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Sardar Azmoun @ FC Rostov | 2016/17

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    Originally posted by DR Strangemoosh View Post
    Are you kidding? I was watching Azmoun and he was running like hell to get into good positions. And his judgements of where to move to always seemed pretty good. Sometimes I wonder whether you watch football through some kind of weird opposite-filter. "Looked disinterested", I mean what the hell were you watching, did you get the right game on your TV?!? (I know you will say, other opinions are available, but when the opinion is so out of left-field it just has to be considered ridiculous)
    His touches were really good but the defenders did very well, especially Rojo on the last chance Azmoun had. The BT sport commentators were very impressed with Sardar and I agree with them, as the target forward he did what he was expected to do.
    His turn at the beginning of his 15 mins was also very good but the final flick from the defender prevented him from getting the ball loose at which point he would have had an open goal - there were 3 people on him at that point so to get past two of them was skillful but man united had a disciplined defence.
    He's still got a very slow decision making when he gets the ball. On at least 2 occasions, he could and should have passed the ball quickly to another player but chose to hold it for a dribble and as a result lost the ball easily (I'm not talking about his turn). and if you watch the game, you'll see even Poloz after 75 minutes was really running after the ball, pressing the ball holder while Azmoun was just waiting to receive it.

    I guess we just see the game differently.


      Originally posted by Sly View Post
      He's still got a very slow decision making when he gets the ball. On at least 2 occasions, he could and should have passed the ball quickly to another player but chose to hold it for a dribble and as a result lost the ball easily (I'm not talking about his turn). and if you watch the game, you'll see even Poloz after 75 minutes was really running after the ball, pressing the ball holder while Azmoun was just waiting to receive the ball.
      I guess we just see the game differently.
      That's because Poloz and Azmoun don't have the same job to do on the field.


        ^^you mean his job changed since he played for Bayern Munich and Atletico Madrid? Because in those games he was doing just that! Running more and pressing more.


          Dumb choice to not use azmoun from the beginning.
          He is 2 times better then bukharov.

          Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
          AKP Parti, Turkiye - Haj Bernie Sandersoglu


            CQ was in Russia to help Mourinho convince Azmoun to join Man U.


              Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
              He had 3-4 touches and did well with all of them. I don't think you were watching the same game.
              This is the same guy that thinks not only is Omar Abdul Rahman in the same galaxy as Azmoun but actually better! He has a hard on for OAR and other subpar Arab players and disdain for Iranian players.


                Originally posted by MR.S View Post
                Cq was in Russia to help Murinho convince Azmoun join Man U.
                Unless you are CQ you should provide source


                  Originally posted by Bessos View Post
                  Unless you are CQ you should provide source




                        After this middle finger he got from the coach he is stupid to stay at this club.

                        Isn't it better to be a bench warmer at a bigger club?


                          This is what the united fans felt about the game



                            Originally posted by Mr Pouya View Post
                            This is what the united fans felt about the game

                            And here:

                            S - E - C - U - L - A - R - I - S - M


                              Originally posted by Mr Pouya View Post
                              This is what the united fans felt about the game

                              Two pages full of lads who get a hard on from Russian girls lol..they are much worse than us


                                Originally posted by Tehranto View Post
                                This is the same guy that thinks not only is Omar Abdul Rahman in the same galaxy as Azmoun but actually better! He has a hard on for OAR and other subpar Arab players and disdain for Iranian players.
                                Do you think this post of yours is even worth for me to reply?

