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Ajorlou, a disgrace to Iranian football

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    Ajorlou, a disgrace to Iranian football

    Yesterday most of Iranian media announced the acquisition of the Armenian NT defender Haroyan by Tractor Sazi, but today Ajorlu (ex-IRCG) stated that he has dismissed this player for the unity of Turks!

    He affirmed that this player can threaten the Turkish unity!
    Apparently some tractor fans had protested.

    Does it mean Ando, our national team captain, who served tractor in the past was also a threat to their unity? They could have easily said we don't want him for technical or financial reason, but this stupid comments are a clear example of racism and interference of politics in football.

    He is the same stupid who kicked Karimi out of Estil Azin for drinking during Ramazan.

    Thank God he didn't get selected as IFF president!


      That's the decompostating guy, no?!
      What a shame.
      IRI's politics is no different than handling a pressure cooker ..... As the pressure builds up, you slowly let the steam out just a tad bit so that you don't see overflow, and once the pressure from below is less, you put the lid down again and raise the temperature.


        I agree. It is an utterly ugly and unacceptable statement and decision. As an Iranian Azari, I condemn such a decision and statement. Iranian sport community is sick and ashamed of characters like Goodarzi and Aajerlo.


          fking scumbag
          only in IR these goon are given positions of power, go figure


            he is a clown


              Thank God he was not appointed as head of IFF. Never liked the guy, even his face gives me the creeps. Bisho'oore hammal should be ashamed of himself, both my parents are Azeri, but I say screw "Turkish unity" since when Turkish unity came before Iranian unity? By this idiotic action, he just fed the separatist trolls, they would now think, their separation voices are now heard out loud and honored!


                Rather shameful are these cowards of Persians who do not kick out such Turkish-Azeri separatists out of the country! Such persons belong to Turkey and Baku, but not to Iran.


                  Originally posted by Narse View Post
                  Rather shameful are these cowards of Persians who do not kick out such Turkish-Azeri separatists out of the country! Such persons belong to Turkey and Baku, but not to Iran.
                  The funny thing is - Turks look down on Azeris ... lol


                    first and foremost: he truly is a clown.
                    BUT some of u folks dont get it correct either: with "TORKI" he means "AZERI" and NOT "TURKISH" (doesnt have anything to do with turkey and turks).
                    azeris/torks of iran ≠ turks of turkey.
                    i know it doesnt make it better but still lets be correct.


                      ^ God only knows why, since the Iranians are from a far more rich culture than those barbaric savages. So them behaving this way is even more perplexing.

                      as for this retard ajorloo, instead of insisting on the player, if for nothing else, but to institute a healthy progressive and humane philosophy among those few fans, he gives in to hate and behaves like a true IR turd, whose priority is destruction of Iran and what constitute Iran as a country.


                        Who is this zombie?


                          The guys looks like a caveman discovered recently under a ton of dino shit! but these are the faces of IRI! Lets get used to this Crap!!


                            These are the zombies who are among our poor people in Iran.


                              just imagine if this puppet became IFF President.

