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Iran vs Qatar Player Ratings | Post Match Discussion

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    I hadnt seen this viedo untill now:

    Va Vaj che kare badi kard Nekoo raft too zamin, bazi hanooz tamoom nasheh bood, bavar kardani nist.
    Shod dastane Mongolians by the Olympics...
    Aseman ma Iraniha kai yadmigrim belakhare....


      Originally posted by Iran_19 View Post
      That doesn't hide the fact that what CQ, Nekounam, Azmoun did or said was totally stupid and shame. On top of that bitching at referee on every single occasion, isn't a Déja-Vu for many of us?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
      Was it the most classy behavior? I would say no.
      Was it something that violated the rules? no.

      I get what you're saying. We like to see all our players and coaches be well mannered and behaved, but this refereeing issue has truly become a killer and pain for us in Asian football (and world football).

      Yes, once in a million years a ref has been more lenient to us, but when it really matters we get bad refs (Iran-Saudi 96, Iran-Qatar 97, Iran-Bahrain 01, Iran-China 04, Iran-Uzbeksitan (home, 2013), Iran-Iraq (2015)... and many more that you're aware of)

      We have no one in any executive position in AFC or FIFA so they constantly crap all over us and this has become a "oghde" for the players and staff.

      CQ has always been one to aggravate refs and executives. Its one of the main reasons he worked for Sir Alex and it seems to work for TM. It unites the team. If anyone else tried the things he does I would be upset, but so far his method has worked so I can't fault him.

      Azmoon is young, and young players always say odd things. Many more talented players have said even worse things. As long as he delivers and doesn't hurt TM, I don't mind.

      Nekounam's only mistake was coming onto the field. After reviewing the videos it became clear the Qataris are the ones who actually started the fight. And honestly I think he was told by CQ to run in front of the bench to tick the Qataris off more.

      My only fear is we play in the AFC which is a corrupt criminal organization. I remember Makani was punched in the face in 2013 yet AFC suspended hims 3 games and the Korean team got nothing.
      In the end, TM won. We were all emotionally wound up. I am not surprised the game became such a heated cauldron. Congratulations to us fans.

      Now I hope TM plays much better, and more importantly wins in China. For once I'd like TM to qualify for World Cup without aging me (and all other fans) 10 years!


        Also, TM is justifiably taking alot of criticism from former players and coaches right now. They're right, TM was not at their best, but some of the criticism is unfair.
        For example, Khodadad Azizi says beating Qatar doesn't deserve that much celebration - we've never had problems with Qatar!!!!
        He forgets the disastrous game TM had in Doha in 1997 when all TM needed to do was tie!

        عزیزی با بیان اینکه حریفان تیم ملی در بهترین شرایط خود بسر می*برند، اضافه کرد: در اولین روز این بازی*ها به همه ما ثابت شد که همه تیم*ها قدر هستند و نمی*شود هیچ حریفی را دست کم گرفت، البته این را هم بگویم که شکست قطر این قدر خوشحالی نداشت. اینکه ما از این برد به این شکل ذوق*زده شویم خوب نیست چرا که فوتبال ما هیچ وقت مقابل قطر مشکل نداشته است. توانایی فوتبال ایران خیلی بالاتر از این حرفاست که تیم*های اینچنینی سد راه صعود*مان به جام جهانی شویم و باید از داشته*های*مان به نحو احسن استفاده کنیم.


          Beiravand dar chand sahnei roye ersaale toope qatariha tasmimgirish khoob nabood,albate in bastegi be kamtajrobegish dar team mellist.

          Ma dar in baazi paaskaarimoon hich khoob nabood. Ezatolahi bazikonist ke mitone toophaa ra khob pakhsh kone, amma in bar kheili kam in kaar ra tonest bekone.

          Ba Chin omidvarim pakhshe toop kaare Said bashe chon ba pashaash baazie hamlei ma ra mitone baaz kone.

