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Ehsan Hajsafi

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    Originally posted by Abtin View Post
    He will return to Iran to take part in the wcq games:
    Not sure this makes sense. CQ should have let him stay in Frankfurt to familiarize himself with the team and city. That's best for him and for TM in the long run.


      Originally posted by GoIran View Post
      One of his teammates is a Lebanese defender who has only 2 caps for his country. Hajsafi is too good to play for a team that's main aim is to stay up in the second division in Germany.
      You are right. He chose this club so he can get enough play and show his skills. Ali Daei and Karim Bagheri both started with Aminia Bielefeld while they were at top form in late 90s.

      Ehsan should have transferred to Europe years ago. I feel a little lack of confidence in him for choosing this team. He might want to make sure he would stand out alone in team, so he can sign better deals next season.


        Finally somebody making sense

        ج صفي كاملا حرفه*اي استچرخابی:سپاهان بايد به حاج صفی افتخار كند
        به گزارش طوفان زرد،حسين چرخابي در گفت*وگویی درباره پيوستن احسان حاج صفي به ليگ دسته دوم آلمان، اظهاركرد: متاسفانه كشورهاي پيش رفته فوتبال بر خلاف سال*هاي قبل كمتر از بازيكنان ايراني استفاده مي*كنند. بدون شك چند بازيكن محدود در ليگ برتر هستند كه شايسته حضور در تيم*هاي اروپايي هستند.
        وي افزود: يكي از كساني كه در اين چند سال نمودار پيش رفت او رو به بالا بود احسان حاج صفي است. اين بازيكن كاملا حرفه*اي است و تمام اصول حرفه*اي را رعايت مي*كند. يكي از مهمترين دلايلي كه يك بازيكن، حرفه*اي مي*شود دوري كردن او از حاشيه*ها است كه حاج صفي در طول دوران بازي خود از حاشيه دوري كرد و اصلا ياد ندارم كه اين بازيكن اخراج شده باشد.
        اين كارشناس فوتبال تصريح*كرد: اعتقاد دارم حاج صفي كار درستي را انجام داده است و حرف يك عده كه مي*گويند در شان او نبود كه در ليگ دوم آلمان بازي كند را قبول ندارم. حاج صفي به اين ترتيب در فوتبال آلمان ديده مي*شود به شرطي كه حاج صفي در آلمان دو برابر كار كند و از حاشيه دوري كند.
        چرخابي ادامه داد: اگر حاج صفي اين اصول را رعايت كند مطمئن باشيد كه سال آينده به يكي از تيم*هاي معتبر بوندس ليگاي آلمان خواهد پيوست.
        وي گفت: سپاهان بايد افتخار كند كه يكي از بازيكنان با وفايش به فوتبال آلمان پيوسته است. سپاهان بايد چشمان خود را باز كند كه اين بازيكن چگونه رشد كرده است. بنده ۵۰ سال در فوتبالم و ۳۰ سال معلم ورزش در مناطق محروم بودم.
        اين كارشناس فوتبال با بيان اينكه هر دو باشگاه سپاهان و ذوب آهن در انتخاب بازيكنان رده*هاي سني پايين اشتباه كار مي*كنند، اظهاركرد: اين دو باشگاه بايد در چهار نقطه اصفهان مربيان كارآزموده خود را اعزام كنند و با گرفتن تست و نه ثبت نام به هر شكل، بازيكنان تراز اول را به آكادمي خود بفرستند.
        چرخابي خاطرنشان*كرد: بازيكنان خوب اكثرا از مناطق محروم هستند كه پول ثبت نام در مدارس فوتبال را ندارند به همين دليل اگر مراكز استعداديابي داشته باشيم و حتي امكانات رايگان در اختيار آنان قرار دهيم مطمئن باشيد كه ده*ها حاج صفي و نويدكياها از دل همين كودكان مناطق محروم بيرون خواهد آمد.
        وي گفت: براي مثال حسين پاپي از همين مناطق محروم به فوتبال اصفهان معرفي شد. بنابراين سپاهان و ذوب آهن بايد مراكز استعدايابي در اين مناطق داشته باشند و به طور رايگان با اين بازيكنان كار كن


          good move, i still believe bundesliga 2, is a good league, better than iran for sure


