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Lessons from first day of qualifiers

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    Lessons from first day of qualifiers


    I watched the full first half and then, the highlights of the korea china game and I am quite happy all round, for :

    1- korea's win helps our case. In fact if korea gets as many points as possible from the other teams (except us, naturally) it'd serve our target better

    2- china's offense is very inexperienced and cant really cause massive problems for us. As long as we keep in mind their pace.

    3- Korea's defense is very suspect and physically not imposing enough. So someone like Azmoun ot even RGN shd get the better of them. Especially if we put these defenders under pressure. They are error prone.

    4- korea's offense follows their age old tradition of wing play and crossing into the box. They have always been keen on wing play. That makes them predictable. That also means our fullbacks (rezaian, mohamadi, ansaro, aghaei, ... ) need to be on their toes.
    First they shd not allow space for their wingers to freely cross. Secondly our opposite fullbacks must always be alert and stick to their man (on the far post) to restrict their movement.
    This way, the job of our CD's is tracking any attacker from the middle, which shdnt be that hard. Problem arises when our fullbacks allow space to the winger to aim and cross without putting pressure. But even bigger problem is allowing space for the opposite wingers.

    Given Mohamadi's small size, I wouldnt suggest using him at LB against korea. We'd need someone with decent physique and height to block crosses coming from right flank.

    Also against Korea, I think CQ's choice of keeper shd be the one who judges crosses and balls from flanks better ... rather than a mere shot stopper. Some keepers are good in one and not the other. Beiranvand seems better equipped to deal with crosses than haghighi imo.


    Keeping fingers crossed for a good showing against ghaters tonight.
    More to come

    What I learned today if UAE can beat Japan anything can happen


      ^ actually that ought to have been a tie. UAE ought to thank their luck for non availability of goal line tech

      but nevertheless, I opened the thread only for IRAN's group.


        Originally posted by Zamboor View Post
        What I learned today if UAE can beat Japan anything can happen
        I really hope a bad surprise won't arrive tonight but if so, I expect people coming with the "Oh, don't worry, see Japan already lost to UAE at home blabla".


          Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
          actually that ought to have been a tie. UAE ought to thank their luck for non availability of goal line tech
          But at the end of the day it was 2-1 win for UAE. We can talk about ifs for hours like we do about almost everything. But they got 3 points Japan got 0. So anything can happen. And never forget how that IF saved our ass to be honest in the Uzbikstan game. Wish we had goal technology but we dont so i guess we just have to live with it for now.


            Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
            I really hope a bad surprise won't arrive tonight but if so, I expect people coming with the "Oh, don't worry, see Japan already lost to UAE at home blabla".
            Which is true. Don't you agree?


              I hate to say, but sounds like a decent analysis in every aspect.


                Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                I hate to say, but sounds like a decent analysis in every aspect.
                lol. thanks.
                But hang on to your hat. If CQ has any mis-steps, then I'll start bitching


                  i hope saudi lose at home


                    Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                    lol. thanks.
                    But hang on to your hat. If CQ has any mis-steps, then I'll start bitching
                    Yeah, but remember, your analysis always looks better without words like wimp, coward, daring & Co.


                      Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                      Yeah, but remember, your analysis always looks better without words like wimp, coward, daring & Co.
                      well that entirely depends on CQ's performance, ..... doesnt it?
                      a good sound strategy , irresspective of the scoreline, always gets my vote of confidence.
                      so far I am quite content


                        Originally posted by Soorakhian View Post
                        Which is true. Don't you agree?
                        It is true but it doesn't justify Iran bad result and Iran ability/unability to overcome such bad result.


                          neither team looked all too impressive, especially both their keepers looked soorakh..!!(despite the loss today, Japan looked a much more impressive ..! )

                          we just have to worry about their speedy players and quick counters ..!!

                          should be able to beat both teams at Azadi..! a draw n loss in away matches isnt unforeseeable too.


                            Anyone tracking Uzbek-Syria game?
                            All I know is it's 0-0 at halftime. Which says a lot about Uzbeks' threat.


                              Sorry to bring this up. But it is rather disappointing how after seeing the massive weakness of the chinese right flank exposed against Korea, CQ either didnt notice, or if he did, didnt stress on it and certainly didnt make it his priority to exploit.

                              China's right side was a thoroughfare for the koreans who wisely, made full use of this and scored three goals.
                              This was so glaringly obvious that a non football professional and a mere fan like me, who hasnt even touched a football or watched a game of football, noted it and judged it important to bear in mind and talk about it.

                              But what you expect from a world famous coach is to do the same or more, at a much higher standard. But CQ didnt.
                              Lets say he did note this. Because the alternative is just too scary and farcical to imagine.
                              But having noted the massive hole, he employed a potential player who could exploit it; Amiri.
                              So far so good.
                              But the problem starts when Amiri showed toothless and incapable of making any roadway in a flank that was there for the taking, our dear coach didnt bother to do anything about it!!! Not for a bloody long while.
                              He took his time to bring in someone who COULD exploit the weakness, till the final 12-13 minutes of the match!!! ... thus, CRIMINALLY WASTING precious time that could have been utilized to drive home our domination with a goal or two ... much like the wise Koreans did.

                              But he sat on this. First 45 minutes shd have been enough to tell him today, Amiri isnt gong to cut it. Better not waste time and bring someone else.
                              And the tragedy is when Torabi did come in, you could see a renewed aggression and penetration from that side that really threatened china. But there was hardly any time to drive it home!

                              I am 1000% sure had we had another 10 minutes, we'd have scored the goal. Absolutely sure of it.
                              China was reeling and we were looking hungry and aggressive (with RGN coming in as second striker).

                              Why did CQ not use such a CLEAR AS DAY weakness?

