im very happy he found a club, be it 3rd tier british, which to me is still higher caliber competition than portugal's 2nd..! to sit out and waste another 6months woulda been a career suicide..!
if he applies and prove himself at PV, he can easily muster himself upward mobility in club football and find himself back in the mix of keepers vying to rep iran @ wc18..!
hopefully we will witness another Sosha story with ARH..!!
im very happy he found a club, be it 3rd tier british, which to me is still higher caliber competition than portugal's 2nd..! to sit out and waste another 6months woulda been a career suicide..!
if he applies and prove himself at PV, he can easily muster himself upward mobility in club football and find himself back in the mix of keepers vying to rep iran @ wc18..!
hopefully we will witness another Sosha story with ARH..!!