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AFC U23 Championship : Qatar 2016

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    Tabatabai may or may not have had some influence in selection but definitly Noorollahi could have made a difference. Please watch his game against Saipa.


      Originally posted by Nader25 View Post
      Iran had one more rest day than japan, iran played china 18 jan, japan played Saudi 19 januari.
      Initially I thought so too, but reviewed who the japanese used for saudi game, I found out 90% rested during saudi game. their reserves were used against saudi.


        why the hell can this site not save the passwords, annoying to need to log in every time.................


          I don't care about this tournament anymore but please UAE eliminate the ignorant Iraqi's. They have been spewing so much crap on BigSoccer after we lost to Japan that I have never felt so much hatred towards a particular football team and their fans. They were quit for 90 minutes long and when we conceded the first, they were celebrating all over the place. First and last time I am supporting the UAE. Kick these thugs out.


            Are there good streams for the UAE - Gayraq match? Please post them here.


              We missed four of the stars of U23 team; Azmoun, Jahanbakhsh, Ezzatollahi and Nourollahi. Now I ask you, how would our team have looked like with these four players in it??!!!!

              Besides, our coaching staff was pure SHIT! Khakpour and Mental-kohan were really terrible.

              With a more qualified management and by having had all our best players at our disposal, we would have had a much better shot at qualifying to the Olympics.

              The only good thing I see coming out of our disqualification is that Khakpoor and Mental-kohan are going to have their ass KICKED OUT of IFF and at least we don´t have to listen to their constant nagging and their unfair attacks on CQ anymore. Thanks god for that!

              Zendeh bad IRAN
              Marg bar dictator


                in Stockholm when tm was playing sweden, our afghan Brothers sitting behind us were supporting and celeberating when sweden scored
                hala dige che berasse be iraki arabs....


                  Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
                  Let the other countries go to olympics or other young competitions. At the end, we will qualify for WC more than them and export more in Europe too.
                  Need to discover, invest on, and develop young footballers. That's how countries make professionals who are in service of their senior teams for a decade or longer. Back to the drawing board for Iran; the first change has to come from a shift in mentality. Let's find out how successful countries such as Japan and South Korea do it, and take lessons from them... I'd even hire advisors from those countries.



                    Originally posted by Nader25 View Post
                    in Stockholm when tm was playing sweden, our afghan Brothers sitting behind us were supporting and celeberating when sweden scored
                    hala dige che berasse be iraki arabs....
                    I don't want to get political, but Afghans and Iraqi's disliking Iran is pure irony. Without us, their countries would have been in shambles. Iran freed Afghanistan from the Taliban and is now fighting ISIS in Iraq. Extremely ungrateful people, and their big mouths doesn't reflect the quality of their national teams at all.


                      Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                      Are there good streams for the UAE - Gayraq match? Please post them here.


                        Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                        I don't want to get political, but Afghans and Iraqi's disliking Iran is pure irony. Without us, their countries would have been in shambles. Iran freed Afghanistan from the Taliban and is now fighting ISIS in Iraq. Extremely ungrateful people, and their big mouths doesn't reflect the quality of their national teams at all.
                        It's easy, just because of jealousy and inferiority complex that their neighbour is doing so much better than them, therefore receiving more attention which makes them envy us


                          First substitution made by the UAE.


                            That ball passed the line. Iraq got away again.


                              lol 17 ta tamashi dar stadium hast----maskhareha


                                australian referees are really terrible............worse than our Faghani

