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Mehrdad Oladi passed away

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    Mehrdad Oladi passed away

    I read this very sad news on Varzesh3 site! The site didn't mention a cause. Anyone has more news? Very sad news indeed.

    Mehrdad Oladi passed away

    What the hell is happening???

    مهرداد اولادی درگذشت

    مهرداد اولادی مهاجم سابق تیم ملی و باشگاه استقلال و پرسپولیس امروز در بیمارستان شهدای تجریش درگذشت.

    به گزارش "ورزش سه"، مهاجم سابق پرسپولیس و استقلال و تیم ملی که در ملوان بندرانزلی عضویت دارد، امروز در بیمارستان شهدای تجریش درگذشت.

    اولادی بازیکن سابق تیم پرسپولیس و استقلال، پس از تعطیلات نیم فصل دوم رقابت های لیگ برتر، برای سومین بار به عضویت ملوانی ها درآمد و در بازی های اخیر برای این تیم به میدان رفت.

    طی تماس عوامل رسانه "ورزش سه"، با عوامل بیمارستان شهدای تجریش، مسئولین بیمارستان این خبر را تایید کردند.

    به گفته وی، این مهاجم اهل قائمشهر کمتر از نیم ساعت پیش در گذشته است.

    مجموعه "ورزش سه"، این مصیبت دردناک را به تمام اهالی ورزش و خانواده وی تسلیت می گوید.

    May he rest in peace...


      ravanesh shad.


        I am in total shock.... Oh my god


          Oh my god I loved this guy. R.I.P . what was the cause?


            ^ He had a heart attack. He died in the age of 30. Just like Hadi Norouzi.


              Wow. Another young person gone.
              راه یکی است و آن راستی است


                I'm in absolute shock this is such terrible news....he was such a talented player in his day and he was so young still. This is unbelievable may he rest in peace
                Team Meli Iran
                Perspolis FC
                Malavan Bandar Anzali

                "I will never be able to say good bye to Iran. I have a feeling of belonging to this country and to the people." - Carlos Queiroz


                  Rest In Peace.

                  I feel like he was part of the TM in the 2014 WC qualifying. Am I correct?

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                    Originally posted by littlepersia17 View Post
                    Rest In Peace.

                    I feel like he was part of the TM in the 2014 WC qualifying. Am I correct?

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                    Yes. He was part of the squad in our final WCQ games. His last TM game was against Oman in 2013.


                      Rest in peace!!

                      The situation is very bizarre. We lost Norouzi and now Oladi in such a young age.


                        so shocking. may he rest in peace.


                          Oladi and Nourouzi when they played for Persepolis Ghaemshahr, now they are both gone.


                            It's extremely weird for people who play in professional sports to have this happen. Either way RIP he was a nice guy just like nourozi

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                            AKP Parti, Turkiye - Haj Bernie Sandersoglu


                              Oladi playing Gol Kuchick with poor kids from southern Tehran a while ago


                              He will be so missed

