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Sardar Azmoun @ FC Rostov | 2016/17

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    Originally posted by Lorestani View Post

    Lazio would be a good fit for him. It's a fascist club.
    Lmao Really ? With black players?
    I know that Italy has a lot of racists though, you might be right.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    AKP Parti, Turkiye - Haj Bernie Sandersoglu


      so now the crying here is over?

      lets see if he goes and IF he will play a lot in Rome.
      Iran deserves better, TM deserves better.
      O.G from '97 & still here


        Originally posted by KeonKish View Post
        Lmao Really ? With black players?
        I know that Italy has a lot of racists though, you might be right.

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
        Well, their fan base belongs to the most right-wing in Italy. But perhaps that's what Sardar needs, considering his fascist tendencies.


          Originally posted by Lorestani View Post
          Well, their fan base belongs to the most right-wing in Italy. But perhaps that's what Sardar needs, considering his fascist tendencies.
          How the fk is azmoun facist ?

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
          AKP Parti, Turkiye - Haj Bernie Sandersoglu


            Originally posted by Lorestani View Post
            Well, their fan base belongs to the most right-wing in Italy. But perhaps that's what Sardar needs, considering his fascist tendencies.
            He called someone farrari who he thought insulted him. He's not Mussolini. Easy on the labeling here.


              Im pretty sure that for the 10 million plus range that Rostov will definitely be willing to part with azmoun.

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
              AKP Parti, Turkiye - Haj Bernie Sandersoglu


                Albate in maghaleye "La Repubblica" be nazar mirese kheili ghabele etminan nist.


                Mige ke Sardar 9 gol dar lige UKRAINE zade.
                DROOD BAR AHMAD KASRAVI.


                  Originally posted by KeonKish View Post
                  Im pretty sure that for the 10 million plus range that Rostov will definitely be willing to part with azmoun.

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                  Azmoun can easily force a transfer to Rubin.. it all depends on him


                    Originally posted by Ardalan View Post
                    Albate in maghaleye "La Repubblica" be nazar mirese kheili ghabele etminan nist.


                    Mige ke Sardar 9 gol dar lige UKRAINE zade.
                    That's just a stupid mistake. La Repubblica is one of the most trustworthy papers in Italy.


                      Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                      He called someone farrari who he thought insulted him. He's not Mussolini. Easy on the labeling here.
                      I never called him a fascist, nor did I compare him to Mussolini. The fact of the matter, however, is that his comment was so IR-style populist that the label fascist perfectly captures the extent of disgrace the comment represents. Even from a political theory point of view, the label is thus fully justified.


                        Ajibe ke dar maghaleye Gianluca Di Marzio mige ke Azmoun shayad AVVALIN irani dar Serie A beshe.

                        Ajibe ke yadesh rafte Rahman Rezai chandin fasl dar Serie A ba Perugia va Messina bazi mikard.

                        DROOD BAR AHMAD KASRAVI.


                          I remember back in 2014 , Azmoun trained with Perspolis!! And as you can see didn't sign any contract with them 😁
                          Just hope he's just training with Rubin this time



                            Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                            The entire situation is very confusing to say at least, Sardar runs away from Rubin, and then Rubin sued Rostov because Sardar's transfer was illegal, only for Sardar to return at Rubin and now he's going to Lazio? Something doesn't add up.
                            well TBH, that is what making this whole situation confusing as fk but if you put it into perspective (its just another typical Russian non-traditional, scandalous mafiaso/dalali style Business Dealings..! so long the key parties involved get their cut of the eventual transfer fee, the move will go through and everyone is happy..!)

                            Originally posted by Erfan11 View Post
                            Reports say that Di Marzio from Lazio confirmed that they want Azmoun for 8million Euros.

                            Would be a dream move but i don't think he will take the so called "risk". Berdyev won't let him imo.
                            i would guess that it will take a minimum of $12Mil transfer before Berdiyev and his cronies agree to convince their golden boy to leave russia this year, ahead of the WC..! and the offer must be met by a well recognized Top league EU club, (like Lazio) in order to satisfy Azmoun's pride and his fan-base.


                            for now, It seems as Lazio have offered 8mil and further money based on performance bonuses ...! they lost out on their primary Striker target who went to Milan instead and Sardar is clearly number 2 on their summer transfer wish list...!!?
                            they want ship off Djordjevic to Olympiacos to generate more cash to buy Azmoun but apparently so far Olympiacos are only willing to pay 2mil for his transfer..!!
                            Berdiyev is in no hurry to let go of his golden goose, knowing that very likely he can off-load him for $20 mil plus next year after a likely good WC showing, but for that to happen, he would have to first first get Rubin to pay the $3mil release clause to Rostov and next succumb Azmoun to sign an extension to his current contract running out in June 2018..!! something that Sardar seems weirdly awful eager to do..!!


                              lmao. What a child. He never grows up it seems. Ali Karimi V2.

