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Would you play for Iran?

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    Originally posted by Z Joon View Post
    I don't really understand, people that wouldn't play for Iran as they say it would be supporting and representing the regime, then why would you actually support a team of players that according to you guys, "support and represent IR"?
    It's quite different to be born within a regime, fostered be it and not always be aware of certain things, and being raised in another country where the reason you being there in the first place manifests itself through everything that represents the IR. You can't really compare the two. So I can see why someone said that having Khomeinis face looking down at you won't do it for them. Like someone said, there's no right or wrong. It's a strict personal decision that should be respected.

    I personally keep track of all I can regarding Iran, because somewhere deep inside there's still hope for the better. But I wouldn't invest myself in the IR system to try to reform it. It needs to be overthrown. I keep tabs on our players, on our team, on our future, on our legacy, on our well being etc. But I puke in my mouth when I see I.R. IRAN on the back of the jerseys instead of the player names. I support the team, not the flag.


      Originally posted by Hormozgan View Post
      It's quite different to be born within a regime, fostered be it and not always be aware of certain things, and being raised in another country where the reason you being there in the first place manifests itself through everything that represents the IR. You can't really compare the two. So I can see why someone said that having Khomeinis face looking down at you won't do it for them. Like someone said, there's no right or wrong. It's a strict personal decision that should be respected.

      I personally keep track of all I can regarding Iran, because somewhere deep inside there's still hope for the better. But I wouldn't invest myself in the IR system to try to reform it. It needs to be overthrown. I keep tabs on our players, on our team, on our future, on our legacy, on our well being etc. But I puke in my mouth when I see I.R. IRAN on the back of the jerseys instead of the player names. I support the team, not the flag.
      Ok. So do you support players like Beitashour, Daniel Davari, Fereydoon Zandi, Omid Nazari, Reza Ghoochannejhad, Ashkan Dejagah? Players that weren't "born within the regime", were raised outside the country, but decided to, according to you guys, "represent IR and the regime"? If you guys believe in these values, why would you support players that, according to you guys, do?

      Or maybe you support everyone in that team except these players that I listed. I'm curious to know


        Originally posted by KeonKish View Post
        My parents had the same problem. It really doesn't matter. The regime fucked most of our parents in some way. The cinemas that were burned by IR In khuzestan belonged to my family. The IR did a lot of bad shit to my family. Still, it doesn't matter, the people who receive joy and happiness from watching you play are the PEOPLE OF IRAN, not the IR.

        Unless your parents were actually guilty of doing something like mujaheddin or PKK, I don't see why you wouldn't play for Iran.
        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
        I throw up each time I see Iran not doing like other, putting the name of country instead of the name of players, putting the first name of the players (reza, karim, babak agha), giving the number 9 to a defensive midfilder, the 10 to a striker that is far to be the best player of TM, the 11 to Right back...


          Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
          I throw up each time I see Iran not doing like other, putting the name of country instead of the name of players, putting the first name of the players (reza, karim, babak agha), giving the number 9 to a defensive midfilder, the 10 to a striker that is far to be the best player of TM, the 11 to Right back...
          I doubt it they put I.R. Iran on the back of the jersey for any other reason than cost savings. While they are sponsored, I don't know if the kits are actually provided at no cost or TM pays for them, but nonetheless I'm sure it costs $ to put each players name on their jerseys. Furthermore, some of our players names are long, both first name and last name, which will be almost impossible to put on the jersey unless a smaller font is used which will be difficult to see. Anywho, that's my 2 cents on the name thing on the jersey.


            Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
            I throw up each time I see Iran not doing like other, putting the name of country instead of the name of players, putting the first name of the players (reza, karim, babak agha), giving the number 9 to a defensive midfilder, the 10 to a striker that is far to be the best player of TM, the 11 to Right back...
            I have to admit I laugh inside a bit everytime I see Omid Ebrahimi wearing #9 in TM..


              Would I like to play for Iran, and would it be an honor to represent the national team?
              The simple answer is YES!
              It would be an honor! Perhaps one of the greatest achievements in one's career or in their hearts.
              I mean this with no disrespect to most members here, but is it your passion for football and the "National Team" that makes your views the way they are?
              Who wouldn't want to play for their country? Probably close to 0%. But you do need to understand the views of people (like me) who would not under these circumstances, NOT even for millions of dollars.
              It is sad! I do not judge most of you or the past, current, and the future NT players for their choices and their reasoning, as I am not in their shoes.
              However, I say this to people who constantly say you need to separate politics and sports. YOU CANNOT SEPARATE ANYTHING IN IRAN FROM POLITICS!, be it sport or standing in line for a loaf of bread!
              I do watch the games and enjoy the national team success, but would I personally play for NT under these circumstances, not only no but, hell no! It does not make me any less patriotic than YOU!
              I love my country! and I care!
              However, I am not blind, and I am not a hypocrite. I will not raise the sh!t flag of ir over my head if we win something. If I am there, then I would raise the true flag of Shiro Khorshid!
              Is it me or is it ir?
              Being patriotic is great! But it has its own consequences.
              I post this against my better judgment.
              BTW, inb4, this thread moves to general forum or gets closed, and some people get spanked.


