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Iran - India player marks

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    Iran - India player marks

    Haghighi 6

    Hajsafi - 6
    Hosseini - 6
    Montazeri - 7
    Heydari - 4

    Teymourian - 7
    Ebrahimi - 6
    Amiri - 6
    Dejagah - 3 (Total flop, sorry)

    Taremi - 7
    Azmoun - 7


    Ezzatollahi - 7
    Pouraliganji - 5
    K. Rezaei - 6

    Haghighi - 5 (didnt do anything so i dont know if we should rate him he had no shot against himself xD)

    Hajsafi - 7
    Hosseini - 6
    Montazeri - 6
    Heydari - 1

    Teymourian - 6
    Ebrahimi - 6
    Amiri - 6
    Dejagah - 4

    Taremi - 7
    Azmoun - 7


    Ezzatollahi - 7
    Pouraliganji - 5
    K. Rezaei - 5


      Haghighi - 7

      Hajsafi - 7
      Hosseini - 7
      Montazeri - 7
      Heydari - 2

      Teymourian - 7.5
      Ebrahimi - 6
      Amiri - 6.5
      Dejagah - 3

      Taremi - 7.5
      Azmoun - 7


      Ezzatollahi - 7
      Pouraliganji - 5
      K. Rezaei - 6


        when will the highlight be available I missed the game
        Well I been away for a while!!!


          Haghighi - 6 - should've punched out some corners

          Hajsafi - 7 - good work rate & almost had a goal with the free kick
          Hosseini - 7 - solid
          Montazeri - 6 - a bit slow on the offensive side
          Heydari - 7 - decent crosses

          Teymourian - 8 - nice volley, decent performance in the middle
          Ebrahimi - 8 - solid defensive mid
          Amiri - 6 - not his best game, bad crosses but i like him
          Dejagah - 5 - gave up possession a lot and had awful finishes, but distribution was ok

          Taremi - 8 - one stupid scorpion kick in the first half but good hustle on the 2nd goal for the assist
          Azmoun - 9 - great headers again and he distributed well in the beginning of the 2nd half


          Ezatolahi - 9 - this kid is a promising midfielder, great curler at the end that almost went in
          Pouraliganji - 7 - didn't see much of him
          K. Rezaei - 8 - good passing

          S - E - C - U - L - A - R - I - S - M


            Guys, if you do your ratings quickly, I will include the average of the ratings for each player with my article on the match - call it "PFDC Average Player Ratings" or something and we can do it for each match going forward.


              I think some people are having the last 30 minutes of Ashkan's game reflect his full performance. The guy was our most lively player in the first half, and if anyone notices, he is the only player who moves towards the ball for passes. So, he is running almost end to end the full game. The guy was gassed at the end, and I will admit that you could tell, but our good friend Sardar also disappeared in the same timeframe. Ashkan was just getting more touches because he was the player linking defense to offense.

              People can have their opinions, but I think people are just overly reacting to him overly losing the ball in the latter parts of the game. The guy basically dribbled the ball himself, gave a nice cross to Taremi who passed it to Ando for our 2nd goal. The guy was gassed, and missed 2 sitters, but #1, he is a right footer, and both balls laid to him were on his weaker foot side. #2, the guy was gassed. Go back and watch the game, and see how deep back Ashkan was coming to help turn the ball onto counter attacks. If any of you can be an end-to-end midfielder for a full 90 and not get gassed, then you should apply for TM. The guy worked hard for our TM today, and seriously, you people are sadists if you don't think the guy did admirably overall. A 3, really? Sickening. We don't deserve nice things. The guy is a true playmaker and hustles, and misses 2 sitters for obvious reasons, and is in the box trying to shoot, unlike some people who can't make up their f**ing mind when they get the ball in a good position. Again, somebody run as much as Ashkan has in the last 5 days, and let me have you take some shots on your weak foot side and see how you fare.

              We saw how our team plays without Ashkan against Turkmenistan. We are a stronger team and tend to score more goals when he is playing. If people want to ignore that, then go ahead. I guarantee that when he is not injured, he is in CQ's TM plans for years to come, so it doesn't matter what meaningless ratings some biased people give.

              Instead of noting how hard a player worked and being rational for a players mistakes in an overall good performance, we have fans who pick a couple of mistakes near the end to hate on the guy for. I hope we bring Nouri and Shojaei back as CAM combo for all of you rating Dejagah a 3. We'll see how often they link the ball from defense to attack. The reason we play Aliasgari more without Dejagah playing is our other CAM's don't come back for passes and move the ball forward, so our defense is forced to repeatedly try to air the balls to our forward line.

              tl;dr: Dejagah played admirably, with many nice passes. Missed 2 sitters in the 85+ minute, and now he is our worst player.


