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Sardar Azmoun @ FC Rostov | 2016/17

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    Originally posted by Sly View Post
    You have no clue about how I feel, yet you draw strong conclusions here! I have always cheered for Sardar here when he was on his top form! It's just that you have a tendency to only notice the criticism.

    Specially for someone who's been proven wrong about Sardar's form, his Asian ranking and everything else, I think you've got as lot of nerves telling me to keep quiet! Once you come out of your closet admitting you were wrong, is the time, you have matured up! Until then, demonstrably, you're the one who should keep quiet dude!
    It is not a tendency. We can be critical but not delusional.

    How have I been proven wrong? Sardar is clearly in a slump RIGHT NOW. I don't deny it. But we are not talking about right now. His Asian ranking is from 2015-2016 you fool - that was a different discussion. He was voted as 4th best player in RPL, scored 9 goals (7th best in Russia) and a handful of CL goals against the best teams and players in the world. While your boytoy was dazzling against pylons in the UAE and his team is struggling in the WCQ - a nobody. If we had a player in the UAE, you wouldn't look twice at him - so STFU about your hypocricy.

    Despite your delusions of grander Sly, you're not a football savant. Everyone was clowning you on our discussion of OAR vs. Sardar, and giving you facts you don't want to accept. But a delusional person thinks he won when he just took an L.



    Let's hope real fans of Team Melli and Iran hope for Sardar to get out of his slump. He's made a bad decision and if he doesn't work hard to get out of his funk, teams that were coveting him before will no longer be interested.

    He needs to move on and forget his so-called loyalty to Kurban Berdyev. Grow a pair and move on - we can hammer him hard if he doesn't move in the summer.


      Originally posted by GoIran View Post
      Azmoun has no excuses when Bukharov scores more goals than him with limited playing time.

      Azmoun - 4 goals, 1362 minutes
      Bukharov - 6 goals, 894 minutes
      Very good fact. This shows that he's slumping and really, he needs to mature up, work harder and move on.

      I hope he doesn't become another mental weakling that makes bad decisions in his professional life. Because we close our eyes and he will be 30 and nothing will come out of it.


        It's time to leave Russia, Seeing how Rostov will most likely not get a Europa spot at all this year unless the rest of the teams lose their remaining games and Rostov keeps on winning which i doubt to be honest.


          Originally posted by Tehranto View Post
          It is not a tendency. We can be critical but not delusional.
          How have I been proven wrong? Sardar is clearly in a slump RIGHT NOW. I don't deny it. But we are not talking about right now. His Asian ranking is from 2015-2016 you fool - that was a different discussion. He was voted as 4th best player in RPL, scored 9 goals (7th best in Russia) and a handful of CL goals against the best teams and players in the world. While your boytoy was dazzling against pylons in the UAE and his team is struggling in the WCQ - a nobody. If we had a player in the UAE, you wouldn't look twice at him - so STFU about your hypocricy.
          Despite your delusions of grander Sly, you're not a football savant. Everyone was clowning you on our discussion of OAR vs. Sardar, and giving you facts you don't want to accept. But a delusional person thinks he won when he just took an L.
          Let's hope real fans of Team Melli and Iran hope for Sardar to get out of his slump. He's made a bad decision and if he doesn't work hard to get out of his funk, teams that were coveting him before will no longer be interested.
          He needs to move on and forget his so-called loyalty to Kurban Berdyev. Grow a pair and move on - we can hammer him hard if he doesn't move in the summer.
          LOOOOOL..,.it's completely amazing how even now you are not gonna admit you were wrong!!!! Typical childish mentality! First of all, his Asian ranking was not from 2015/2016 but only 2016!!! That's how rankings are made! Who's the fool?! and even in 2016 he was struggling quite a bit in the beginning of the spring, like he's doing now, until he started to score goals in the last 5-6 games of the season! But no.... you don't remember that! You don't even wanna remember that because then your argument about his second Asian raking would be wrong!

          About the discussions about OAR and Sardar...are you talking about the few kids who've been liking your arguments and now been proven wrong?! In the same post, many people also gave YOU facts and records on how you can not dismiss OAR as a good and effective player! I have given enough arguments about him being consistently one of his team's best players, yet you continue to stubbornly bring the argument as if you had a point! How many people should give you facts until you accept you were wrong dude??!!!

          Funny you say Sardar is in a bad form RIGHT NOW! As if he "suddenly" felt like falling into this form! His decline started a long time ago! At a time I was addressing that while you were still praising how well he was playing! In fact, up until his last game (last week), you were still arguing how he was the most dangerous player in his team!!! Now suddenly this week you agreed he was out of form?!!! I mean seriously dude! You are making a fool out of yourself with these childish arguments. Grow up a bit and accept you were wrong! Everybody is wrong some time in their life. You are not an exception.


            Can you guys cut it out ?

            I never understand people getting so personal.

            Please stay on topic.

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
            AKP Parti, Turkiye - Haj Bernie Sandersoglu


              Originally posted by KeonKish View Post
              Can you guys cut it out ?
              I never understand people getting so personal.
              Please stay on topic.
              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
              The fact is that I was on topic until this guys started with his emotional discussions and finally profanities a long time ago. I didn't get it back to him but now he's been proved wrong and he's still doesn't wanna give up and accept that he was wrong! I don't wanna get into side issues but enough is enough, at some point you have to remind people about their mistakes or else they will continue with their stubbornness.

              It's funny how up until last week he was arguing Sardar did not have a bad form. Now that most people agree on that, he's jumped on the bandwagon to follow others.


                People calling Sardar "The Iranian Messi" should think twice after watching this:

                __________________________________________________ ________________________________________
                We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented

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                  Originally posted by webmaster View Post
                  People calling Sardar "The Iranian Messi" should think twice after watching this:

                  My goodness, the similarity of every single detail is freaking crazy!!!!


                    According to several instagram pages Azmoun is going to leave Rostov.


                      any links..?? anybody who's in the know sayin such..??


                        Originally posted by Keano View Post
                        My goodness, the similarity of every single detail is freaking crazy!!!!

                        I know it is freaky. it will be a great business idea to take him around the world and pass him as the real one and make some serious cash
                        __________________________________________________ ________________________________________
                        We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented

                        __________________________________________________ ________________________________________


                          Originally posted by Ari View Post
                          According to several instagram pages Azmoun is going to leave Rostov.
                          This better be true


                            According to "Sabziforoush sare koochamoon", Sardar is moving to Barcelona next week.


                              Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
                              According to "Sabziforoush sare koochamoon", Sardar is moving to Barcelona next week.

                              Gesendet von meinem SM-G900F mit Tapatalk


                                Originally posted by FF187 View Post

                                Gesendet von meinem SM-G900F mit Tapatalk
                                Habla Morjadish?

