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Sardar Azmoun @ FC Rostov | 2016/17

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    Originally posted by Malavani View Post
    bringing up FACTS (goals against top teams, etc)
    Not to get in between your discussion with Iran_19 but how is "FACTS" only scoring goals against top teams but not scoring goals during the whole season?

    Jumping up and down after he scores in 5-6 games (top games as you said), is more emotional than considering the whole season he's played.


      Originally posted by Malavani View Post
      That awkard moment when you're the one always jumping to hasty and emotional conclusions after bunch of average performances by our legionnaires (be it Azmoun or Ansarifard). You say you're being logical but still couldn't explain why you think this season has been a "progress stopper" when other members clearly proved you wrong by bringing up FACTS (goals against top teams, etc)
      I guess i explained myself before, if you even bothered to read my post you would get what i meant, he is not getting regular playing time, for a kid who has been in league for 4-5 years, and made a name of himself, do you honestly think shouldn't by now he became team no1 striker? He starts 2-3 games back to the bench for few games and it continues, people want see him in big league(and in fact i think among all players he is the only one who has the POTENTIAL to do it), but the reality is ask yourself a question how a guy who can't even starts on regular base in Russia will start in top 4 league?
      I am emotional about our legionnaires performance? That called realistic, i guess i made it clear from day 1 that, the sad reality that we have no player in the biggest league is quite disappointing(other than Ashkan but that is more base on his old reputution and he didn't play a single minute yet anyway).
      Now if you want jump up and down, it is up to you, did i ever call you and others some name because of doing that? It is your choice and here is called a discussion board, people comes with different opinion about different subjects.


        Originally posted by Sly View Post
        Not to get in between your discussion with Iran_19 but how is "FACTS" only scoring goals against top teams but not scoring goals during the whole season?

        Jumping up and down after he scores in 5-6 games (top games as you said), is more emotional than considering the whole season he's played.
        lmao, He scored 4 goals in RPL which is once again , more than the number of goals he scored last season at the same date... Here is another fact


          Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
          right. Then judge him at the end of the season. Last season what were saying is the stats were similar to what they are now( actually worse off) then he went on a great goalscoring run and finished with a respectable tally.
          Well, we are talking about how he's been this season until now. Other than his CL goals, it hasn't been such a hype as some of you try to make it look like. Yes, he might start to get in form later in the season and we can talk about it then! But for now....he's just not had such a great season.

          As for the last season, I wouldn't really say 13 goals in 36 games is such a big deal for a striker with his reputation! The only thing that hyped that season up for him, was his scoring form in the last 6 games of the season when he scored in every game. and that again shows that despite his immense talent, Azmoun is not really consistent. That's not kind of a player top clubs like Arsenal and Liverpool would risk to get!


            Originally posted by Iran_19 View Post
            The issue here is there are lots of emotional kids. There is difference between being an emotional fan vs logical. They don't get it now, they will get it one day. If you criticize a player they think you hate him and hate Iranian Football/TM, etc... LOLL!
            we get it. You were around when we had a bunch of excellent legionnaires so this stuff now doesnt seem that exciting. That's fair enough. But you are always making these negative criticisms that dont reflect both sides of the situation and are really just blanket statements- whether it comes to azmoun, ansarifard, or whoever else. Sure, sardar doesnt have an insane goal tally in the league. There are a myriad of factors contributing to that, the main one being that rostov is a defensive asf team who did not do very well in the first part of the season because they were learning how to balance CL and League and Cup, and they did not have the squad or experience to do properly. He is one goal away from getting to 10 in all comps, and has 3 assists to his name as well. Playing for an ultra defensive team as he is those number are not horrible. I actually think he will get between 15-20 goals in all comps which is very respectable given circumstances and age, and will definitely interest big teams in big leagues. Most of all, he has put himself out there as an emerging yougn striekr with a lot of potential evidenced by the constant links to liverpool,dortmund,villareal, and the attention he is now getting from commentators,press,etc.

            For ansarifard, he literally dragged himself from the shit that he was for osasuna, to the starting striker for the best greek team. Yes , tis true they have had some shortcomings recently, but ansarifard has scored important in goals in Europa League, Cup, and League . Combined, he has 10 goals and 4 assists in 28 games for Panionios and Kos this season in all comps. That is an average of a goal or assist every other game. Considering he moved mid season, had to adjust to a new team, expectations,coach,etc that is very respectable for somebody we know is not an absolute finisher.

            Im not going to sit here and be totally positive if there is no evidence to warrant it. For instance, I think somebody like jahanbakhsh has actually somewhat stagnated this season even though he has 7 goals and 8 assists, because he has not shown himself on the big stage, and given how horrible the level of defending is in his league, and given the fact he plays for a comparatively decent team, he has not taken games by the scruff of the neck like he should have. Although even in his case I can see clear improvement in things like his weak foot, stamina, etc. But the reality is even with all that, there is very little european recognition of JB outside holland, something that we were all thinking he would achieve this season, and get some real interest form top leagues...

            Being logical doesnt mean being a total downer just to say you are being logical ! Logic in this case means you are taking everything into account, and not just your emotion that azmoun doesnt play for bayern and didnt score in the last two games...


              Originally posted by Malavani View Post
              lmao, He scored 4 goals in RPL which is once again , more than the number of goals he scored last season at the same date... Here is another fact
              LOL that's an achievement! What did he do last season that scoring 4 more goals than that counts as great in your book?


