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Ando: being captain has nothing to do with religion

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    Ando: being captain has nothing to do with religion

    amazing interview....

    ------------------------------------------------- In an interview with a Belgian news agency, Team Melli’s captain shared some of his deepest thoughts.

    You started in an Armenian club in Iran. Are there a lot of Armenian clubs in Iran?

    Yes. There are a few Armenian clubs in Iran. And the most popular and loved one is FC Ararat; the club that I started from. Armenian clubs can compete in the same competitions as other Iranian clubs. For example, Ararat competed in Division 1 (Azadegan) about ten years ago.

    Is it important for there to be a representation of your ethnic minority in Team Melli?

    It is obvious for me to say yes. Armenians are happy to see me in a Team Melli jersey. Especially since I am the only Armenian in Team Melli in the last ten or so years. I feel Armenian, but I don’t see a big difference between different Iranian ethnicities. What’s important to me is to represent my country as much as possible. Our numbers (Armenians) are decreasing in Iran, but we will always be numerous in Iran. We live peaceful lives without any problems. Even a footballer lives in these conditions. There are a lot of efforts made for us to live well and feel good. You should know that it was a pleasure for me to play for an Armenian club. Certainly, life is easy for my family and friends. We can pray in our churches. We have no problems. I can even cross myself (Sign of the Cross) when I score.

    How did you feel when Carlos Queiroz named you Iran’s captain?

    I was very happy. It was kind of surprising for me and other Armenians. I have been playing for my country since 2005, and in 2006 I experienced my first World Cup. After that I competed in Asian Cup 2007. And I represented Iran in World Cup 2014. So you can say that I am experienced and it wasn’t that astonishing for me to be named captain.

    continue reading:

    i love ando, he has one of the best geyrat, yes he has slowed abit, it happen to everyone, but he is a good leader and excellent captain, i dont care what people say, the crying in germany 2006, i will never forget what geyrat he show, if half of the current team have that geyrat we would have won the asian cup


      Thanks for sharing but i think it's ridiculous to talk about religion in the first place.
      Who gives a fuck actually?!
      I don't mind having a jew/christian/muslim/martian/voodoo priest as our captain as long as he is iranian and gives his effort for TM like Ando.
      IRI's politics is no different than handling a pressure cooker ..... As the pressure builds up, you slowly let the steam out just a tad bit so that you don't see overflow, and once the pressure from below is less, you put the lid down again and raise the temperature.


        Originally posted by Ali.Karimi79 View Post
        Thanks for sharing but i think it's ridiculous to talk about religion in the first place.
        Who gives a fuck actually?!
        I don't mind having a jew/christian/muslim/martian/voodoo priest as our captain as long as he is iranian and gives his effort for TM like Ando.
        Well the country is called the Islamic Republic of Iran so it is kind of a relevant subject to bring up...


          Originally posted by The View Post
          Well the country is called the Islamic Republic of Iran so it is kind of a relevant subject to bring up...
          Mate i know but as Ando said himself, it's not like he got a call up just now. He is part of TM for a frickin decade now. Everyone knows he is christian.
          Why would this be a surprise now just because he was called as captain?!

          When Ando retires news : first christian captain of TM retires.
          When Ando joins TM staff: first christian captain of TM becomes coach.
          When Ando takes a dump: first christian captain of TM ...
          IRI's politics is no different than handling a pressure cooker ..... As the pressure builds up, you slowly let the steam out just a tad bit so that you don't see overflow, and once the pressure from below is less, you put the lid down again and raise the temperature.


            actually when some white trash kids were shit talking iran I asked if they would be ok with a muslim captain for their soccer team. They didn't look so happy.

            Who has seen Ararat complex in Tehran? they have a private facility where they can drink and distill alcohol and do whatever in a very nice part of Tehran. its like a guarded palace lol.
            AKP Parti, Turkiye - Haj Bernie Sandersoglu


              It's just not Ararat complex in Tehran, Armenian fortunately have places where they can be free, take of the hijab, drink and etc.

              Watch this video


                We love you Ando!!