                              پیشنهادهای نجومی را با تار موی بردی*اف عوض نمی*کنم
                              سردار آزمون: من برده هیچکس نیستم
                              مهاجم شماره 20 تیم ملی ایران تاکید می*کند تا زمانی که قربان بردی*اف او را بخواهد در تیم*های این مربی به میدان می*رود و گذشته*اش را فراموش نمی*کند.
                              به گزارش "ورزش سه"، شایعه قرارداد ١٠ ساله سردار آزمون با قربان بردى*اف یکى از سوژه*هاى این روزهاى فوتبال ایران است؛ موضوعى که پس از حضور آزمون در روبین کازان رسانه*اى شد و انتقادهایى به همراه داشت.
                              سردار در این باره به "ایران ورزشی" می**گوید: «نمی**دانم این مسائل از کجا درآمده و چه کسانى پشت ماجرا هستند. بردى*اف بود که مرا کشف کرد و در سطح نخست فوتبال روسیه و اروپا به من بازى داد. قراردادى با بردى*اف ندارم اما به هر تیمى بروم و هر تصمیمى که بگیرم با مشورت او خواهد بود. بردى*اف جزو مربیان طراز اول فوتبال روسیه است که حتى زمانى به جمع ١٠ مربى برتر اروپا نیز راه یافت. پس مشورت با او به صلاحم است و من تا وقتى بازى کنم از او مشاوره مى*گیرم.»
                              سردار صحبت*هایش را اینگونه ادامه می**دهد: «١٠ سال نه، من تا آخر عمرم با بردى*اف قرارداد دارم و حاضرم به هر تیمى که او می*رود بروم. او بهترین کسى است که در فوتبال باشگاهى می**تواند از من به بهترین شکل ممکن بازى بگیرد. من هم دوست دارم زیر نظر مربى کار کنم که توانایى*هاى مرا می**شناسد و راه استفاده از آنها را به بهترین شکل ممکن بلد است.»
                              آزمون عنوان می*کند: «ماندن من در روسیه و کار با بردی*اف شاید بهترین تصمیم ممکن بود. من عاقلانه تیم جدیدم را انتخاب کردم. نمی*خواستم در سال جام جهانی ریسک کنم. باید جایی می*رفتم که بازی کنم و مربی هم توانایی*های مرا بشناسد. نمی*خواستم به لیگی ناشناخته بروم و با مربی جدیدی کار کنم. چون باید با آمادگی کامل به جام جهانی بروم و برای تیم ملی بازی کنم. این دلایل من بود برای انتخاب روبین کازان. همانطور که من به انتخاب دیگران احترام می*گذارم، خواسته*ام این است که احترام متقابل باشد. چون من با دید باز روبین را انتخاب کردم.»
                              درباره ماجرای آزمون و بردی اف بحث برده دارى هم به میان آمده. مثل قراردادى که کیا جورابچیان و کارلوس توس امضا کرده بودند و مهاجم آرژانتینى باید با تصمیم جورابچیان تیم آینده خود را انتخاب می**کرد. آزمون دوست ندارد ماجراى بازى*اش زیر نظر بردى*اف با داستان توس و جورابچیان مقایسه شود. او می**گوید: «دوران برده دارى تمام شده و دیگر مثل گذشته نیست که کسى براى دیگرى تصمیم بگیرد و صفر تا 100 کارهایش را انجام بدهد. من برده کسى نیستم جز خدا و امیدوارم این صحبت*ها به پایان برسد.»
                              سردار درباره بازگشت به روبین کازان می**گوید: «قبلا گفته بودم دوست دارم تا جام جهانى در روسیه بمانم و پخته*تر شوم. بعد از جام جهانى تصمیم جدیدى می**گیرم آن هم پس از مشورت با قربان بردى*اف. می*دانم از سر دلسوزی است اما کسى نگران قراردادهاى من نباشد. آدم*هاى حرفه*اى و بزرگ کنار من هستند و براى حضور در لیگ*هاى بزرگ عجله*ای ندارم. در روسیه آرامش دارم و به همین خاطر و البته حضور بردى*اف تصمیم گرفتم به کازان برگردم و پیراهن روبین را بپوشم. مشکل من و روبین کازان هم مدت*ها قبل حل شده و من نه با مدیران این باشگاه مشکلى دارم و نه با هوادارانش.»
                              سردار صحبت*هایش را اینگونه تمام می*کند: «من از تیم*های داخل روسیه نظیر زنیت سن پترزبورگ، زسکا مسکو و تیم*های خارجی پیشنهادهای هنگفتی دریافت کردم ولی می*دانید چرا به هیچ یک از آنها پاسخ مثبت ندادم، چون به خاطر پول گذشته*ام را هرگز فراموش نکردم و این قرارداد*ها را با تار موی بردیاف هم عوض نمی*کنم. حالا اگر او هم بخواهد، چند سال دیگر یا تا آخر عمر قرارداد می*بندم، چون او در پیشرفت من و در روزهای سخت همیشه کنارم بوده و از من حمایت کرده است.»



                                I believe the Lazio rumours have only really took off in the last 24 hours , and that they have actually submitted offers , got in contact , etc in that time . So it is possible at the time of sardars interview with varzesh3 Lazio had not done anything official. They have a coach in inzaghi who was one of the greatest forwards of all time. Apparently , they want sardar to play alongside Ciro Immobile, who is a starter for Italy . Lazio finished 5th last season , ahead of the likes of Torino , fiorentina , inter , and AC Milan. They will be in Europa league next year . This is a move definitely worth really considering . Lazio seem to really want him, which points to them having a big role for him . Expectations will be high and the risk sardar talked about still applies. But with European competition , league , and cup there are many matches for him to be guaranteed real PT. Ultimately , we will see if the risk outweighs the reward for him .

                                In terms of the fee, 12 million is a hefty sum but fair . I can only see sardars value after a good league and WC this year rising to 20 million . We will see what happens. It is his desicion , but this move could set him in track to becoming a world star.

