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Sardar Azmoun @ FC Rostov | 2016/17

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    Baba bikhial with this dude, dont stress your lifes over such a bi-maghz little kid. It will for EVER be a wonder why the F anyone like him would stay in Russia. Oghdei, scores against top European teams in the biggest tournament in the world, and decides to remain a hostage in russia. Let him stay the hostage he is.
    and the BIGGEST ROFL at the time he told AJ to join him in russia, HAHHAHA DUDE lets see when you get out of that prison first, THEN we can talk..


      Bash ok but whoever disrespect sardar what have you done for iran?


        Wow sardar just bashed rostampour on insta.


          Originally posted by Ab-Gosht View Post
          Wow sardar just bashed rostampour on insta.
          Who is that?


            Rostampour is a foreign-based sports journalist.

            Sardar called him "adam farari" and that they wouldn't let him enter Iran, because of what Rostampour wrote today

            معمای قربان بردیف

            سردار آزمون چگونه راضی شده به تیمی برگردد که برای محروم کردن او از هیچ ترفندی فروگذار نبود؟ روبین کازان تمام تلاشش را به کار بست تا سردار، دو سال از دنیای فوتبال دور بماند.
            پروکوپتس وکیل روس آزمون گفته بود: سردار با ارسال مدارک به فیفا شکایت کرده و بارها جدایی*اش را اعلام کرده. روبین کازان برای او تمام شده و راه بازگشتی نیست.

            ماجرای سردار با روبین به دادگاه بین*المللی ورزش (CAS) نیز کشیده شد! تیمی که هوادارانش به او لقب دروغگو دادند و به خاطر آوردن بنر توهین*آمیز با عکس سردار، کمیته انضباطی روسیه، باشگاه کازان را ۲۵ هزار روبل جریمه کرد.
            خلیل آزمون بهتر از همه می*تواند توضیح دهد وقتی ۴ سال قبل پسرش را به کازان برد، احیاناً چه تعهدى به قربان بردیف داد که سرنوشت ستاره تابناک فوتبال آسیا در بهترین سال*های جوانی*اش، به اسم بردیف و تیم*هایش در روسیه گره خورده.

            Last edited by 04041374; 06-27-2017, 12:31 PM.


              With his bashing on Rostampour Sardar showed me what a low-life he is.


                Originally posted by 04041374 View Post
                Rostampour is a foreign-based sports journalist.

                Sardar called him "adam farari" and that they wouldn't let him enter Iran, because of what Rostampour wrote today

                Truth hurts.


                  I didn't know he doesn't understand Russian after FIVE years.

                  That to me, is much bigger of a disappointment, than this transfer.

                  That really tells you all about his focus, determination and where his priorities lie.


                    From good trustworthy source on twitter

                    Sardar Azmoun has rejected offers from a top 5 club in Italy, Germany & England in order to follow Kurban Berdyev back to Rubin Kazan.


                      Originally posted by Ab-Gosht View Post
                      From good trustworthy source on twitter

                      Sardar Azmoun has rejected offers from a top 5 club in Italy, Germany & England in order to follow Kurban Berdyev back to Rubin Kazan.


                        What did Rostampour do and why did he call him that?


                          Sardar hangs out with Leito, Tohi and Arash, who all left Iran to continue their job.

                          But Rostampour is the "adam farari"


                            Originally posted by 04041374 View Post
                            Sardar hangs out with Leito, Tohi and Arash, who all left Iran to continue their job.

                            But Rostampour is the "adam farari"
                            Arash moved when he was child to Sweden. Not for the sake of jobs but i see where u are coming from


                              Originally posted by naderb94 View Post
                              Arash moved when he was child to Sweden. Not for the sake of jobs but i see where u are coming from
                              Sill Arash wouldn't ever move to the Islamic Republic.


                                most people are disappointed by Sardar's reaction but some fanboys are posting insulting comments toward Rostampour..
                       here is his instagram account for those who want to show support