            Originally posted by AminGP View Post
            Whoever thinks PGL is better than Budesliga 2 must be insane.
            Completely delusional would be a more appropriate term.


              btw does anybody know what happened to Ali hazami??


                actually it's good that Queiroz has nominated him for the WCQ. We need every strength to get vital points
                TEAM MELLI UNTIL THE END


                  Originally posted by kia View Post
                  ج [SIZE=5]صفي كاملا حرفه*اي استچرخابی:سپاهان بايد به حاج صفی افتخار كند
                  I went to a football school 20 years ago in Esfahan for 3 months and If I remember correctly Charkhabi was one of the coaches there.


                    Originally posted by AminGP View Post
                    I went to a football school 20 years ago in Esfahan for 3 months and If I remember correctly Charkhabi was one of the coaches there.
                    You are right. Charkhabi has been coaching at different levels in Esfahan for years.


                      Originally posted by Ali.Karimi79 View Post
                      dude don't exaggerate
                      lol is it just me? he's always struck me as the wrestler type. maybe it's his stature

                      S - E - C - U - L - A - R - I - S - M


                        Originally posted by Team Melli Fan View Post
                        lol is it just me? he's always struck me as the wrestler type. maybe it's his stature
                        He is a muscular footballer, although due to his height I would not call him a wrestler.

                        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                        AKP Parti, Turkiye - Haj Bernie Sandersoglu


                          Originally posted by AminGP View Post
                          I went to a football school 20 years ago in Esfahan for 3 months and If I remember correctly Charkhabi was one of the coaches there.
                          Yeah he even discovered Abedzadeh at Tom FC. He has been training 4 generations of footballers. A very nice guy indeed. He lived on Ferdowsi St.


                            i think Ehsan is gonna find BL2 plenty challenging enough ..!! there or English championship are just about his max level, as far as im concerned ..!!
                            i dont care fk he's done in PGL, internationally he hasnt really proven deserving of attracting any better EU league..!!
                            had he done so as many of you claim, he woulda gotten some serious offers by now..!! simple as that..!!(it certainly hasnt been for lack of exposure..!! considering his high number of Caps in TM shirt..!)

                            not saying he is a bad player, just saying he aint all that either internationally..!! at one time he was really good for his young age, but he aint that young anymore and can't say ive seen much improvements to his game either over the past 4-5 years..!
                            he is just that RARE, versatile Lefty player who has benefited greatly from lack competent competition for his LEFT Side spot in TM over the recent years and racked up an impressive number of international Caps as a result..!!


                              Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
                              i think Ehsan is gonna find BL2 plenty challenging enough ..!! there or English championship are just about his max level, as far as im concerned ..!!
                              i dont care fk he's done in PGL, internationally he hasnt really proven deserving of attracting any better EU league..!!
                              had he done so as many of you claim, he woulda gotten some serious offers by now..!! simple as that..!!(it certainly hasnt been for lack of exposure..!! considering his high number of Caps in TM shirt..!)

                              not saying he is a bad player, just saying he aint all that either internationally..!! at one time he was really good for his young age, but he aint that young anymore and can't say ive seen much improvements to his game either over the past 4-5 years..!
                              he is just that RARE, versatile Lefty player who has benefited greatly from lack competent competition for his LEFT Side spot in TM over the recent years and racked up an impressive number of international Caps as a result..!!
                              He needed such a move to improve. I think it's why he stopped improving. He will be a great player, he is fit, injury free, versatile. We will see if he plays as a winger or a midfielder, should be interesting.

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                              AKP Parti, Turkiye - Haj Bernie Sandersoglu


                                If not mentioned earlier, he will wear Nr.3 just as in the national team.

