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    This comment cracked me up

    ﻛﺸﻮﺭ ﮔﻮﺍﻡ ﻛﻪ ﺗﺎ ﺍﻣﺮﻭﺯ ﻣﺴﺘﻌﻤﺮﻩ ﺁﻣﺮﻳﻜﺎ ﺑﻮﺩ ، ﭘﺲ ﺍﺯ ﺩﺭﻳﺎﻓﺖ 6 ﮔﻞ ﺍﺯ ﺍﻳﺮﺍﻥ ﺍﺩﻋﺎﻯ ﺍﺳﺘﻘـــــــــﻼﻝ ﻛﺮﺩ ﻭ ﺧﻮﺍﻫﺎﻥ ﺗﺒﺪﻳﻞ ﺷﺪﻥ ﺑﻪ ﻛﺸﻮﺭﻯ ﻣﺴﺘﻘﻞ ﺷﺪ


      Originally posted by KeonKish View Post
      Almost all
      Of his games have been subs.
      He has less than 6 full games I guarantee it

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

      Click on 'National Team'. 17 'caps' but he has played 90 minutes only once and that was in 2013 against Lebanon. I don't think there's any doubt he'd star for this team if he got a regular run of games but the way those two Mr.Ts are going, he's gonna have to work bloody hard to get that run. No bad thing, of course.

      On the game, I didn't see much worthy of great praise or criticism, Beiranvand's mistake was barely that, I think it was Kamyabinia's schoolgirl lack of bravery in a challenge which lost the team possession in a bad area and caused the defence to get caught out if anything. On the positives, Taremi and Torabi continue to impress, as does Rezaeian and new guy Milad. Ansarifard put in one of the best shifts I've seen of him but I was a little disappointed to not see Reza, there's no future to Ansarifard as anything other than third-choice striker at best surely.

      Still, we're basically assured of top spot, the squad is coming along very nicely and the king remains in his throne at the time of posting this so can't ask for any more.


        Article about TM's shoe saga in Guam:


          Originally posted by armen View Post
          Article about TM's shoe saga in Guam:

          Haha that's funny. I'm glad they had all the sizes TM players needed. I was wondering why some of our players had florescent pink boots.


            Guam's biggest mistake was to play mind games with us. Whoever came up with this idea was an idiot and failed to analyze us, this is the worse you can do prior playing Iran. One of TM's weaknesses is that they often don’t take things too serious & underrate the opponent. This is why Guam should have been quiet - of course they still wouldn’t stand a chance, but at least TM wouldn’t have been so keen to score couple of goals. They simply gave us extra motivation for this game with their cocky behavior after winning some points somehow.
            Formerly known as Persianking!
            Follow me @


              i agree , cq is master of psychology, you dont want to mess with him


                The problem is that every 3 world country team wants to win against Iran. They never do psych games with Japan or Korea. It's always Iran. Guam did it. India did it. Even Oman. But at the end what pushes us to conquer is a man Known as Carlos Queiroz who is our 12 th player and IMHO without him TM would be in dissaray. Both tactically and psychologically


                  Originally posted by Persianking View Post
                  Guam's biggest mistake was to play mind games with us. Whoever came up with this idea was an idiot and failed to analyze us, this is the worse you can do prior playing Iran. One of TM's weaknesses is that they often don’t take things too serious & underrate the opponent. This is why Guam should have been quiet - of course they still wouldn’t stand a chance, but at least TM wouldn’t have been so keen to score couple of goals. They simply gave us extra motivation for this game with their cocky behavior after winning some points somehow.
                  We still let them go by not pushing further after the 6-0 because our players felt a little bit sorry, as you could see they were just passing the ball around all the time when they thought it was enough.

                  A shame they did it but it was professional and respectful from our part, despite I would have liked them to put 4-5 more goals past Guam.


                    Beiranvand - 4

                    Rezaeian - 9
                    Pourghaz - 6
                    Pouraliganji - 6
                    Mohammadi - 8

                    Ando - 6
                    Kamyabinia - 7

                    Torabi - 7

                    Dejagah - 7
                    Taremi - 10

                    Ansarifard - 8


                    Heydari - 6
                    Jahanbakhsh - 6
                    Shojaei - 6


                      Originally posted by Wahid Dejagah View Post
                      I said it last time and I'll say it again: JB hasn't shown anything special at all. In fact against Guam I'd rate Shojaei higher than JB. Hope this changes in the future
                      JB is the most talented player on the squad based on his league performance in my opinion. He is so incredibly intelligent with the ball and amazing at finishing as well as setting someone else up. He just hasn't hit the level he had at NEC in TM since his ARG game. He will be our best player at 2018, I guarantee it


                        Thank you all for the player ratings. They've been added to the front page article:

                        If I can please make some suggestions for next time to make my work easier:

                        1 - If everyone can use the same order for the players as the 1st poster in the thread, usually ZJ, I can just record the numbers without confirming the name each time.

                        2 - It would be great if can avoid using 1/2 points which make adding the numbers in your head a but harder. There's already a 1-10 scale, so round up or down would be great.

                        Also, in order to make the ratings more accurate and the players who are working really hard on the field not feel bad for a lower rating (just in case they come across these), I strongly recommend/suggest that everyone watches at least the highlights of the match one more time after the game before giving their ratings.

                        In the ratings for this match for example, Torabi came in 2nd which is really puzzling considering he played 44 minutes and only had one assist when Karim was involved in 4 of the 6 goals and sits in 5th place - or Rezaeian who's a defender sits in 6th after a solid performance with a goal and a 2nd assist.



                          Interesting read but embarrassing that they went for the cheap option. "Geda bazi" as always
                          Team faghat PERSPOLIS


                            Originally posted by kami_kakashi View Post

                            Interesting read but embarrassing that they went for the cheap option. "Geda bazi" as always
                            well yeah, it is not like they will use the shoe again!! who plays on turf now a days. it is very rare to play on turf.
                            IRI = FAILED


                              Iran v Turkmenistan Analysis

                              Very interesting video which shows how brilliant Ebrahimi was and how he was entirely controlling the rhythm of the game, he and Ezzatollahi were definitely the best players that day


                                Originally posted by kami_kakashi View Post

                                Interesting read but embarrassing that they went for the cheap option. "Geda bazi" as always
                                I actually don't blame IFF on this one.
                                Artificial turf fields are designed for outdoor cleat use now.
                                Even the ones in the small city I live in are like this.
                                Guam has such an outdated turf field, that it throws people in for a surprise. And I've had enough of Guam's excuses. They make IFF look competent.

