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Sardar Azmoun @ FC Rostov | 2016/17

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    Let's get real. He will continue to be distracted by European offers and then sign with a Gulf team late in the summer. It's the Iranian way.
    "Formerly known as AliDaeiClone"

      Ezatolahi says he has offers from major leagues in the world including England and will pick his new team by early next weak.
      Russian media claims his agent says he has a contract with Rostov and will join their training camp in Turkey


        Originally posted by AliDaeiClone View Post
        Let's get real. He will continue to be distracted by European offers and then sign with a Gulf team late in the summer. It's the Iranian way.
        Ezatollahi does not care about money. Or else he wouldn't have moved to atletico C and then Rostov.

        Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
        AKP Parti, Turkiye - Haj Bernie Sandersoglu


          Originally posted by ali alipour View Post

          Ezatolahi says he has offers from major leagues in the world including England and will pick his new team by early next weak.

          Russian media claims his agent says he has a contract with Rostov and will join their training camp in Turkey
          i dont see him staying in rostov honestly!


            Originally posted by ali alipour View Post
            Ezatolahi says he has offers from major leagues in the world including England and will pick his new team by early next weak.

            Russian media claims his agent says he has a contract with Rostov and will join their training camp in Turkey
            Russian football media by enlarge sound full of uncloaborated rumor reporting & generally full of shitt ..!
            By the same token, for long time now, Rostov also strike me as a shady, scandalously ran club...! Maybe Rubin's claims about Sardar's loan contract didn't have a buy clause is true. ..!? What happened to the FIFA decision on that matter. ..!? Wouldn't surprise me to find out some sort of scam is also slowing/stopping transfer of Sardar outa Rostov by scaring away rumored suitors. . ..!?


              Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
              What happened to the FIFA decision on that matter. ..!? Wouldn't surprise me to find out some sort of scam is also slowing/stopping transfer of Sardar outa Rostov by scaring away rumored suitors. . ..!?
              According to media reports, FIFA decided on the matter and sent the verdict to the clubs, but none of them have received it yet.

              And I think that this case is blocking any possible transfer for Sardar.


                Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
                Russian football media by enlarge sound full of uncloaborated rumor reporting & generally full of shitt ..!
                By the same token, for long time now, Rostov also strike me as a shady, scandalously ran club...! Maybe Rubin's claims about Sardar's loan contract didn't have a buy clause is true. ..!? What happened to the FIFA decision on that matter. ..!? Wouldn't surprise me to find out some sort of scam is also slowing/stopping transfer of Sardar outa Rostov by scaring away rumored suitors. . ..!?

                But this is about ezatollahi. I'm pretty sure Sardars case was legit because FIFA cleared him once already

                Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
                AKP Parti, Turkiye - Haj Bernie Sandersoglu



                  Saeid's manager states that he'll stay with Rostov till the end of the season. Isna is quoting russian sources.


                    well let's wait until next week
                    TEAM MELLI UNTIL THE END


                      didnt he say next week two weeks ago, lol. I know saeid isnt involved with bazaar garmi and is very professional and european when it comes to teams,talking in media, etc but still classic iranian situation.


                        I just hope we don't see another Alireza Haghighi scenario in case of Saeid, i don't get him, he said the reason i didn't play much was i didn't want renew with Rostov, either way, it doesn't seems to be a wise decision, how a 20 years old who can't get regular playing time in Russian league will get regular playing time in any top 3-4 European league and his position is not like wingers or forwards, team barely change their DM during a game just like defenders and keepers. So if he doesn't start the chance of coming off the bench is very slim also.
                        Stay few years in Russia, get regular playing time, prove yourself and move to better league....


                          i think he was banking on that HSV move which fell through..!!
                          now he is not too sure if he should stay in Rostov and just contribute off the bench and possibly get some Euro cup action too.? IF ITS ONLY Untill this summer then it aint such a bad move ..!
                          or if he should opt for offer from that rumored Eredevisie team where he is likely to get more minutes and be able to have a decent impact? (probably a somewhat long term & very Lou$y offer..!)
                          or get bit more money and opt for that rumored EPL move..!(if true..? probably not a solid, serious interest? and even if so, most likely will see him benched often there too..!

                          i dont see other rumored offers as worthy of consideration for him..! I'd guess that he will remain in Rostov..!


                            "Vitaly Kafanov "Berdyev sometimes talking to Azmun Turkmen"

                            Goalkeeper Coach "Rostov" Vitaly Kafanov spoke about the work Kurban Berdyev .

                            - Future team Sardar Azmoun called and "Benfica" and "Barcelona", and the leaders of the English Premier League. This may be true?

                            - Do not be surprised if it turns out that these teams were interested in Serdar. Wrong to be selfish. If Azmun leave in a strong championship, I will be for him to enjoy and experience. But I hope and that Serdar also for the "Rostov" will play here score their goals.

                            - Berdyev what language talking to him?

                            - Serdar something in Russian understands. Eid in Turkmen can explain. Judging by their dialogues in Turkmen, Bekiich he has not forgotten. If necessary, also specify the translators. We have two of them, moreover, Sasha Gatskan Romanian language helps - quoted Kafanova weekly "Football" ."



                              According to R-Sport, FIFA have ruled in favour of Rostov and Sardar Azmoun, meaning no fines or bans.



                                FIFA has rejected all demands Rubin on "Azmuna"

                                26.01.2017, 14:39
                                FIFA has rejected all demands Rubin on "Azmuna"
                       Dispute resolution Chamber of International Football Federation(FIFA) ruled in favor of the Iranian striker "Rostov" Serdar Azmuna in his case withFC Rubin Kazan. It is reported by the press-service of the company "legal action".

                                "Rostov" rented "Azmuna" Ruby in summer 2015 onwards until the end of the season-2015/16. Football has stated that his contract contained a buyout option rights "Rostov", but "Rubin" did not give the player. Then Azmun illegally left location kazantsev and has signed a contract with Rostov Club.

                                Rubin complained about Azmuna in the Russian Football Union and the Russian football Premier League, which later allowed the player to advocate the "Rostov". Rubinalso sued in the Court of arbitration for sport, which rejected the request. Last Julyit became known that the dispute between Azmunom and "Ruby" discusses FIFA.

                                "Today, FIFA sent the parties to the decision in the case" Azmun against FC Rubin Kazan. According to the decision of the FIFA requirements, "Rubina" rejected in full.FIFA'S dispute resolution Chamber found that when a contract player there has been no violations. FIFA'S dispute resolution Chamber ordered Rubin to repay debts contracted player who is recognized as valid, "the statement said.


