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Ehsan Hajsafi

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    inja hame Transfer ha ke 100% shodeo montasher mikone, inja ham khabari az Ehsan nist. vaghan nemifahmam irania chera enghadr shaye'e dorost mikonan


      KC is in sky now! KC, ham velayatit raft Alman!


        man shomaharo nemifahmam. umadid inja shulughesh kardid vali hich site rasmi almani in mozuro taid nakarde !!!!


          Both Faraki and Sepahan CEO confirmed the transfer to FSV.


            dar alman khabari az Ehsan Hajsafi & FSV Frankfurt nist !!!!!!!

            Ehsan Hajsafi, 35, aus Iran ➤ AEK Athen, seit 2021 ➤ Linker Verteidiger ➤ Marktwert: 400 Tsd. € ➤ * 25.02.1990 in Kashan, Isfahan, Iran



              PFDC, a reliable source of Iranian football has confirmed it.


                Originally posted by GolfePersique View Post
                PFDC, a reliable source of Iranian football has confirmed it.
                persianfootball in kabaro az koja dare? az varzeshe3 ???
                man fekr konam ghabl az in hame shayeye bayad tu khode alman bashgahe FSV Frankfurt in khabaro taid kone hich khabari nist !
                inam az Site rasmi FSV Frankfurt ke inja ham khabari az Ehsan nist
                Persianfootball ba montashere in shayeye etebare khodesho neshun nemide balke bayad sabr kone ta in khabar rasman elam beshe.
                midunam beyne ma irania enteghad gheyre ghabele ghabule va shayad baz mano delete konan. vali harfe man kamelan manteghiye !!


                  i will believe when a proper source agree to it


                    Moafagh bash Ehsan Hajsafi!


                      Well they won today as previously mentioned. They have a good mix of youth and experience. Besar Halimi scored today, and is one of their good young players on loan from Mainz. They have pretty nice kits aswell.


                        Originally posted by babak_iran View Post
                        He signed a 2 year contract today. His team also beat St.Pauli 1-0 today and he watched the game from the sidelines.

                        Can you create the Mehdi Sharifi @ Rapid Wien 2015-2016 thread please?


                          Formerly known as Persianking!
                          Follow me @


                            Damn still no single confirmation from German sources...Haha
                            Well it should be on FSV website tomorrow morning definately.


                              Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
                              Can you create the Mehdi Sharifi @ Rapid Wien 2015-2016 thread please?
                              his transfer is not finalized. i highly doubt sharifi will make a move this season.


                                Originally posted by Persianking View Post
                                Regarding to that dude Bagherian advising Hajsafi to stay as "he is too good and deserves a better league" - I hope we seriously stop with this nonsense attitude and get off our high horse - players, fans and management. Not that I disagree or doubt his quality, actually I have much faith in our talents - but if he is good enough then he will simply prove it and move to a better team/league next year. Thanks to the contract Hajsafi could follow his own wish, else this Bagherian guy would have destroyed one of our most promising talents!

                                Overall 2. Bundesliga is a better league than PGL, even if some don’t want to accept it, and the chances of receiving a better offer through a good showing are MUCH much higher there. Take the first chance to get out of Iran, and then PROVE how good you are - the rest is just talking. Ansarifard is the prime example how it should not be.
                                Whoever thinks PGL is better than Budesliga 2 must be insane.