                Haghighi - 5 Too hesitant on his one play

                Hajsafi - 7 Good as always
                Hosseini - 6 Seemed slow
                Montazeri - 5 Slow and too relaxed
                Heydari - 1 Worst TM starter I can think of in the last 10 years. This game was like the rest

                Teymourian - 6 sloppy at times
                Ebrahimi - 5 bad touches
                Amiri - 7 great dribbles
                Dejagah - 5 good moves, but slow execution and decision making

                Taremi - 6 same as Ashkan with fewer mistakes and a goal
                Azmoun - 7 good


                Ezzatollahi - 6 seemed good, to few minutes to really judge
                Pouraliganji - 6 same
                K. Rezaei - 6 same
                راه یکی است و آن راستی است


                  Haghighi 6 (wasn't really tested apart from on corners)

                  Hajsafi - 6 (almost scored a few times, definitely had better games though)
                  Hosseini - 8 (this guy is still a brick wall)
                  Montazeri - 8 (helped alot defensively)
                  Heydari - 4 (awful as usual)

                  Teymourian - 8 (great performance, started the scoring momentum which lead to Taremi goal)
                  Ebrahimi - 7 (good defensive mid)
                  Amiri - 5 (poor crossing)
                  Dejagah - 2 (wtf is this)

                  Taremi - 7 (1 goal 1 assist, although he made a few mistakes)
                  Azmoun - 9 (amazing on set-pieces)


                  Ezzatollahi - 7
                  Pouraliganji - 5
                  K. Rezaei - 6


                    Haghighi - 6 - Did not do much BUT needed to be more aggressive during the corners.

                    Hajsafi - 7 - Good. Created opportunities and did not waste as many shots as last game. Showed defensive skills as well
                    Hosseini - 7 Good overall. Almost had a header on the corner.
                    Montazeri - 5 - Slowed down the pace of things. Decent defensive work.
                    Heydari - 4 - Many bad decisions but started to perform better before he got subbed out.

                    Teymourian - 8 - Great. Helped the movement forward. assisted Azmoun on the set piece and scored.
                    Ebrahimi - 7 - Very good.
                    Amiri - 6 - Started off decent in the first half but picked things up. Created opportunities.
                    Dejagah - 5 - He controlled many of the plays and brought the ball forward. Great in the first half. Second half, he let the aggravation of missing get to him and wasted way too many goal opportunities. Not his best day.

                    Taremi - 8 - Great assist to Ando and nice goal. Could have easily hesitated and missed.
                    Azmoun - 9 - Awesome.


                    Ezzatollahi - 7 - Great. Very promising and shot was nice very close. Great confidence and I liked his attitude during that fight lol. His size will help in many situations.
                    Pouraliganji - 5 - Did not get the opportunity to do much.
                    K. Rezaei - 6 - Great pace and brought the ball forward.


                      Love watching Azmoun play, hope he works on his stamina. Ashkan is a very smart player however unfortunately he can not last 90 minutes and thats why he was awful in the last 15-20 mins.
                      چو ایران نباشد تن من مباد
                      We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                        Haghighi 0

                        Hajsafi - 0
                        Hosseini - 0
                        Montazeri - 0
                        Heydari - 5

                        Teymourian - 6
                        Ebrahimi - 5
                        Amiri - 6
                        Dejagah - 3

                        Taremi - 7
                        Azmoun - 7


                        Ezzatollahi - 10
                        Pouraliganji - 0
                        K. Rezaei - 0


                          How many times I have to say this "Heydari is not TM material" period.


                            Haghighi - 3 (not solid, need to work on his exists)
                            Hajsafi - 6.5 (worked hard in his LB position and help Amiri on offence a lot. Jore team ro keshid)
                            Hosseini - 4.5 (could do a lot better in defense, specially when Indian team were losing ball on their attacks. Instead of kicking the ball to the air he could control it and pass it to Hajsafi/Amiri for a counter attack.)
                            Montazeri - 5 (was not bad but had few errors specially losing his cool and fighting with the Indian player, he should learn from Pooladi's mistakes, he is veteran)
                            Heydari - 1 (Other than a single clear pass in the front which was wasted by our forwards he was totally useless as usual)

                            Teymourian - 6 (was good in the MF and helped the team up front, but got carried away with few aimless shot in the air when he could either pass the ball or move closer to the goal, I expect a lot more in leading position from him. Today Ashkan was our leader in the pitch)
                            Ebrahimi - 4 (less effective compared to his great performance in SS. He didn't have a good day)
                            Amiri - 5.5 (Was quiet active in LW but his passing need to be more accurate not right above goal keeper head. He should aim for 3 to 4 meters distance from goal keeper)
                            Dejagah - 6.5 (Despite other fans' opinions, I think Ashkan is experiencing a new role as CMF and he needs time to adjust himself. He was very active around the pitch and was a push toward Indian goal all the time. He needs to work on his finishing just like Ando. He wasted 2 good opportunities but I think he was our major force in center pushing the team forward. He shows more leading skills compared to Ando. He was leading our team today)
                            Taremi - 6 (was not great at first half but became better in second half and scored a goal. He should sync with other players in front to became a more effective player. I like that he didn't dive today)
                            Azmoun - 9 (He was great in 70 min, he broke the lock on Indian goal, ran and passed the ball very good. If our wingers were more accurate in their passing he could score 2 or 3 more goals, our boy is getting mature now. Hopefully he wont get cocky and lose himself in the process)

                            Ezzatollahi - 5 (Physically good player and great on air battle for possession of the ball, needs to work on his former strength of deep long passing and shot on target. His shots are not strong enough. Overall decent)
                            Pouraliganji - 4.5 (not bad, needs to work more on gaining the ball without committing fouls or getting unnecessary cards)
                            K. Rezaei - 3 (didn't play enough to judge but in his 15 min playing was invisible, I expect much more from a person like him)


                              Today Sardar scored his 38th goal in his 40th appereance for Iran (all age groups combined).
                              For the A-NT it was his 8th goal in his 12th appereance.
                              What a player.

