"The amount of 20 000 euros will be shared Historical footballers for their victory in the confrontation with the "double headed North.""
Regarding Ansarifard being monitored by other clubs:
"Parade Scouts for Ansarifarnt ...
For the eyes of Karim Ansarifarnt New Smyrna filled by Scouts Sunday at the Historical game against PAOK (where Iranian and scored the only goal of the match).
Professionals species from Italy and Turkey were quick to see the competitor (was also the first time) and obviously the appearance of Iranian strikers you were happy. The Ansarifarnt not only scored but created other problems for the defense of PAOK.
Incidentally, the manager of foreign player expected in Athens next week to discuss with Panionios renewing the contract of the client.
Panionios claim that the player have found so as to sign new cooperation with better salaries and higher release clause (so as not to close the road if there is a good suggestion).
It remains to be seen what they will say and manager Karim who will put the thing more ... leptomeriaki basis."