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Gale Noie, A true example of an uneducated Iranian coach..

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    Originally posted by Iran007 View Post
    And that's once out of how many tries?
    He failed in his first two ACL but he did fine after that due to the experiences he gained from his first two ACL. Other than semi-final with Esteghlal, he reached semi-final with Sepahan too. He finished top of the ACL group with Tractor sazi. It was the first time that Tractor made it out of group stage. When GN became Iran NT head coach he did not have any ACL in his resume which shows that it was early for him to take that job.

    btw I am not GN fan. I am not the fan of anybody. I am just Iran NT fan. Regard GN, my main problem with him is his social personality but he is a decent Iranian coach in terms of coaching ability.


      Originally posted by Iran007 View Post
      Doost-e aziz
      Our poor state of football and our non-existan facilities are no news. However in my opinion today's Teraktor vs Al Hilal game was an all time low ( from a technical point of view).
      I would have said this even if Teractor would have won the game 5-0.
      Results have nothing to do with Quality.
      On one instant today I counted 4 consecutive times when Teractor got the ball back and it's players simply chucked it up the field with absolutely no plan nor any designed intention to orchestrate even the simplest offensive set.
      If this isn't a finger pointed at the coach , then I don't know what is.
      The people who oppose to my mentioning of our VATANEE coache's poor football education are undoubtedly of the same group who argues " why is CQ always complaining? Our state of football has always been poor. Why can't he just deal with it?"
      I dont know why you think im defending anything here. Our football has always sucked but at least we had some professional attitudes in the 90s where as now its just a mess.


        The other members are right, you keep making similar threads which are usually about the same persons and it's getting annoying.
        We know you dislike certain figures in Iranian football, so do most of us, but there's no need to open similar threads all the time.

        And some are quite misplaced. Like opening this thread about GN and criticizing him for a meaningless loss after he had a guaranteed first spot finish in a tough group after already 5 games (first time ever Traktor even qualified to the next round) and in a game where he had no home advantage (there were more Arab fans than there were Iranians) is a little strange, don't you think?

        Anyway, these are the titles of your last threads. Just look at them and you'll see why people are getting tired and annoyed by your threads:

        * "Sosha Makani, prime example of how Connections replace Talent in Iranian football."

        * "Kashani, Khakpour, Mayeli Must produce Olympic qualification, No excuses"

        * "Mayeli, Kashani, Khakpour 0 Iranian people/football 1"

        * "Learn more about Mohammad Mayeli Kohan, TM #1 critis......loss to Turkamnistan!!!!"!!!&highlight=

        * "Gale Noie, Derakhshan, Mayeli the big losers of Iran League!!!"

        * "To all Lompans in Iran, Lopan supporters in Los Angeles and TM critics...."

        * "Mayeli Kodan well on his way to ruin yet another National Team "

        * "1996, Iran NT led by Mayeli Kodan loses to Turkaminestan at Home in Azadi!!!"!!!&highlight=

        * "Mayeli LOMPAN reveals his true intentions!!!!!"!!!&highlight=

        * "Maylei Lompan and Kashani the IR puppets, you are now on the clock!!!!"!!!&highlight=

        * "Mayeli Kodan, Kashani and the entire LOMPAN association in Iran is now on NOTICE!!!"!!!&highlight=

        * "therein lies The difference btw Iranian Lompan coaches and CQ"

        * "MAYELI GOH AN haya kon footballe Irano raha kon ! Zendebad Queiroz"

        * "Did you guys HEAR what LOMPAN Majid Jalali said? You dont believe it, watch."

        * "Gale Noie, A true example of an uneducated Iranian coach.."

        And these are just the threads found of the first page when searching for your threads. There are more on next pages, but I guess I've made my point.

        The point is: You make similar threads all the time and it's becoming spam. We are not saying that you are not allowed to say these things, cause I believe most of us agree with a lot of what you say in regards to some harmful Iranian football figures, but at least make one thread ("The official LOMPAN thread" or whatever lol) and update it once in a while instead of creating similar threads about a few figures all the time.

        Persian Pride running through my veins!

        Esteghlal for life!!


          ^lol. awesome observation.
          iranian fans are emotional af
          IRI's politics is no different than handling a pressure cooker ..... As the pressure builds up, you slowly let the steam out just a tad bit so that you don't see overflow, and once the pressure from below is less, you put the lid down again and raise the temperature.


            Originally posted by EKBATAN View Post
            Our whole football needs education and proper training. I bet the teams in the 90s would kick every teams Ass today in IPL. As long as we have dehatis like GN and others running our federation and coaching our teams we'll never get anywhere.
            That's pretty offensive to rural people.


              Open a "Lompan" thread basta !!!

              "Loompan" Thr .............


