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who's to blame and what to do for our youth football's underachievement?

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    who's to blame and what to do for our youth football's underachievement?

    If we want to finally break the jinx and qualify after almost half a century, TODAY itself is the day we must start the work. The kind of preparation that would see fruition after a few years only, but if s necessary and with more permanency.

    There are quite a few people that need to accept the blame.
    Starting with us fans. We have to understand any team/club needs to have a systemic infrastructure and that means a vibrant youth system. A system that is serious about development of fresh blood into our football. And for fans, that means we ought to be more patient and understanding with clubs that actually take player development seriously.
    The kind of pressure Fouled has been under by its fans, at times, is an example.
    This is one of the very few clubs that actually values development. But the moment they slip up (due to many factors, this season), fan pressure builds up on the team and forces the coach to resort to short term goals and the club management to act hastily and irrationality.

    The clubs also need to invest in youth system of their own, instead of the present culture of ''mordeh khori & haazeri khori'' (like tractorsazi, pp, ss, ...). They should feel partly responsible for our constant failures at youth level.

    Club management also should exercise patience with coaches who value player development. Even if for a season they don't see immediate results. This allows the said coaches a more breathing room to go about developing and investing in our homegrown talent.

    The issue of conscription and military service needs to be attacked seriously and done with, immediately.
    This ruinous law singlehandedly can cripple any effort by any club to invest in player development. They spend countless hours of man power to search for raw talent. Then gather them and start to spend funds to shape this talent into something useful.
    Then, by the time the player is prepared and is ready to pay back for all the clubs' efforts, some ''mordeh khor'' club comes in and grabs the player!!!!
    Instant killer of any desire to invest in youth!
    This rule must be overthrown ASAP.

    The IFF also has a big hand in it. And while Taaj has implemented some good policies with regards to use of youth in clubs, they need to enforce it more seriously.
    They also need to understand our football is not limited to TM seniors. They need to invest and have a proper budget for our various youth level teams, consisting of adequate attention and funds to send them to various tours, camps, ... that help mature them and expose them to higher football.

    But each time, they come to the last possible moment to show interest in our youth national teams, which is far too little too late.
    But the general culture of governance , IR, which is based on denial of merit, grave incompetency and underusing our human resources is another reason we never get the right people in the right posts to create the correct environment for our football

    I also would like to see IFF appoint dedicated psychologists for ALL our national teams of all levels. From juniors to seniors.
    Our players are just too emotional and not steely enough to stay focused, especially under stressful situations like falling behind or facing hostile or unfair refereeing.

    A psychologist can teach them to stay focused and maintain it throughout.

    The way our team fell apart as soon as we conceded the first goal was evident of this. But this is seen in teams of all levels. Presence of a psychologist must become an integral part of any team's staff. Just as important as a coach or assistants


      The day we stopped caring about the game itself is when it all went to hell.

      I can't pinpoint an exact time, but somewhere in the 1380s. That's when our football became more about self advancement and money. I'm not talking about players, they themselves are a by product of the curroption. It's the managers and administrators that are to blame.

      Everything in Iran is a facade. To maintain the facade that we have a professional league, we did everything but make it professional. We hired expensive foreign managers, paid players ridiculous salaries, created shows and garnered media attention to something that is a complete farce. And every product that comes out of it is a farce. The only real football we are witness to are the footballers that left Iran for better leagues(Nekounam) or those that were raised outside the farce(Gucci, Dejagah).

      Our football is like the value of the rial. It is propped up to maintian the image that it is real, but when push comes to shove it crashes.

      Gone are the days of players who played for the love of the game and managers who coached for the love of it. So long as everyone is concerned with maintaining their position and influence, nothing will change.
      راه یکی است و آن راستی است


        Some people here say that Japan is leading in youth development, but they were very average against us in normal time.

        They created less chances, had a really shaky defence, and weren't making the smartest passes.

        We didn't lose to Japan, but we lost to ourselves.


          Originally posted by rugs View Post
          The day we stopped caring about the game itself is when it all went to hell.

          I can't pinpoint an exact time, but somewhere in the 1380s. That's when our football became more about self advancement and money. I'm not talking about players, they themselves are a by product of the curroption. It's the managers and administrators that are to blame.

          Everything in Iran is a facade. To maintain the facade that we have a professional league, we did everything but make it professional. We hired expensive foreign managers, paid players ridiculous salaries, created shows and garnered media attention to something that is a complete farce. And every product that comes out of it is a farce. The only real football we are witness to are the footballers that left Iran for better leagues(Nekounam) or those that were raised outside the farce(Gucci, Dejagah).

          Our football is like the value of the rial. It is propped up to maintian the image that it is real, but when push comes to shove it crashes.

          Gone are the days of players who played for the love of the game and managers who coached for the love of it. So long as everyone is concerned with maintaining their position and influence, nothing will change.
          We are the England of Asia.


            Originally posted by littlepersia17 View Post
            Some people here say that Japan is leading in youth development, but they were very average against us in normal time.

            They created less chances, had a really shaky defence, and weren't making the smartest passes.

