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Poll : Who is right?- Carlos Queiroz or Branko

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    Branko is nothing but a fucken weasel. Instead of the typical irooni coaches bashing CQ, they are using Branko as a proxy to bash CQ. Branko has achieved nothing, he is a nobody. He cannot dictate terms to anyone let alone our national team coach who has brought TM to new heights. We haven't lost in an entire fucken year... think of that for a second. We are first in our WC qualification group and TM has one of its highest rankings in a long time. This is all because of CQ. He was well on track to take us to a 2nd straight WC appearance something no other TM coach has been able to do. In every objective measure, CQ is head and shoulders above any other TM coach we have ever had. He is achieving results while at every turn having to deal with bullshit football politics of Iran.

    Who cares about shitty perspolis or esteghlal or the shit IPL or ACL. TM should take precedent over anything else. Every god damn year CQ has to deal with this nonsense. No other country in the world has their national team's interest be hampered like the way Iran's is. And its not just once or twice, every single year this happens.

    I hope this resignation isn't final this time around. If it is, it will be the saddest day for Iranian football. I applaud CQ for having the patience to work under these conditions for as long as he has. Most other people would not have lasted this long.


      Guys I think it's a mistake to put CQ against Branko.... CQ is CQ and Branko is Branko! The reason this is being done by the newspapers is because that's what sells! When you divide people up into 2 groups then
      they will start arguing their opposite points and meanwhile it creates traffic and newspapers sells.... But does this really help our football at the end??

      As Afshin Peyrovani said, let's just keep quiet.... Off course we need CQ back, but let's not waste time on putting the 2 coaches against eachother.... Just keep cool... CQ has to go back to TM and Branko will do his job in PP. They are
      both good coaches and they need to stay where they are ...


        Originally posted by Soosk View Post
        Branko is nothing but a fucken weasel. Instead of the typical irooni coaches bashing CQ, they are using Branko as a proxy to bash CQ. Branko has achieved nothing, he is a nobody. He cannot dictate terms to anyone let alone our national team coach who has brought TM to new heights.
        If you noticed in the navad video that I posted in the TM News thread, as soon as Adel reminds him that the physical training & preparation that La Liga players receive from their clubs is not exactly on par, to put it charitably, with the physical training IPL players receive from their clubs, br-AN-G0H responds by regurgitating the typical vatani coach takling point, saying that Adel is suggesting that Iranian coaches don't know how to properly train their players. Under the new AFC rule which requires that all coaches of ACL teams possess a minimum coaching certificate just to sit on the bench ..... not one vatani coach has this minimum level license!

        This crooked self-serving fraudster has joined hands with mayeli divooneh and oghdedar vatani coaches, as they both see CQ as a threat. We finally have a top class, elite European coach who brought us glory, and was on track to a consecutive WC qualification. This is dangerous for beekar, F grade, crappy eastern european coaches and vatani coaches who have enjoyed a monopoly on the Iranian coaching market.
        Zendebahd Iran


          زدیک به چهل ماه از مشاجره کرانچار و کیروش گذشت تا باری دیگر با اتفاقی مشابه تاریخ تکرار شود... اینبار مرد پرتغالی رودر روی سرمربی تیمی قرار گرفته که بر خلاف طلایی پوشان اصفهان مدعیان رسانه ای فراوانی دارند...
          پس از بگو مگو های کرانچار و کیروش سرمربی تیم ملی به راحتی روی اسم سپاهانی های ملی خط کشید و جایگزین هایی برای آنها پیدا کرد..جالب تر آنکه آب از آب تکان نخورد و هیچ رسانه ای برای این عمل کارلوس کیروش واکنشی نشان نداد و همه از صلابت مرد نخست تیم ملی ایران صحبت می کردند. در این میان بودند برنامه هایی که در رسانه ملی ضمن تشویق کیروش مدعی بودند: باید برای باشگاه هایی که به تیم ملی بازیکن نمیدهند حکم حکومتی صادر شود چرا که کمک به تیم ملی وظیفه باشگاه هایی است که بودجه از دولت میگیرند... حال آنکه سپاهان اصفهان در آن روزها دلیلی به جز دیدارهای مهم آسیایی اش نداشت و نام ایران را در آن مسابقات یدک می کشید.
          در موردی مشابه اما نه تنها حکم صادر می شود بلکه رفتارها به صورتی است که انگار قحط الرجال آمده و لیگ ایران فقط و فقط در پرسپولیس تهران خلاصه می شود!
          این نکته جای بحث دارد که کشوری با 80 میلیون جمعیت درگیر 6-7 بازیکن خاص برای تکمیل اردوی خود باشد... با این رویکرد رسانه ای جانب دارانه نمیتوان به موفقیت پایدار رسید...


