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A previous Team-e Melli player seeking asylum in England

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    A previous Team-e Melli player seeking asylum in England

    A previous Team-e Melli player is seeking asylum in England:

    What a disgrace, running away from military service, ruining future career, to gain a residency in England in this tough time?

    The article says the player has hired a lawyer and since he has World Cup experience, he has a good chance to get asylum visa. This is the worst thing a player could do.

    With his experience, Pooladi could gain "green card," in the USA similar to Ali Daie, Bagheri and others. Why England?
    چو ایران نباشد تن من مباد



      Is he going to continue his soccer career there? Or is he done with soccer entirely?


        Originally posted by ilovefootball View Post
        Who else.


          Why enforce people to join an army it's a freaking joke
          While the rich can pay and get out.


            I really hate Pouladi for what he did in the Asian Cup but he has good reason for this. Fuck military service.


              Originally posted by TheWheels View Post
              Fuck military service.
              This is NOT how to correct a problem, just to use profanity. Military service in Iran similar to South Korea and a dozen of other countries is a requirement for men.

              I do not know about South Korea, but in Iran if one is connected or has money can get out of the service. This was the case even before IRI.

              There was a discussion to get rid of military service in Iran on several occasions, but it won't happen because it is cheap labor.
              چو ایران نباشد تن من مباد


                If its Pooladi, khak too saresh.
                He really went and did all the things the most paranoid of the military service people thought would happen.

                However, he would not be able to get refugee status. At no point has his life been in danger, he had a very comfortable life in Iran and he isn't political.

                It could also be a very late (and very bimaze) dorooghe sizdah.


                  Everything in Iran is political, post a picture up with a female. And u get a free pass to evin.


                    Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                    If its Pooladi, khak too saresh.
                    He really went and did all the things the most paranoid of the military service people thought would happen.

                    However, he would not be able to get refugee status. At no point has his life been in danger, he had a very comfortable life in Iran and he isn't political.

                    It could also be a very late (and very bimaze) dorooghe sizdah.
                    thats what im wondering about..!??
                    he has only himself to blame for his effed up current football situation..! and he certainly wasnt tactful enough in his attempt to sidestep conscription..!
                    i do wish him well and the best in his quest to gain whatever sorta status that could possibly give a chance for a restart in his life out west..! i higly doubt he could revive his football career though..!
                    i would have to guess that even if he is offered some sorta residency there, he is very unlikely to be given the necessary work permit to continue his football career there..!!?? i hope he made good money last couple of seasons in Gutter, or best case scenario he'll be driving a cab in london..! dumbass


                      Pooladi is a disgrace to Team Melli. I hope he gets refused, it will teach him for betraying Iran at a crucial point. F*ck this guy.


                        Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                        Pooladi is a disgrace to Team Melli. I hope he gets refused, it will teach him for betraying Iran at a crucial point. F*ck this guy.
                        How is Pooladi a disgrace to Team Melli. Ever thought that the guy doesn't want to spend the next few years of his life being in the military?

                        Based on your age I'm guessing you go to Iran often? And you also served in the military as well? If not than you are the biggest hypocrite on this forum.


                          Originally posted by pdot View Post
                          How is Pooladi a disgrace to Team Melli. Ever thought that the guy doesn't want to spend the next few years of his life being in the military?

                          Based on your age I'm guessing you go to Iran often? And you also served in the military as well? If not than you are the biggest hypocrite on this forum.

                          Fans mostly don't like him because he f***ed up opportunities for alot of players. He forged his documents and continued to lie. Because of him the people responsible for military service refuse to let sarbaz players even practice with TM. Guys like Rafiei, Rahmani, Khalilzadhe... all lost 2 years of TM play because of this fool. He's selfish and he went to a garbage 2nd division Qatari club instead of at least playing in a decent team.


                            Guys pure garbage. Ive completely forgotten the highs we saw from this guy. Its ok not wanting to serve military time but not when you are a star athlete and a role model for the youth of a nation. Im actually convinced he was paid by the arabs to throw that game away against Iraq.

                            We should just stop talking about this sell out pussy.
                            "History is a set of lies that people have agreed upon,"


                              The state asked him to cancel his contract and pay millions reparation and rejected his offer to serve a year later. What did those morons expect? They can harrass the poor youngsters at home, but he was out of the country, earning good money, and should kill the last years of his life in which he can cash in for some praxis which was quite common in Iranian football. The whole football suffering from a Sepah business, allowing them to cash in on the cost of Iranian football.

                              Fuck them. They are the traitors and not the guy not letting himself shoved around.

