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Sosha Makani Arrested!

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    he brings sexy back to persian hairy! che lab gheytooni ham hast mashalllla!!

    Originally posted by Real Madrid Fan View Post
    This is the guy you are talking about.


      Originally posted by PersianLegion
      thats right bitch im persian and proud


        Anyone else hates when people say they're "Persian" instead of Iranian? Just to sound more classy


          Originally posted by Z Joon View Post
          Anyone else hates when people say they're "Persian" instead of Iranian? Just to sound more classy
          I know it's ironic with my username but I agree, however that is like 99% of iranians.


            Stick to the topic please.


              Originally posted by PersianLegion
              I get offended when I see those monkeys are called Persians while most likely they are from Iraq, Pakistan, Lebanon or another God damned country.
              Bekhoda I have seen so much of that, especially from pakistanis...


                Originally posted by PersianLegion
                I have seen it too (Pakistanis and Afghanis). They(Pakis) all chose pure Persian names and have some pseudo story about some Persian grand parents, when you approach them and dispel their myth they get mad at you. I have dispelled quite a few in my University. Their name were Forood, Shiraz, Parviz, Parnavaz, ... They love to pretend to be Persians for some reason. I feel they don't like their Indian background or extremism associated with Pakistan.
                Haha same bro, it's weird because you look at them and they have all the indian features, even if they are more pale, but stick to the story you just said.

                It's a status thing for them, but it's really annoying because they make us look bad when they tell others that they are one of us.


                  Originally posted by PersianLegion
                  ^ Exactly. The story gets more annoying when they insist they are Persian and picture Iran as an Islamic heaven ran by IR. I don't know how you will deal with them since you are a moderate muslim. I stay away from their religious Shia and crooked businessmen. The rest who are proud of their real identity are cool.
                  Same, I try stay away from them be they shia sunnii, religious or non religious because this insecurity is in their culture.

                  The only one's who are cool are the one's who are from very wealthy and educated families in Pakistan.


                    Originally posted by Ando Teymourian View Post
                    I would somewhat agree with you Keano, but we should remember that he is not he one who posted these pictures. These were not posted on his Insta, etc.... they were somehow taken into somebody else's hands (either through hacking, stealing, or some other means) and posted.

                    If this is really the case, then our entire national team should also be locked up for taking pictures with girls during the AC. Of course this won't happen because it would be suicide, but they found one individual and took him down.

                    Also, not only reading through the comments on Insta, but even reading the comments on this website only solidifies my belief that Iranians in general have a lot of growing to do as human beings.

                    PS: Good for veteran guys like Ali Karimi and Bengar for coming out to support this kid
                    My bad then, I thought he posted them on his Telegram/SM and someone hacked it and got the pics.

                    But in all honesty AT jaan, I still believe in a country where basic human rights is not employed and practiced by its governing system, one with prolific status shall live smarter, thus not ruining his/her professional career.

                    In our current countries of residence, such conducts are absolutely a normal behavior, although I reckon a public figure shall always play it safe when it comes to sharing their personal life on cyber and with the rest of the world. Public image shall always be a priority for public figures in particular.

                    Unfortunately our people's behavior/comments on Internet has been nothing short of shameful and disrespectful manners in all levels and topics. Even on this board which actually holds above average class for Iranian sites standards, we often see many unethical and inappropriate approaches and comments...

                    Even Mila joon agrees with me [emoji75][emoji6]

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                      A no-brainier...may all the khosh-tips in Iran be set free!!! may all the ugly get a decent make-over!!!


                        Originally posted by persianballer View Post
                        I know it's ironic with my username but I agree, however that is like 99% of iranians.
                        We are persian!! Thats our race and the name of the country till the early 1900s. I do not mind calling my self iranian or persian but why make a big deal about it. Persian or iranian means the same thing.


                          Lets get back to topic. this is the latest on Sosha's situation. I'm a die hard esteghlali fan but I hope he gets released soon. and I hope he can continue his football career. You guys remember KHaziravi? the promising youngster who played in Esteghlal? yeah he got in the same situation and well he was never able to get back and play..


                            Originally posted by zare3900 View Post
                            We are persian!! Thats our race and the name of the country till the early 1900s. I do not mind calling my self iranian or persian but why make a big deal about it. Persian or iranian means the same thing.
                            I apologize for deviating the thread, I am going to make just one comment on this issue and stop pursuing the discussion right here.

                            Persian is an ethnicity, not nationality. By making a comment like that Zare jaan, you're definitely insulting the rest of the many existing ethnicities in the country, to name a few: Iranian Arabs, Iranian Azeri, Iranian Beluch, Iranian Kurds, Iranian Turkmen etc.

                            I believe the best term to sum up our nation in general is to refer to them as Iranians. It will keep us united and as one nation!


                              کد خبر: 1294769/2* زمان: 19:30 *1394/10/16**بازدید:*40,963*

                              فعلاً خبری از آزادی سوشا نیست

                              مکانی به بند عمومی اوین منتقل شد

                              دروازبان تیم فوتبال پرسپولیس رای بند عمومی زندان اوین شد.

                              به گزارش "ورزش سه" و به نقل از خبرگزاری میزان، "سوشا مکانی" دروازه بان تیم فوتبال پرسپولیس تهران که در قسمت قرنطینه زندان اوین حضور داشت، عصر امروز راهی بند عمومی زندان اوین در ندامتگاه یک شد.*

                              یک منبع آگاه قضایی به خبرگزاری میزان، وابسته به قوه قضاییه ، گفت: مکانی از روزی که بازداشت شد در قسمت قرنطینه زندان اوین حضور داشت ولی امروز راهی بند عمومی شد.*

                              وی افزود: متاسفانه برخی افراد از آزادی مکانی خبر دادند که این خبر صحت ندارد. اینکه مکانی بخواهد آزاد شود تنها با دستور بازپرس پرونده انجا خواهد شد. وکیل مکانی به قرار وی اعتراض داشته و دادگاه باید آن را بررسی کند اما در صورتی*که دادگاه نیز رای به آزادی او بدهد تنها پس از امضای بازپرس وی آزاد خواهد شد.

                              وی گفت: تعجب می*کنم که چرا برخی از افراد بدون اطلاعات در این خصوص صحبت انجام می*دهند. فعلا خبری از آزادی سوشا نیست و تاکنون حضور وی تا روز شنبه در زندان اوین قطعی بوده و در چنین مواردی حتی تا 3 ماه نیز قرار موقت بازداشت می*تواند ادامه داشته باشد.


                                Originally posted by AminGP View Post
                                Maybe that's the best he can do man. It's none of our business who he messes around with and what's disgusting is people's reaction and the ones who say good that he went to prison for messing around with this girl.
                                He was joking bro.