                Originally posted by Iran_19 View Post
                I guess i explained myself before, if you even bothered to read my post you would get what i meant, he is not getting regular playing time, for a kid who has been in league for 4-5 years, and made a name of himself, do you honestly think shouldn't by now he became team no1 striker? He starts 2-3 games back to the bench for few games and it continues, people want see him in big league(and in fact i think among all players he is the only one who has the POTENTIAL to do it), but the reality is ask yourself a question how a guy who can't even starts on regular base in Russia will start in top 4 league?
                I am emotional about our legionnaires performance? That called realistic, i guess i made it clear from day 1 that, the sad reality that we have no player in the biggest league is quite disappointing(other than Ashkan but that is more base on his old reputution and he didn't play a single minute yet anyway).
                Now if you want jump up and down, it is up to you, did i ever call you and others some name because of doing that? It is your choice and here is called a discussion board, people comes with different opinion about different subjects.

                But he already played 1800 min this season , how is this not getting regular playing time?? He got more playing time than his concurrents and was a starter in most of Rostov games this season , so much for not getting regular playing time.


                  Originally posted by Sly View Post
                  LOL that's an achievement! What did he do last season that scoring 4 more goals than that counts as great in your book?
                  Don't put words in my mouth please, Iran_19 was the one claiming that this season was a "progress stopper for Azmoun" , which is clearly wrong when you see all the progress he's made since last season. More playing time, more goals, + CL , El experience and now that Rostov is out of european competition , he can focus on the remaining league games to improve his goal ratio.


                    Originally posted by Malavani View Post
                    Don't put words in my mouth please, Iran_19 was the one claiming that this season was a "progress stopper for Azmoun" , which is clearly wrong when you see all the progress he's made since last season. More playing time, more goals, + CL , El experience and now that Rostov is out of european competition , he can focus on the remaining league games to improve his goal ratio.
                    If scoring 4 more goals counts for you as a progress in a $h*tty team and in a comparatively $h*tty league, then there is no more to discuss!

                    Dude, a 22 year old Mahdavikia, who just came from Iran was ripping Bundesliga and the CL apart with Hamburg, becoming one of Hamburg's best players in history! Now you are jumping up and down for Azmoun because he scored 4 more goals than the last season and call it a progress? The guy has been playing in the Russian league since he was 17!!!! With the amount of hype he's been getting, he should be ripping the Russian league apart now and more. Not to sit on the bench from time to time to come and score a goal against Bayern Munich for you to get a "Messi feeling" from him.

                    When we say his progress has stopped, we mean he's not even close to where he should have been after all these years in Russia. Not that he's scored 4 more goals since last season.


                      Sardar Azmoun @ FC Rostov | 2016/17

                      Let's be honest and real, his goal tally in the league is far from impressive and it's even dissapointing if you exclude his CL performances. I'm afraid his value will decrease in the eyes of top EU scouts if he doesn't start scoring some goals very soon. Currently I feel like Gucci has the edge over Azmoun in TM deservingly.


                        Sardar's stats are certainly not as promising as one would expect for a striker at his level. However we need to take into account his teams defensive tactics. He's still their top scorer (along with eorkhin).

                        Also if you look at the RPL stats, their top scorer has only 11 goals so far which is worse than our own IPL, overall RPL seems to be a very physical league.


                          Sardar Azmoun @ FC Rostov | 2016/17

                          Originally posted by GolfePersique View Post
                          Sardar's stats are certainly not as promising as one would expect for a striker at his level. However we need to take into account his teams defensive tactics. He's still their top scorer (along with eorkhin).

                          Also if you look at the RPL stats, their top scorer has only 11 goals so far which is worse than our own IPL, overall RPL seems to be a very physical league.
                          Which is why I'm saying from the beginning that Russia is just not a good place in general for talent development. It is a good league, there is no denying in that, but it's not a fit for Azmoun especially an ultra defensive team like Rostov.

                          The most logical and best stepping stone for Azmoun would be a league like Portugese Primeira, Ligue 1 or Serie A. He can develop himself there to become a world class striker just like many top notch strikers did.


                            Originally posted by Sly View Post
                            If scoring 4 more goals counts for you as a progress in a $h*tty team and in a comparatively $h*tty league, then there is no more to discuss!
                            Dude, a 22 year old Mahdavikia, who just came from Iran was ripping Bundesliga and the CL apart with Hamburg, becoming one of Hamburg's best players in history! Now you are jumping up and down for Azmoun because he scored 4 more goals than the last season and call it a progress? The guy has been playing in the Russian league since he was 17!!!! With the amount of hype he's been getting, he should be ripping the Russian league apart now and more. Not to sit on the bench from time to time to come and score a goal against Bayern Munich for you to get a "Messi feeling" from him.
                            When we say his progress has stopped, we mean he's not even close to where he should have been after all these years in Russia. Not that he's scored 4 more goals since last season.
                            I simply say that his situation keeps improving season after season and this is what matters, I couldn't care less about your useless comparison with Mahdavikia who had the chance to join a bundesliga team when they still weren't boycotting our players.
                            BTW , please get your facts right for once, he was a starter in all CL group stage games including vs Bayern.


                              Originally posted by Malavani View Post
                              I simply say that his situation keeps improving season by season and this is what matters, I couldn't care less about your useless comparison with Mahdavikia who had the chance to join a bundesliga team when they still weren't boycotting our players.
                              BTW , please get your facts right for once, he was a starter in all CL group stage games including vs Bayern.
                              Oh god, you are missing the whole point! Never mind!

                              Ps. Bundesliga hasn't boycotted our players. We just don't have players in their quality anymore! A bitter truth that you need to accept.


                                Originally posted by Sly View Post
                                Oh god, you are missing the whole point! Never mind!
                                Ps. Bundesliga hasn't boycotted our players. We just don't have players in their quality anymore! A bitter truth that you need to accept.
                                I actually think you're the one missing the whole point here but whatever floats your boat. I will quote you back at the end of the season to see what you and Iraq_19 will say once Azmoun has improved his goal ratio.

