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TM List- August 2015

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    Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
    اسامی بازیکنان :

    د ر وازه بان ها: علیرضا حقیقی، علیرضا بیرانوند، محمدرضا اخباری

    مدافعان: وریا غفوری، رامین رضاییان، محمد حسین کنعانی، پژمان منتظری، سید جلال حسینی، مرتضی پورعلی گنجی، میلاد محمدی، مهرداد قنبری

    بازیکنان میانی: آندرانیک تیموریان، امید ابراهیمی، سعید عزت اللهی ، خسرو حیدری، احسان حاج صفی ، اشکان دژاگه

    مهاجمان: مهدی ترابی، علیرضا جهانبخش، وحید امیری، امید عالیشاه، سردار آزمون و مهدی طارمی.

    1 Saeid Ezatollahi MF Rostov 1-Oct-96 19.15891742 19.16
    2 Sardar Azmoon FW Rostov 1-Jan-95 20.93268563 20.93
    3 Mehdi Torabi FW Saipa 10-Sep-94 21.2463567 21.25
    4 Mohammad Hossein Kanani D Malavan 23-Mar-94 21.72102706 21.72
    5 Milad Mohammadi D Rahahan 29-Sep-93 22.20680083 22.21
    6 Alireza Jahanbakhsh FW AZ Alkmaar 11-Aug-93 22.34281749 22.34
    7 Mohammadreza Akhbari GK Tractor 15-Feb-93 22.83414296 22.83
    8 Alireza Biranvand GK Naft 22-Sep-92 23.23941707 23.24
    9 Mehdi Taremi FW Perspolis 18-Jul-92 23.42262318 23.42
    10 Murteza Pouraliganji D Tianjin Teda 19-Apr-92 23.67244969 23.67
    11 Omid Alishah FW Perspolis 10-Jan-92 23.9500347 23.95
    12 Ramin Rezaeian D Perspolis 21-Mar-90 25.78209577 25.78
    13 Ehsan Hajsafi MF Sepahan 25-Feb-90 25.84871617 25.85
    14 Mehrdad Ghanbari D Zobahan 22-Nov-89 26.11242193 26.11
    15 Alireza Haghighi GK Rubin Kazan 2-May-88 27.69188064 27.69
    16 Vahid Amiri FW Naft 2-Apr-88 27.77515614 27.78
    17 Vouria Ghafoori D Sepahan 20-Sep-87 28.31644691 28.32
    18 Omid Ebrahimi MF Esteghlal 16-Sep-87 28.32755031 28.33
    19 Ashkan Dejagah MF Al Arabi 5-Jul-86 29.54337266 29.54
    20 Khosro Heidari MF Esteghlal 14-Sep-83 32.38861901 32.39
    21 Pejman Montazeri D Al Ahli 6-Sep-83 32.41082582 32.41
    22 Anranik Teymourian MF Umm Salal 6-Mar-83 32.92158223 32.92
    23 Seyed Jalal Hosseini D Naft 3-Feb-82 34.02081888 34.02
    595.8667592 595.87
    25.9072504 25.91

    7 young players from Olympic team. They most likely wont join Netherlands Camp
    Your age calculation are mostly messed up. Please fix them. I fixed first two for you. A quick look gave me at least 6 or 7 mistakes.

    Today is Aug 25 2015 so Ezattolahi is not 19 yet. His age is 18.898
    Sarder is not 20.93 years old but 20.4849.
    Torabi is not 21 years old yet but 20.956.

    You need to fix your excel file


      Looking at the names, this is one helluva pacey team. Alishah, Taromi, Hajsafi, Ghafoori, Mohammadi and JB means blistering pace when going forward.
      I doubt there'd be many Asian teams capable of dealing with this pace intensity. If only they keep control and stay focused.

      Keeping shojaei out not only helps the team's pace and movement, it also drastically and dramatically reduces the turnovers.