                Originally posted by Iran007 View Post
                You think most US are tired of my posts? where do YOU get the authority to speak for US?
                I have no authority but by the amount of "Thanks" your new thread is getting it's pretty obvious that most of people are getting tired. As you can see a lot of people agreed with post #3 on this thread.

                I'm not saying you shouldn't express your opinion, all i'm saying keep all of your thoughts and frustrations in one thread.


                  Originally posted by Sarbaze-Vatan View Post
                  Completely bullshit comment and thread. Cut the crap.

                  GN said before the game that they will rest some of their key players and use new players. Their first place in the group was guaranteed before this game.

                  If you believe Iranian coaches are not good enough it is fine. If you think Iran NT needs just foreign coaches and we must hire a foreign coach after CQ departure that is fine. If you worship CQ that is fine. I am fine with any of those that you may do but what I hate is discrimination. Why you did not create those threads when Toni Oliviera finished bottom of ACL group for three consecutive seasons? Why you did not make one of those threads for Stimac?

                  Cut the carp.
                  Never heard so much nonsense in my life.
                  Toni oliviera is not a subject of this conversation and therefore a non-issue at this point.
                  I don't worship anyone . I simply state the facts.
                  And about GN resting his players....why was he forced to play them in the second half?


                    Originally posted by Sarbaze-Vatan View Post
                    He failed in his first two ACL but he did fine after that due to the experiences he gained from his first two ACL. Other than semi-final with Esteghlal, he reached semi-final with Sepahan too. He finished top of the ACL group with Tractor sazi. It was the first time that Tractor made it out of group stage. When GN became Iran NT head coach he did not have any ACL in his resume which shows that it was early for him to take that job.

                    btw I am not GN fan. I am not the fan of anybody. I am just Iran NT fan. Regard GN, my main problem with him is his social personality but he is a decent Iranian coach in terms of coaching ability.
                    You had me fooled....😄


                      Originally posted by Amin_ View Post
                      The other members are right, you keep making similar threads which are usually about the same persons and it's getting annoying.
                      We know you dislike certain figures in Iranian football, so do most of us, but there's no need to open similar threads all the time.

                      And some are quite misplaced. Like opening this thread about GN and criticizing him for a meaningless loss after he had a guaranteed first spot finish in a tough group after already 5 games (first time ever Traktor even qualified to the next round) and in a game where he had no home advantage (there were more Arab fans than there were Iranians) is a little strange, don't you think?

                      Anyway, these are the titles of your last threads. Just look at them and you'll see why people are getting tired and annoyed by your threads:

                      * "Sosha Makani, prime example of how Connections replace Talent in Iranian football."

                      * "Kashani, Khakpour, Mayeli Must produce Olympic qualification, No excuses"

                      * "Mayeli, Kashani, Khakpour 0 Iranian people/football 1"

                      * "Learn more about Mohammad Mayeli Kohan, TM #1 critis......loss to Turkamnistan!!!!"

                      * "Gale Noie, Derakhshan, Mayeli the big losers of Iran League!!!"

                      * "To all Lompans in Iran, Lopan supporters in Los Angeles and TM critics...."

                      * "Mayeli Kodan well on his way to ruin yet another National Team "

                      * "1996, Iran NT led by Mayeli Kodan loses to Turkaminestan at Home in Azadi!!!"

                      * "Mayeli LOMPAN reveals his true intentions!!!!!"

                      * "Maylei Lompan and Kashani the IR puppets, you are now on the clock!!!!"

                      * "Mayeli Kodan, Kashani and the entire LOMPAN association in Iran is now on NOTICE!!!"

                      * "therein lies The difference btw Iranian Lompan coaches and CQ"

                      * "MAYELI GOH AN haya kon footballe Irano raha kon ! Zendebad Queiroz"

                      * "Did you guys HEAR what LOMPAN Majid Jalali said? You dont believe it, watch."

                      * "Gale Noie, A true example of an uneducated Iranian coach.."

                      And these are just the threads found of the first page when searching for your threads. There are more on next pages, but I guess I've made my point.

                      The point is: You make similar threads all the time and it's becoming spam. We are not saying that you are not allowed to say these things, cause I believe most of us agree with a lot of what you say in regards to some harmful Iranian football figures, but at least make one thread ("The official LOMPAN thread" or whatever lol) and update it once in a while instead of creating similar threads about a few figures all the time.

                      U have way too much free time on your hand son!!!
                      You should get out more often 😄


                        Originally posted by Iran007 View Post
                        U have way too much free time on your hand son!!!
                        You should get out more often 😄
                        Said the guy who opens a thread everytime Mayeli Kohan lets out a gooz lol

                        btw I don't know about your computer skills, but you do know that there is a feature called copy pasting, right? And since the only thing you seem to do is making threads about MK and other Lompans, all I had to do was just copy paste all of your latest threads and that's it, which took less than 2 minutes, SON!
                        Persian Pride running through my veins!

                        Esteghlal for life!!

