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Adidas Team Melli Kit Designs

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    Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
    highly doubtful
    the primary concern is Copyright issues
    they wanna release it closer to WC so the knockoff markets dont easily get a chance to release their cheap versions prior to the WC..!!
    Isn't that always an issue though?
    For example you can get most kits (counterfeit) even a few weeks before launch from Chinese sites...


      Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
      Isn't that always an issue though?
      For example you can get most kits (counterfeit) even a few weeks before launch from Chinese sites...
      Once these chinese guys get a glimpse of what it looks like generally
      then they have it knocked off in 30-45days
      hence why i said we likely Wont feature in them nor know what its gonna looks like, till fairly close to WC..!!
      according to that site A MIN of 40 days prior... which if you consider our typical situation and like jahandoost mentioned the actual shipping timeframe, probably few weeks (if not days) prior to our first game kick off..!?


        Hello guys. Please take a little breather ! I'm as excited as everyone for the kits to come out. Whether or not we stress about it Addidas/TM will not release them faster. Let's enjoy the last few weeks before the WC !


          ^trust me I sure as shitt aint holding by breath for it
          like Hadi mentioned earlier, sick as it may seem, i also cant wait to see the disappointment when they are actually revealed.... every sign currently in directly pointing to a major disappointing overall release.... from the Timing of the eventual presentation, to the retail distribution methods of the geniune Adidas garment, and to the very likely half-assed, tokhmy final Design..!!


            Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
            ^trust me I sure as shitt aint holding by breath for it
            like Hadi mentioned earlier, sick as it may seem, i also cant wait to see the disappointment when they are actually revealed.... every sign currently in directly pointing to a major disappointing overall release.... from the Timing of the eventual presentation, to the retail distribution methods of the geniune Adidas garment, and to the very likely half-assed, tokhmy final Design..!!
            Possibly, we'll only find out when it's released, no point of speculating right now. Also even if it may be. We want TM to do well, they could go in tank tops and we shouldn't care as long as they can play well!


              صفی الله فغانپور مسئول حقوقی فدراسیون فوتبال در گفتگو با خبرنگار فوتبال و فوتسال گروه ورزشی باشگاه خبرنگاران جوان ، درباره شایعه فشار به فدراسیون فوتبال برای لغو قرارداد با آدیداس و عقد قرارداد با شرکتی که بتواند حامی مالی تیم ملی باشد، گفت: برای لغو قرارداد فدراسیون فوتبال با شرکت آدیداس و امضاء قرارداد با شرکتی که بتواند از آن پول بگیرد اظهار داشت: اگر شرایط عقد قرارداد فدراسیوت با شرکت های معتبر و درآمدزایی کافی فراهم بود، با آدیداس به توافق می رسیدیم و این شرکت آلمانی از فدراسیون حمایت مالی می کرد. این موضوع شایعه است.

              او ادامه داد: تمام اقدام های تامین البسه تیم ملی برای جام جهانی ۲۰۱۸ روسیه فراهم شده است. حتی پیراهن اول و دوم ایران مورد تائید قرار گرفته و در فیفا ثبت شده است. بنابراین امکان تغییر لباس های تیم ملی وجود ندارد. قرار است این لباس اواخر اسفند و با حضور بازیکنان و کادرفنی تیم ملی رونمایی شود و فشار خاصی وجود ندارد که بخواهیم با آدیداس قطع همکاری کنیم.

              مسئول حقوقی فدراسیون فوتبال و عضو تیم مذاکره کننده ایران با آدیداس درباره اینکه شنیده می شود مهدی تاج از جیانی اینفانتینو درخواست کرده است درصورت امکان تیم ملی ایران به جای آدیداس با لباس های دیگری در جام جهانی شرکت کند، گفت: به هیچ وجه این موضوع صحت ندارد چراکه پس از ثبت لباس تمام تیم های ملی در جام جهانی دیگر امکان تغییر آن وجود ندارد.

              انتهای پیام/


                The only thing that prevents me from thinking the kits are going to be a total disaster is that adidas values its reputation more than our federation cares about its kits. I don't think adidas will give the IFF a crap jersey because we are representing them despite the dubious status of the contract. At worst, I think it will be like Bosnia's jerseys at the last WC, where they were in a similar situation. This means properly sewed-on badges, time stamps on the chest (no stickers), and original adidas fonts for numbers and names. At least, that's what I'm hoping for.


                  Pas chi shod in Jersey haye tokhmi????


                    Originally posted by Shayan_M View Post
                    Pas chi shod in Jersey haye tokhmi????


                      Originally posted by Shayan_M View Post
                      Pas chi shod in Jersey haye tokhmi????
                      Sepah o basij bayad taeed konan aval )))


                        Originally posted by unique football View Post
                        Sepah o basij bayad taeed konan aval )))
                        Aval bayad bezaran k**** hamdige


                          So do we have an exact date as to when they're going to release the designs? I thought they said Late February/Early March but there still isn't anything.


                            Originally posted by MatthewNekoui View Post
                            So do we have an exact date as to when they're going to release the designs? I thought they said Late February/Early March but there still isn't anything.
                            They are saying Ordibehesht now which is April-May. They want to release it as late as possible to prevent fakes flooding the market.


                              According to the latest news, the kits will be unveiled in September 2018.

                              Iran jersey should be forever like this (home one) :


                                ^September 2018??!!! thats 3 months after the world cup