      The only thing in favor of Taromi versus Rezaei/Sharifi is his physique (height) and his long strides that help his starts and sprints.
      Rezaei has fantastic technique and control and for an average height, he does get up there and battle for aerial balls. he is also quite speedy. I don't think Taromi has this level of skills with the ball.
      Sharifi also is a ''proven'' player with two brilliant seasons that by any stretch of imagination ought to have ended in TM's squad.

      So why Taromi and not these two lads? One cannot deny the pp/ss factor and their (including their players') popularity and support from fans, media, and others that always have played a role.
      But there's also another factor. Among Azmoun, JB, Alishah, ... none are really tall, physical players who could rough it up with muscular defenders. At least on theory. I will reserve my judgment until I see him battle against better opposition teams' defenders the next round.


        Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post

        Keeping shojaei out not only helps the team's pace and movement, it also drastically and dramatically reduces the turnovers.
        I think it's unfair to blame Shojaei for that.

        I don't know why people are happy with Shojaei out while a player like Heydari who is even more past his prime is still included in every TM-List. He is simply a waste of a spot, and does not contribute to the team in any useful way. That is because his crosses don't work anymore, and he barely gives an assist as a RB. Shojaei is much more useful for the overall creativity of the team, and it was on full display when we didn't had him for the UAE game @ Asian Cup. His vision and pass distribution are essential. Shojaei is a true game changer when he plays his card right, and can win us games with a beautiful pass or goal from time to time. We will see how it will work out.


          Khosrow Heydari is certainly the weakest link on that list.


            With all our potential Attacking Mids/Playmakers being stopped from joining TM, our choices were very limited.

            Heydari has been playing well for EsEs in that position, is a known commodity for CQ, and is a veteran TM player. We can't just just completely shake things up in every position, it needs to be done piece by piece, which is why Heydari is invited (and he is needed at the moment, quite frankly).

            He brings that experience and leadership quality in a team that is getting fresher and younger. A team needs to keep a few seasoned players in times like these, which for us, they are Heydari, Hosseini, Montazeri, and Ando.


              Alishah deservedly gets the call. Hell yeah!


                Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                No Shojaei and Ansarifard

                Good Lord... what are we going to do without the scoring machine Ansarifard ?


                  Originally posted by Amin_ View Post
                  For the ones who can't read Farsi:




                  Pourali Ganji





                  Edit - Oh I see ST_Mark already updated his original post with the names written in English.

                  Good List for Guam and India, but our midfield is lacking a playmaker in a big way .. We need a replacement for Neko and there is no player who can step up to the task at the moment.


                    Originally posted by Ando Teymourian View Post
                    With all our potential Attacking Mids/Playmakers being stopped from joining TM, our choices were very limited.

                    Heydari has been playing well for EsEs in that position, is a known commodity for CQ, and is a veteran TM player. We can't just just completely shake things up in every position, it needs to be done piece by piece, which is why Heydari is invited (and he is needed at the moment, quite frankly).

                    He brings that experience and leadership quality in a team that is getting fresher and younger. A team needs to keep a few seasoned players in times like these, which for us, they are Heydari, Hosseini, Montazeri, and Ando.
                    good points, however if fit I believe Iman Mobali should be that seasoned player. Especially at a time when we are lacking good play makers.


                      I really like this selection. Young, talented, motivated and all enthusiastic to showcase their talents. Not to mention all these lads have already proven their merit in their respective clubs. These guys are indeed the future of our football, with time, good coaching and football fans patience, they will soon turn into great players.

                      As much as I like Shojaei and Ansarifard, but in all fairness, both these guys may not be match-fit as one still is clubless, while the other barely got any playing chance in the last football season with Osasuna, and everytime he did, he just wasn't able to impress, nor did he score a single goal which definitely has a lot to do with his weakened confidence. Let's give him some time to mesh will with his new team in Greece and see if he will hopefully regain his good form (Which has been quite a long time now)

                      I think you folks are quite harsh on Khosro Heydari, well at least thus far into the new season he has been performing way better than his last season.

                      I think we should give this young team some time and avoid criticizing the new selection and let CQ work with the new comers and gel them well with the veterans and fingers crossed down the road it will pay off!


                        people complain about lack of player maker and leave it at that.
                        What player maker do we have that Carlos has missed? .. ..

