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TM Ratings

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    TM Ratings

    Taremi 2.5
    Dejagah 5
    Ando 5
    Jalal 8
    Montazeri 6
    Haghighi 6
    Azmoun 6
    Voria 7
    Hajsafi 7
    Ebrahimi 6
    Amiri 7



      i dont know about individual players however we were AWFUL today.
      Dejaghah was out of control and on may occasions put the team in danger of playing with a man down.
      This is the second consecutive game wher Dejaghah is playing UPSET, MAD out of character.
      As a team we had no plans, especially on the offensive part of the half.




          Taremi 4
          Dejagah 5
          Ando 5
          Jalal 8
          Montazeri 5
          Haghighi 4
          Azmoun 5
          Voria 4
          Hajsafi 4
          Ebrahimi 5
          Amiri 6


            -5 overall


              I give the offensive line a 1, the midfield a 1, the defense a 4 (Montazeri and Hosseini were decent, but Hajsafi and Ghafouri bring the score down), and Haghighi a 2.


                haghighi: 4
                Vouria: 4
                Hosseini: 8
                Montzaeri: 6
                Hajsafi: 4
                Ando: 5
                Ebrahimi: 5
                Taremi: 4
                Amiri: 7
                Dejagah: 4
                Azmoun: 5

                Torabi: 5
                Alishah: -
                Kaveh: -


                  Taremi 3
                  Dejagah 2
                  Ando 3
                  Jalal 6
                  Montazeri 5
                  Haghighi 3
                  Azmoun 5
                  Vouria 2
                  Hajsafi 5
                  Ebrahimi 5
                  Amiri 6

                  Torabi 5
                  Alishah 5
                  Rezaei 5

                  S - E - C - U - L - A - R - I - S - M


                    Big fat Zero.

                    CQ also deserves a rating here for this fantastic game plan. Zero!

                    And get Haghighi out of this line up.
                    .... At the end I am nothing other than ordinary


                      Attacking football is the only way to go. CQ out.


                        Most players did not play to their potential. The heat might have something to do with it.

                        Oman had a better ball control and passing.

                        Torabi, Alishah and Rezaei (Kaveh) should have played more.

                        The result and experience are good for our players.
                        چو ایران نباشد تن من مباد


                          Teams have bad days, but yikes.
                          Physically the team was very weak and that is unfortunate, because TM in the past 4 years has been consistent in being physically stronger than any Asian opponents.

                          And yes some players make mistakes, but what's more telling to me are the players who you don't even notice - Ebrahimi being the main culprit. What does this guy do besides get to tackles late, get out run and lose every physical battle?


                            Thank God we were playing a 3rd tier team with amateurish forwards. A decent team or even a second rated Asian team would have buried at least FOUR goals against us.
                            And thank God for the lucky pinball and airball misses that led to our goal.
                            If it was 4-1 or 4-0 I wouldn't have been very surprised.

                            I fear this kind of performance, especially when we move up the field and in attack, will not get us anywhere, in the next round.
                            We looked clueless in the final 1/3rd of the pitch. As if we didn't known what to do and what routes to go through to get to the goal. This is purely tactical and in purview of the coach.

                            As for defending and those who claim under CQ our defense has improved, well they ought to open their eyes and start watching our games and not base comments on the score board only. This was a 3rd rated Asian team that REPEATEDLY sliced through our ''supposed strong defense''!!!! And the only reason these didn't end up in the back of our goal was their forwards' impatience and amateurish finishes.
                            In other words, I really don't see any reinforcement of our defense.

                            Don't confuse this with the ''park the bus'' tactic used against Argentina. We are still suspect in defense after 4 years of having a defensive minded coach.

                            A LOT has to be done to make this team a competitive one for the final round. A LOT.


                              If I were CQ I'd say any player under the age of 30 has to decide between playing in TM and playing in Persian gulf leagues.
                              If you decide on the latter, you are out of TM.
                              Start with this and then after a year or so, make it for every age group. No more PG leagues if you want TM.
                              Look at Dejagah and Ando! A far cry from their normal performances a year or so ago . Horrible.

                              It's time we looked for reliable alternatives. Some extremely worrying performances from our supposed ''stars''

