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Iran - India player marks

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    Also this myth that some supporters have about Ezzatolahi and that he shouldnt play for us cuz his only playing experience was in an semipro league in spain, this performance disproves that theory. Also for all those esghe America ppl , they have a COLLEGE player, playing for them vs brazil right now. He plays for standford, and he is consistently in U.S squads. Just sayin


      Originally posted by ehsan singapore View Post
      i agreee, is funny ppl say taremi is good, you remmber how many he miss against guam, also gucci is more experience,remmber him in asian cup, taremi can be a good sub player, but not a starter
      you know whats funny? when u kept bashing taremi and saying he he sucks and isnt good during the guam game then he scored 2. scored 1 today and assisted 1. he sure is a good player. lets not bash players when they are playing well for our national team.


        Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
        Also this myth that some supporters have about Ezzatolahi and that he shouldnt play for us cuz his only playing experience was in an semipro league in spain, this performance disproves that theory. Also for all those esghe America ppl , they have a COLLEGE player, playing for them vs brazil right now. He plays for standford, and he is consistently in U.S squads. Just sayin
        lowkey he is really good! has scored very important goals for us! one for the future. ( said us because i support both Team Meli and Team USA.. dont shoot me )


          Overall Team rating: Below expectation

          Haghighi - looked as though he hasn't been playing for some time
          Hajsafi - Did well, but at times just too much ball hugging
          Hosseini - Solid defender. I have come to the conclusion that Zir e toop is in his blood. He can't change! But that is okay.
          Montazeri - Good defender, but at times hesitant and not quick to pass the ball.
          Heydari - Just horrible. He should be dropped.
          Teymourian - I would have liked to say the engine of the team, but may be just a bit short. He commits too many unnecessary fouls.
          Ebrahimi - poor first touches .. not sure if he can cut it as our man in the middle of the park.
          Amiri - He is starting to get on my nerves. Too much movement with the ball and then nothing! no wonder Naft is not doing well..
          Dejagah - He has had better days. CQ should know when to sub him
          Taremi - Great forward. Hustles all the time and knows the way to the net.
          Azmoun - A bit Nazok Narengi, but a good goal scorer. He needs to be become a man soon.

          Ezzatollahi - Some sparks. Perhaps more playing time is what he needs. We will see..
          Pouraliganji - Chinese league has not done good things to him.
          K. Rezaei - needs more playing time for sure. TM is a different place than ZobAhan.


            Originally posted by saadat_abad View Post
            lowkey he is really good! has scored very important goals for us! one for the future. ( said us because i support both Team Meli and Team USA.. dont shoot me )
            for all those esghe america ppl. And then they show up. Lol. so in a matchup between USA and I.R Iran who would you support? Who did u support in france wc? just curious


              Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
              for all those esghe america ppl. And then they show up. Lol. so in a matchup between USA and I.R Iran who would you support? Who did u support in france wc? just curious

              Established in March 2015... I'm smelling another troll. Right after Asian Cup, a lot of these antagonists have popped up on PFDC. People can support 2 teams bro. Iran and USA play each other once every 50 years it seems, and you are asking a guy on PFDC, who is regular poster, if he supports Iran or USA more?

              You know the answer, you're just trolling.

              I support many teams. One in Europe, one in South America, even one in Africa. That way, I can enjoy international football year-round, by following the team I support. It doesn't make me or anyone else less of a TM fan than you. If that were the case, and you were the be-all-end-all of TM fans, you would have joined this forum in 2004. Don't disrespect members who have provided much more positive content to this website, and don't ask questions meant to antagonize and start a fight.

              The other member was not rude to you, why are you questioning his allegiance to TM?


                He even wrote IR Iran instead of Iran. Shows what his agenda is.

                S - E - C - U - L - A - R - I - S - M


                  Hajsafi - 6
                  Hosseini - 6,3
                  Montazeri - 5,5
                  Heydari - 5

                  Teymourian - 7
                  Ebrahimi - 7,5
                  Amiri - 6
                  Dejagah - 6,5

                  Taremi - 7
                  Azmoun - 8


                  Ezzatollahi - 7
                  Pouraliganji - 6
                  K. Rezaei - 5,5


                    Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
                    for all those esghe america ppl. And then they show up. Lol. so in a matchup between USA and I.R Iran who would you support? Who did u support in france wc? just curious
                    lol first of all, dont generalize people. just like Afat said i have many teams i support, that way i can enjoy watching football. to answer ur question .. i was pretty young and was not following soccer as i am today so i was not supporting either.


                      guys calm down i was just wondering . I really don't care at all, even if he did support the U.S. I have been living in U.S for a long time. They have done many great thing with their national team, and they actually have a good blueprint to follow for Iran in terms of organization, getting friendlies, etc. sorry if i offended anybody.
                      I was just joking with saadat abad in a sarcastic way. Sorry if anybody misinterpreted it.


                        Originally posted by AriaHass View Post
                        Hajsafi - 6
                        Hosseini - 6,3
                        Montazeri - 5,5
                        Heydari - 5

                        Teymourian - 7
                        Ebrahimi - 7,5
                        Amiri - 6
                        Dejagah - 6,5

                        Taremi - 7
                        Azmoun - 8


                        Ezzatollahi - 7
                        Pouraliganji - 6
                        K. Rezaei - 5,5
                        Are you the son of Alireza Jahanbakhsh his agent?


                          Originally posted by IranPowned View Post
                          Are you the son of Alireza Jahanbakhsh his agent?


                            ^I am Ahmadi Nejad's father. Nice to meet you.


                              Originally posted by IranPowned View Post
                              Are you the son of Alireza Jahanbakhsh his agent?

                              Originally posted by AriaHass View Post



                                :P :P :P