                Originally posted by Z Joon View Post
                Ok. So do you support players like Beitashour, Daniel Davari, Fereydoon Zandi, Omid Nazari, Reza Ghoochannejhad, Ashkan Dejagah? Players that weren't "born within the regime", were raised outside the country, but decided to, according to you guys, "represent IR and the regime"? If you guys believe in these values, why would you support players that, according to you guys, do?

                Or maybe you support everyone in that team except these players that I listed. I'm curious to know
                It don't think you quite got my point. I meant that it might be some what difficult for newer generation domestic Iranians to understand the thoughts of people from the diaspora. With that being said, not every single Iranian of the diaspora thinks alike either. So as I said, there's no right or wrong in someones personal choice and reasons for it.


                  Originally posted by mahestan View Post
                  I doubt it they put I.R. Iran on the back of the jersey for any other reason than cost savings. While they are sponsored, I don't know if the kits are actually provided at no cost or TM pays for them, but nonetheless I'm sure it costs $ to put each players name on their jerseys. Furthermore, some of our players names are long, both first name and last name, which will be almost impossible to put on the jersey unless a smaller font is used which will be difficult to see. Anywho, that's my 2 cents on the name thing on the jersey.
                  Well, it's cheaper to have nothing on the back than having I.R. IRAN so that arguments doesn't hold up. And for the names; I wouldn't consider Sadeghi or Pooladi for example as long surnames... Even Jahanbakhsh is just as long as Ibrahimovic, but they rather have Amirhossein and Alireza up there.


                    Originally posted by Zamboor View Post
                    Sweden without a doubt. Nothing to do with IFF and it being incompetent. It has to do with the fact that my sharaf won't let me play for the Islamic Republic of Iran. If it was a secular democratic Iran sure but this Iran with Khomeinis face looking down at me in Azadi and Rouhani showing up to watch me play. No thank you! Most people here won't understand cause their parents weren't Jailed by IR and their grandparents weren't jailed by the Shah.

                    Now before you judge me and start saying IRAN IS IRAN NOT IR. Just respect my decision as i respect yours to represent Iran.
                    I kind of understand you as my uncle got murdered because he wanted freedom. But still I love Iran and I know you love iran too
                    Playing for the People of Iran is what you would do, not for the murders.
                    But still I respect your decision


                      If I was an all-star level player...someone like an Ali Karimi or Daei, someone who the people LOVE...

                      I would use the opportunity to take tons of shots at the regime. If I was a legendary-level player (Zidane, Ronaldinho, etc) I would literally directly criticize the regime because they couldn't do a thing to me.


                        Would you play for Iran?

                        Why is everyone trying to tell Zamboor his decision is wrong?

                        It is after all his decision, why are we trying to tell him he is wrong.

                        Iranians like to interfere with everything


                          Originally posted by littlepersia17 View Post
                          Why is everyone trying to tell Zamboor his decision is wrong?
                          It is after all his decision, why are we trying to tell him he is wrong.

                          Iranians like to interfere with everything
                          Due to his labeling TM players and fans such as us as bi sharaf for our choice.
                          I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.


                            Originally posted by KC McElroy View Post
                            Due to his labeling TM players and fans such as us as bi sharaf for our choice.
                            I never did so but thank you for pulling words out of my mouth. I said i respect you GUYZ for the 55th time. But I WONT DO IT. Because of the Reasons i mentioned earlier. I dont know how hard this is to understand.
                            Plus I want to add something. People who say you should not mix politics with football live in la la land cause politics is mixed with everything. Yes Team Melli is the peoples team, not IR's team at the end of the day but it is IR and IFF rules over Team Melli.


                              Originally posted by Zamboor View Post
                              I never did so but thank you for pulling words out of my mouth. I said i respect you GUYZ for the 55th time. But I WONT DO IT. Because of the Reasons i mentioned earlier. I dont know how hard this is to understand.
                              Plus I want to add something. People who say you should not mix politics with football live in la la land cause politics is mixed with everything. Yes Team Melli is the peoples team, not IR's team at the end of the day but it is IR and IFF rules over Team Melli.
                              You said you won't do it because of your sharaf. Also you never answered the question I originally asked in this thread: Do you think Dejagah and Gucci are bi sharaf?
                              It's like me saying I don't like this girl because I don't like whores and then objecting to why people think I called her a whore.
                              I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.


                                Originally posted by KC McElroy View Post
                                You said you won't do it because of your sharaf. Also you never answered the question I originally asked in this thread: Do you think Dejagah and Gucci are bi sharaf?
                                It's like me saying I don't like this girl because I don't like whores and then objecting to why people think I called her a whore.
                                Yes my sharaf not your sharaf. Did i say your sharaf? And no i dont think so

