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CQ system prevented and is preventing TM players from moving to top Euro clubs

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    Originally posted by MR.S View Post
    so what tactics do u use for aging avarage players?

    Isn't that obvious... Ali asghari-kolle yowm-360 daraje tafavot dare-bekesh ziresh tactics.
    راه یکی است و آن راستی است


      Ask yourselves this question: What player on our current TM squad would compare to players such as Mahdavikia, Daie, Karimi, Azizi or Bagheri??

      when you answer that question, then you understand why we have no players in Europe worth a dime.


        The "golden generation"

        If those players had the opportunity these kids have, they would've been world star players in Europe. IMO these kids have what it takes but they just not as mature as our golden players. The older generation seemed a lot more like men compare to these metro sexual kids.
        "History is a set of lies that people have agreed upon,"


          ^ and also ask yourself, when was the last time our hugely talented IPL players did anything in the AFC champion league ? surely if we have all this talent, we could at least come back with results against other Asian clubs.
          “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


            CQ's job is to select his squad from the pool of players eligible and win games. It's not his job to develop IPL players or market them to other teams. He's not anyone's agent last time I checked. Blame the IR and the IFF for not investing in proper development at the youth level and for below standard pro facilities. Blame the IPL clubs who won't let players that have offers go without unrealistic fees. Blame the players that actually have offers but would rather make more money in the short term than improve and make a name for themselves in European football. It's clear there's a lot wrong in Iranian football and it starts at the youth development level. A nation with so many people and a passion for football should not have a problem developing good talents that can play in the top leagues. It's ridiculous to suggest CQ is what's holding our football back. You guys seriously think if we played attacking football and lost more that clubs would want our players all of a sudden? lol...


              now we can blame CQ for everything. this reminds me of simpson episode. please watch this.


                Originally posted by BehnamT View Post
                now we can blame CQ for everything. this reminds me of simpson episode. please watch this.
                The sad thing is, as far as I see, almost every team in the world treats their coaches the same way. Coaches are scapegoats for organizations. If Germany is losing matches, the coach is the #1 person to blame. Basically, other than Messi and Ronaldo who take the brunt of the blame for losses in their teams, coaches around the world are blamed for everything. People don't acknowledge injuries, transitional teams, young players, lucky opposition, bad luck for the home team, bad organization behind the team, lack of investment into youth development and many other things.

                Even the original poster acknowledged that many of these factors should be acknowledged, so there is nothing to argue about anymore. Yes, CQ is one factor out of many when we fail. He is also a major factor in many points when we succeed. People say he has no tactics when we are not playing beautiful attacking football, but these people are silent about the fact that our tying goal in Oman, as well as many of our goals generally, come from set pieces and sometimes trick plays. These come from the tactics of the coach, but people like to ignore anything that doesn't fit the script that CQ isn't a quality coach.


                  Lionel Khalatbari still being brought up in arguments against CQ

                  Yep, if his ferocious flair and technical ability was the foundations of our side as opposed to the defensive mentality that saw us fail to even score against Argentina, we'd be seeing a mass emigration of Iranians into European football that would make the Syrian migrant crisis currently look like a drop in the ocean. I mean, what top sides these days even employ such negative counter-attacking tactics? It's outdated and ineffective tactics.

                  The players aren't moving because they lack the determination to do so. IPL along with most of the Arab leagues our stars like so much is barely at the standard of third-tier European leagues, if the players had the determination to push themselves so much, they could all easily find clubs willing to take them but taking a paycut and moving you and your family to radically different cultures isn't that appealing to them and I don't blame them. The fixation shouldn't be on trying to send shiploads of kids over into mainland Europe, that's a short-term fix to improving the standard of TM, instead, the emphasis should be based on fixing things from the inside and improving the footballing infrastructure of the country from grassroots up.


                    I remember Alex Sabella's face during Iran vs Argentina.

                    That dude looked like he was being held hostage and he crapped his pants. If Messi didn't score he probably would have too


                      There's so much expectation and criticism from and of coaches. But this one is just funny.


                        Originally posted by TM homeboy View Post
                        I have always been a big CQ fan and I feel he has contributed positively to TM and our Football in many ways. (You can read my previous posts as proof)
                        I'll name the positives before I discuss why I think he is partly the blame for TM players not moving to Top Euro leagues:
                        1. Brought professionalism to TM (No player above team, discipline, team comradery)
                        2. Great Defensive System- that has been a weak point of past TM coaches
                        3. Very good at set pieces, modern set piece strategies
                        4. Calling out IFF, and sport ministry incompetence
                        5. Exposing the awful infrastructure TM has (training facilities etc.
                        The negative:
                        He plays very conservative and defensive football, focuses too much on results vs. harbouring and utilizing the talents
                        World cup is meant for player's talent and skills to be put on display for the world to see, however in Brasil 2014 the super defensive and very lethargic style of play did not allow for our full player's potential to be exposed to team scouts.
                        All players were chess pieces that moved based on CQ orders, non had the freedom to display themselves and you can see by his selection that he chose mainly structured players that could not demonstrate TM creativity like:
                        Khalatbari, Sadeghian, Rahman, Alishah, Sharifi, etc.
                        Further more he did not take too many Young players or give them a chance to play full games as he focused too much on results.
                        Iran must have ranked last in the World Cup for having players exported to top leagues. We even had our Euro players move to Arab leagues.
                        All in all CQ got results for us but through his player selection and game plan, TM players were not able to shine and demonstrate the value they can add to top tier European leagues.
                        Some can argue that lack of friendly games prevented him from giving the young a chance to gain experience or build better offensive flow. But in the limited friendly games he used all the old timers.
                        We should demand CQ to allow for young players to show their skill set or stop complaining that Japan has players in Euro and Iran doesn't.
                        Also he should really lose the inferirity complex he has with TM. As if Japan is some god sent country A++ team that we played.

                        For the love of humanity give it a fucking rest already. You cant play Barcelona or Arsenal like football when you dont have the players for it.

                        In Iran the system is rotten from the roots and although there is enough talent they are not being shaped and trained properly at a young age where its needed. Just look at our creative midfielders or our strikers do you really think they could make it in Europe !!!?

                        Just fucking accept your place in the order of footballing countries and be happy that atleast the guy is producing results with a few so so players we have.

                        The proof is in the pudding as they say. Reza G is one of the more successful strikers in team melli and he has played at several teams in Europe. Even at charlton he is not doing all that great !!

                        Its not the coach its just that the talents need to be developed at a young age and that is not done well enough.

                        Next to that there has not been enough money the last years. No friendlies no nothing. On top of that many japanese and korean players that go to europe have their transfers and salary paid by sponsors. Iranian players dont have that.

                        Stop your simplistic views and stop being such a standard prototype irooni who wants things to go a certain way and when it does not he immediately looks for an escape goat. Reality is not that simple.