            Whats more important ??. YOUR NATION or your personal Club?????


              Video on the Public opinions



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                3. Iran = Tm= Clubs


                  Branko Ivankovic is right but he should have kept his mouth shut.


                    Originally posted by eerooni View Post
                    Whats more important ??. YOUR NATION or your personal Club?????
                    For many people both are important.


                      Originally posted by eerooni View Post
                      Whats more important ??. YOUR NATION or your personal Club?????
                      The national team is bigger than everything but unfortunately the personal club is more important than national team for many Esteghlal/Perspolis fans. For example, Esteghlal fans wanted Rahmati back in the national team and their reason was not that he could help the team. Their main reason was that Rahmati is an Esteghlali. I remember when Daei was fired I believed that appointing Ghotbi means failing to qualify for the WC but many perspolisi fans did not care about it and wanted Ghotbi takes the job because he was Perspolisi. Go to the Facebook page of CQ and many fans (certainly not all) are begging him to stay (I disagree with begging here) but in Perspolis website, many Perspolis fans are asking him to leave and they are even insulting him.

                      Do you think does CQ have any logical reason to resign? No, and I do not like this disgraeful behavior of CQ. Did he resign because of this useless Dubai camp? Yes, and that is silly. Personally I would have accepted his resignation if I was IFF president.

                      Both clubs and national teams are important but the national team is more important. However I agree with
                      Branko Ivankovic that this Dubai camp was unnecessary and he is right here but he should have kept his mouth shut.


                        I agree entirely. He has been a failure as a coach virtually everywhere he has gone. He is just being used by the Iranian coaches to criticize CQ and he is all too happy to do it because it keeps his otherwise unemployable ass employed.

                        Originally posted by Abedzadeh View Post
                        If you noticed in the navad video that I posted in the TM News thread, as soon as Adel reminds him that the physical training & preparation that La Liga players receive from their clubs is not exactly on par, to put it charitably, with the physical training IPL players receive from their clubs, br-AN-G0H responds by regurgitating the typical vatani coach takling point, saying that Adel is suggesting that Iranian coaches don't know how to properly train their players. Under the new AFC rule which requires that all coaches of ACL teams possess a minimum coaching certificate just to sit on the bench ..... not one vatani coach has this minimum level license!

                        This crooked self-serving fraudster has joined hands with mayeli divooneh and oghdedar vatani coaches, as they both see CQ as a threat. We finally have a top class, elite European coach who brought us glory, and was on track to a consecutive WC qualification. This is dangerous for beekar, F grade, crappy eastern european coaches and vatani coaches who have enjoyed a monopoly on the Iranian coaching market.


                          Without a shadow of doubt, CQ and TM has the absolute highest priority!!!

                          And Branko better shut the hell up!

                          Zendeh bad IRAN
                          Marg bar dictator


                            Khak to saret, Branko. All I fucking asked for is one more tournament in Russia on my doorstep so I could experience the greatest era of TM in person before it all comes inevitably crashing down around us and we establish ourselves back as a nothing footballing nation once again.

                            My hopes now lie in another CQ/IFF u-turn. Please give us another 18 months of respectability.


                              I support CQ. Bronko and PP had accepted the plan for this camp in Dubai now in the last min they come out and reject the camp, saying that players can gain weight (wtf), that players need rest (wtf when bronko was holding camp and friendly game in iran), saying that iran should have bet Syria (wtf, did he even watch the game?)

                              SO FUCK BRONKO. he fucked up with the most talents TM in 2006! he needs to STFU
                              IRI = FAILED


                                To say it in the words of PP instagram followers:

                                Aghaye Brankovic its right, Iran #1 in world cup
                                Perspolis Everyting Asia..Down with the Calos Koorosh

                                But for real, this agenda of trying to make Branko TM coach again has been going on for a while now actually it started the first day he came back to Iran, obviously there are a bunch of people lobbying really hard to get this puppet in this position so they'll profit in some kind of way