            We didn't lose to Japan, but we lost to ourselves.
            You just have the wrong definition of "good team". Your metrics are all wrong. Japan is leading Iran in youth development and football due to consistent results not three chances but winning all their group games and having the ability to execute their game plan. They looked like they could play another 30 mins at 120th minute.

            I have Been attacked for this many times but I still think Iran is a second tier footballing nation in Asia.

            Our youth development is in desperate need of foreign investment in terms of hardware, infrastructure, scouts, coaching and management.

            The local human resource need to learn to be humble and learn from the best. There is no shame in being ignorant, the real shame is in refusal to be taught.
            Team faghat PERSPOLIS


              The clubs first and foremost.
              Not enough money and trust in the youth. And its not necessarily about the technical portions of football - its about allowing young players to experience meaningful football. To learn how to calm and use their nerves.
              The only way that happens is if they're trained well in the youth club and then given a chance to show it off in the main squad.
              The youth national teams also need proper funding and chances to play against top level teams.

              Its like everything in life - practice, practice, practice, practice...


                I like this thread, lets use this for real critical view of our football.

                IMO its multi-factorial, under current conditions things will always be the same, we have to prepare ourselves for more and more failures. it is what it is. I would agree with"rug" that as soon as money started to flow into the football everyone lined up to packet the money!! everything went sour after that. look at volleyball, under the same conditions in IRI they succeeded but i am afraid with the money that is in volleyball now it will crack sooner or later.

                I also agree nokhodi as well that we need to have good clubs that are private, that have youth teams etc.... I bet you if our clubs were private half these people and players would not be getting these sort of money!! the prices are ridiculous compare to the results.
                IRI = FAILED


                  Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post

                  The issue of conscription and military service needs to be attacked seriously and done with, immediately.
                  This ruinous law singlehandedly can cripple any effort by any club to invest in player development. They spend countless hours of man power to search for raw talent. Then gather them and start to spend funds to shape this talent into something useful.
                  Then, by the time the player is prepared and is ready to pay back for all the clubs' efforts, some ''mordeh khor'' club comes in and grabs the player!!!!
                  Instant killer of any desire to invest in youth!
                  This rule must be overthrown ASAP.
                  i do not see sarbazi being removed, it is a major policy in IRI for political and economical reasons. so lets think about ways around it?

                  i think to be fair, every player age 18-20 should go and do their military service and comeback with a caveat that they will be given a trail by any club they approach automatically!! just like the spacial treatment US veterans get when they comeback to apply for job, education, loan etc.... same thing most be implemented. I feel this new generation will use a good 18-20 in sarbazi, they are becoming to materialistic and koon ghoshad anyways. a little pinch of reality is good for them to get them appreciate what they have more and making them work for it. I think this will remove any unfairness for any club and forces everyone to go and do their sarbazi.
                  IRI = FAILED


                    اينكه چهره شاخصي چون مايلي كهن رو بذاريم بالاي سر تيم و محمد خاكپور از فرنگ برگشته رو هم بذاريم لب خط كه بشوره ببره، نتيجه ش شد اين ناکامی.
                    بازگشت به روزهاي فوتبال الابختكي و بازي ديمي و بكش زيرش و غيرت ايراني و دعاي خير مردم

                    بقيه رو هم كه فوت آبيم: اين باخت چيزي از ارزش هاي ما كم نمي كنه، نبايد انتظار برد ژاپن رو داشته باشيم چون اونا سال*هاست كه دارن كار مي*كنن، قطر هم كه ميزبان بوده، ما هم كه خوابيم.


                      in soalet khaily sexy hast:
                      .....and what to do for our youth football's underachievement
                      dar zemn ya pishnahad sazendeh ham daram:
                      dafeye bad ya team irani bazi dare, Ya zahra ya zahra haye bishtari benevisim moratab and faramoosh nakonim thr Salvat bazi konim.
                      Probably the reason why we lost to japan has been that we missed to open a salvat thread.

                      Ya zahra:


                        -Screw IFF for firing Kranjar 2 years ago because of his "drinking problem" and bringing a coach with no proven record
                        -Screw Khakpour for not inviting Nourollahi and Chaab and not aimng to finish first in the group
                        -Screw Mayelikohan and Kashani for being useless and Pachekhar
                        -Screw Rostov and AZ for not releasing our players while the Japs had their European ones
                        -Screw our luck for hitting the post and missing 1to1 chances while Japan had no chance in regular time
                        -Screw this game for ruining my weekend.


                          In October 2014, Navad dedicated a whole episode about this this problem and invited lots of guests, including Skocic


                            who's to blame and what to do for our youth football's underachievement?

                            Maybe try having more shooting practise.


                              Originally posted by _Navid_ View Post
                              -Screw IFF for firing Kranjar 2 years ago because of his "drinking problem" and bringing a coach with no proven record
                              Actually, the IFF decided to appoint Kranjcar as head coach, but for some reason the Ministry of Sports formed a committee that reviewed the qualification of foreign coaches and decided to disqualify Kranjcar. In fact, it was Goudarzi, who rejected Kranjcar, but Kafashian should also be held responsible for not protesting.