                        Taremi, exactly the type of forward Carlos wants.


                          Originally posted by Ando Teymourian View Post
                          With all our potential Attacking Mids/Playmakers being stopped from joining TM, our choices were very limited.

                          Heydari has been playing well for EsEs in that position, is a known commodity for CQ, and is a veteran TM player. We can't just just completely shake things up in every position, it needs to be done piece by piece, which is why Heydari is invited (and he is needed at the moment, quite frankly).

                          He brings that experience and leadership quality in a team that is getting fresher and younger. A team needs to keep a few seasoned players in times like these, which for us, they are Heydari, Hosseini, Montazeri, and Ando..
                          Hosseini, Montazeri, and Ando have been playing consistently well for TM and fully deserve the call up, while Heydari has been consistently disappointing. He can play his heart out and shine in IPL but When it comes to TM and international competition he has been very weak to say the least and most likely will continue to do so.

                          Lets see how he performs in these two games. If there is no improvement, and considering his age, keeping him in TM any longer would really be unfair to those young and hungry replacements.


                            its no secret in here that overall i rate Heydari's heads up game and his ability to combine well with teammates on the RW for TM ..!
                            but since his return from his long injury layoff, he has been only a shade of his old self and has been for most part dragging ass in TM games of late...!! if his current club form is good then for me he still deserves a spot as RW cover and for his experience and full knowledge of CQ's system of play..!!
                            the only thing is that i fear CQ is planning to again use him as a make-shift CM/AM like the last WCQ..!!?
                            besides his good understanding of the triangle play and decent combination skills, he has nothing more to qualify him as CM/AM player..!!
                            He simply lacks the needed vision, field awareness and necessary poise in possession and just in general seems Lost and Uncomfortable in the Middle of the pitch (Just a square peg in the round hole) and to move him in the middle where he clearly isnt comfortable, is gonna make him look very bad as player, which he certainly is not.!
                            his struggles as playmaker was blatantly evident in the Turkmenistan game and ill be very disappointed if he is tried there again, be it vs weak opposition.

                            i'd much rather trying Omid Ebrahimi there..!! another rare, heads-up domestic footballer who certainly combines well and shows up nicely for the ball and gives ball carriers good passing outlet and he has a pretty deft, quality touch on his long passes and also has a strong outside shots..! but like mobali, he is bit too undersized and can be muscled and bullied too easily..!

                            from this invited lot, i think our best bet for a make-shift AM/CM would be Ashkan ..!
                            he clearly has the brute force, physicality, silky smooth passing and trickery on the ball and pretty decent vision and poise in possession ..!
                            just needs a bit of adaptation time in the new role and must improve his decision making speed and avoid ball hogging for too long..!!
                            The best part, by moving Dejagha to the middle, that will open up the opportunity for ARJ to step into the starting line-up as a RWinger, opposite of Amiri and that will give us plenty of pace and quality down both attacking wings and the center with Azmoun and Ashkan right behind him ..!!
                            Narimanjahan and young AKarimi seemed promising youngsters for future TM, AM position too..!!? Not sure why they got looked over..?? probably cause ran outa spots and had to be sacrificed to make room for others..!!?

                            tbfair, i havent seen too many games from Alishah but from the little ive seen cant say been too impressed..!!
                            comes across to me as a typical IPL footballist, khar-dough but kheengo sarpayinni ..!
                            probably got the nod from CQ as recognition of his immense effort levels and never-dying intensity on the pitch for PP in recent times ..!!? generally woulda preferred Sharifi to him, but i dont believe either is Starting material and we do need more cover depth options on the Left side, hence choosing Alishah over Sharifi perhaps made some sense??

                            I do like Taromi ...!
                            his game still needs much more polishing and fine-tuning but he shows good potential for it and he is still quiet young..!!
                            I especially like his Big frame and Gholdory approach towards goal and the fact that he adds a Varying dimension to our current first choice attack line..!!


                              Maybe we could use Hajsafi or Dejagah in the play making position, would be cool to try out.

                              * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


                                When will they start the training??