                  So much gheyrat from this player, Ando is the best

                  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


                    Although its nice that people of Iran are kind and lovingly towards our fellow Arminian countrymen, it does not change the constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran which does not guarantee Freedom of religion.... this is the essence of a free society . Along with Freedom of Speech. Armenians are protected because they were born Christian, but if someone converts or tries to convert someone else .. good luck!


                      Originally posted by Ghomarbaaz View Post
                      Although its nice that people of Iran are kind and lovingly towards our fellow Arminian countrymen, it does not change the constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran which does not guarantee Freedom of religion.... this is the essence of a free society . Along with Freedom of Speech. Armenians are protected because they were born Christian, but if someone converts or tries to convert someone else .. good luck!
                      and in the US we have textbook freedom but a society of people who are rude and insensitive to muslims Buddhists and other religious minorities.

                      two sides to each coin, you can convert to be a muslim from a Christian in the US and the entire society will look down on you.
                      You cant do that in iran but ive never heard of anyone say anything bad about our assyrians or Armenians.
                      AKP Parti, Turkiye - Haj Bernie Sandersoglu


                        Originally posted by EZLN View Post
                        amazing interview....
               In an interview with a Belgian news agency, Team Melli’s captain shared some of his deepest thoughts.
                        You started in an Armenian club in Iran. Are there a lot of Armenian clubs in Iran?
                        Yes. There are a few Armenian clubs in Iran. And the most popular and loved one is FC Ararat; the club that I started from. Armenian clubs can compete in the same competitions as other Iranian clubs. For example, Ararat competed in Division 1 (Azadegan) about ten years ago.
                        Is it important for there to be a representation of your ethnic minority in Team Melli?
                        It is obvious for me to say yes. Armenians are happy to see me in a Team Melli jersey. Especially since I am the only Armenian in Team Melli in the last ten or so years. I feel Armenian, but I don’t see a big difference between different Iranian ethnicities. What’s important to me is to represent my country as much as possible. Our numbers (Armenians) are decreasing in Iran, but we will always be numerous in Iran. We live peaceful lives without any problems. Even a footballer lives in these conditions. There are a lot of efforts made for us to live well and feel good. You should know that it was a pleasure for me to play for an Armenian club. Certainly, life is easy for my family and friends. We can pray in our churches. We have no problems. I can even cross myself (Sign of the Cross) when I score.
                        How did you feel when Carlos Queiroz named you Iran’s captain?
                        I was very happy. It was kind of surprising for me and other Armenians. I have been playing for my country since 2005, and in 2006 I experienced my first World Cup. After that I competed in Asian Cup 2007. And I represented Iran in World Cup 2014. So you can say that I am experienced and it wasn’t that astonishing for me to be named captain.
                        continue reading:
                        I am sorry to dispel his statement about religion and TM.

                        Have you ever seen a Sunni Muslim as our captain ever? how about any Jewish, Zoroastrian or Bahai in TM? I have never seen one ever even in our clubs! If you know any Jewish, Zoroastrian or Bahai football player in any club in IPL or Azadegan just name him here to prove me wrong.

                        We have around
                        350k Christians
                        300k Bahais
                        40k Jews (had some 200k who many left gradually after 1979)
                        25k Zoroastrians (had some 50k who also left gradually after revolution)

                        But only 1 Christian is in our NT. How many more Iranian Christians or minorities do you know who play in Iranian clubs (beside Ararat)?

                        Most of the clubs are run by IRGC agents and they block most of the minorities except maybe few Armenians Christians.


                          In fact can you mention even any Iranian-Armenian palying in IPL or Azadegan now? After Ando is gone there is no more place for few minorities. Sepah is getting hold of our football and this is a sign of that. They are very biased and that is why our IPL is losing quality. Eligibility based on merits and quality has been replaced by Eligibility based on connection and backdoor deals.


                            i dont care ando is armenian, i only care he can deliever for tm, and inspire the players and fire them up


                              I feel the need to bump this thread to the top because this man deserves it. And because I don't want a proud Iranian-Armenian footballer to be below other Irania-- excuse my
                              Language, I hope nobody was offended by my incorrect information. To be below an Armenian footballer. I won't go into detail again.

                              Back to Ando!

                              He is a lion and he is our pride. Respect and love to this warrior. Andranik Timotian.

