ook nog in Duitsland, op twee uurtjes afstand. Als zesjarig jongetje kwam ik met mijn gezin al over uit Venezuela.”Hoe waren de afgelopen twee seizoenen voor je?“Over het algemeen was de periode bij NEC heel mooi en met een flink aantal doelpunten. De manier waarop het Nederlands voetbal gespeeld wordt, past goed bij me. Het is erg technisch en tactisch en er wordt opgebouwd van achteruit. In België en zeker in Duitsland is het een stuk fysieker en wordt de lange bal veel meer gehanteerd. Dat past minder goed bij mij, want dan moet je constant vechten. Als het moet vecht ik voor iedere bal hoor, maar ik speel liever voetbal.”Wat zijn jouw specifieke kwaliteiten en op welke positie komen die het best tot hun recht?“Ik scoor erg makkelijk met mijn hoofd. Niet omdat ik zo lang ben, maar mijn timing is goed. Geef me een goede bal en hij gaat tussen de palen. Vorig jaar ging dat vooral lekker toen Alireza Jahanbakhsh op de flank stond, wij begrepen elkaar goed. Daarnaast kan ik met een key-pass direct een vleugelspeler in positie brengen en het spel daarmee versnellen. Ik speel zelf het liefst tussen de posities ‘negen’ en ‘tien’ in. Dan ben je lastig te dekken en ben je een beetje uit het zicht van de verdedigers. Je kunt dan te ruimte benutten en proberen te scoren.”Je vorige coach Glen de Boeck noemde je lui. Is je relatie met Ernest Faber beter?“Meen je dat, heeft hij dat gezegd? Haha, wat een onzin! Ik was daar juist een van de spelers die het meest trainde van allemaal! Ik denk dat hij dan niet gezien heeft hoeveel werk ik nog voor mezelf deed. Deze uitspraak is echt een verrassing voor me. Faber heeft me dit jaar een hoop geleerd over vooruitkijken. Over meteen de mogelijkheden zien als je de bal krijgt, opendraaien en tussen de linies spelen. Onze relatie was goed, hij gaf me veel vertrouwen en kwam voor me op. Daar ben ik hem dankbaar voor, want het was niet altijd gemakkelijk. Uiteindelijk is het gelukkig goed gekomen.”Wat verwacht je van Feyenoord-uit dit weekend, en de mogelijke play-offs?“Ik heb super veel zin in de wedstrijd van dit weekend. Het is zonde dat we het laatste duel verloren hebben tegen Roda JC, maar ik denk dat we zondag wat kunnen doen. We hebben een goede kans op de play-offs en een mogelijkheid op Europees voetbal. Ik wil graag nog een aantal extra wedstrijden spelen en proberen mijn doelpuntentotaal verder op te voeren. Hoe het team er volgend jaar uitziet is natuurlijk de vraag, maar we moeten er met elkaar voor gaan.”Is er een kans dat jij zelf volgend jaar nog bij NEC voetbalt?“Nee, dat is out of the question. Ik wil heel graag een nieuwe stap in mijn carrière maken, bij voorkeur in een betere competitie als Duitsland of Spanje. Mijn manager is hard aan het werk en heeft al gesproken met wat geïnteresseerde Spaanse clubs. Mijn carrière is pas laat op gang gekomen, maar ik ben niet iemand die opgeeft. Voor mijn eigen gevoel moet het allemaal nog gaan beginnen voor me. Daarom is het ook belangrijk om nu voor een club te kiezen waar ik ga spelen en een goed seizoen kan maken. Een Nederlandse topclub als Ajax? Daar lijkt het nu zeker niet op, maar je weet nooit hoe het loopt.”


              Serious rumors that Arsenal are after Janssen lol


                Originally posted by Z Joon View Post
                Serious rumors that Arsenal are after Janssen lol
                I have been a huge defender of Giroud but the guy has been useless recently and seems not give a damn. Personally, Janssen would be a decent shout.


                  Originally posted by Z Joon View Post
                  Serious rumors that Arsenal are after Janssen lol
                  He should stay another season in the Eredivisie, a transfer to the top of the Premier League would be way too early. Not to downgrade his performances, but becoming topscorer in the Eredivisie is easy and there are quite few players who flopped badly when they went to big leagues after they became Eredivisie topscorers. Alves, Van Wolfswinkel, Sightorsson, De Jong, Altidore etc.


                    FC Utrecht - AZ Alkmaar
                    Live stream:


                      AZ scores after 3 minutes


                        Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                        He should stay another season in the Eredivisie, a transfer to the top of the Premier League would be way too early. Not to downgrade his performances, but becoming topscorer in the Eredivisie is easy and there are quite few players who flopped badly when they went to big leagues after they became Eredivisie topscorers. Alves, Van Wolfswinkel, Sightorsson, De Jong, Altidore etc.
                        Bony eventually too, good for Swansea shit for Man City


                          Originally posted by Afat11 View Post
                          I disagree with this part. Haddadi was not correctly built for modern NBA. If you watch the league, the days of 7'+ centers is long gone. Small ball is the name of the game, so I wouldn't attribute his lack of impact to laziness. He could have dominated in an era less reliant on fast transitional play like basketball has become in the last few years.
                          When it comes to Karimi, he was lazy. There was the factor of injury and whatnot, but the guy was lazy, we can't deny that.
                          But with guys like Sardar, Jahanbakhsh, Ezatollahi, Mohammadi, etc. leaving Iran in their early 20's to learn and improve, I see the "Iranians are lazy" as a load of boloney.
                          Everywhere Iranians go, we take over all of the Doctor, lawyer, and engineering jobs. Don't lie to yourself and say that we are not ambitious or that we choose to take the easy route.
                          Iranians are some of the hardest working people in the world in my mind. Of course with any population there are outliers. Karimi happened to not have the same ambitions as most other Iranians, so he never reached his true potential. That's all.
                          Haddadi was definitely lazy, I still remember some of the aspects in his personality. Always took pics of kebabs on his Twitter, and had problems with his manager because he was koon goshad. I remember reading an article about the Grizzlies coach lashing out at him once in training once because he was the slowest out of everyone in some running drill and Haddadi responded by storming out of the session cursing under his breath.


                            AZ 2 - 0 Utrecht

                            Utrecht needs to score 5 goals now to kick AZ out of Europa league 3rd round qualification




                                Originally posted by Tehranto View Post
                                Beautiful comment. I will print it and hang it on my wall.