          Gucci ham ke sad dar sad bejaaye Taremi bayad bazi kone,chon na tanha 80-85 mitone seft o sangin bejange, amma hamontor ke midonim golzanish dar TM harf nadare.

          Man hanoz nemidonam agar Milad vaghean yek defae chape chon tasmimhaaye anchenan khobi dar faaze defai nemigire. Amma Haji Safi midonim ke hatman defae chap

          nist,amma ta nabazim fekr nemikonam Ehsan ra az in post khahad bar dasht.

          Kelide ma ba Chin ine ke paaskaarimn ra daghightar konim va toop ra dorost o hesabi be bazikonhaaye hamleimoon beresonim.


            Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
            Also, TM is justifiably taking alot of criticism from former players and coaches right now. They're right, TM was not at their best, but some of the criticism is unfair.
            For example, Khodadad Azizi says beating Qatar doesn't deserve that much celebration - we've never had problems with Qatar!!!!
            He forgets the disastrous game TM had in Doha in 1997 when all TM needed to do was tie!

            I love Azizi and thank him for what he did for us in 1998. His goal vs. Australia that clinched our WC berth is the reason why Iran's football and continued to progress to this day. But really, can he not be stuck in the 90s. UAE was nothing in the 90s either, yet they beat Japan at home. Syria was nothing too then, yet they almost tied Uzbekistan yesterday. China was nothing too, but they almost tied South Korea yesterday in South Korea.

            Football has changed. These past minnows are no longer minnows. They have made great improvements. And as you mentioned Nokhodi, he conveniently forgot Doha in 1997.


              That Gutter goalie is the man of the match and a 10/10 player rating. He was definitely Iran's best player


                Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post

                Also, everyone watch this clip.
                It shows how the fight started.

                Nekounam only celebrated, and then one of the Qataris slapped him in the face and that's when things got messy.

                Qataris couldn't take it that someone was celebrating and their time wasting didn't work. Funny how time becomes so urgent to them only when losing.

                If this video is shared, AFC won't be able to do much. However it is AFC so they would ban even our dogs if they could.

                I thought the Qatari coach is classy, but looking at this video, he's vahshi and hot headed and tried getting in the middle of all the fights. No wonder CQ was smiling at the end. He ticked them off again with his mental games
                He ran across the pitch to celebrate ffs! Not only that he did it by going past the qatari bench! Name me one coach that has done that? Any other team would be provoked as well.


                  Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                  Also, TM is justifiably taking alot of criticism from former players and coaches right now. They're right, TM was not at their best, but some of the criticism is unfair.
                  For example, Khodadad Azizi says beating Qatar doesn't deserve that much celebration - we've never had problems with Qatar!!!!
                  He forgets the disastrous game TM had in Doha in 1997 when all TM needed to do was tie!

                  Azizi says that our football had never had any issues when facing Qatar? Has he forgotten our 2-0 lost to Qatar in 1997 and as a result of that lost we had to play with Japan and Australia in playoffs? Any win at 94th minute specially against a team who's grassrolling and wasting time deserves such celebration.


                    Originally posted by Mr Pouya View Post
                    He ran across the pitch to celebrate ffs! Not only that he did it by going past the qatari bench! Name me one coach that has done that? Any other team would be provoked as well.
                    Hasn't Mourinho done that a few times?

                    Slap by Qatari bench player.

                    Last edited by Nokhodi; 09-02-2016, 07:19 AM.


                      Originally posted by Mr Pouya View Post
                      He ran across the pitch to celebrate ffs! Not only that he did it by going past the qatari bench! Name me one coach that has done that? Any other team would be provoked as well.
                      Normally, against a decent team I'd agree we shd keep our dignity and be classy. But against a bunch of ghaters whose sole aim was to frustrate and provoke, through unsportsmanship behavior, and given how they pushed this toll minute 94 and almost got away with thier shit, I can fully understand you give them back a taste of their own medicine.
                      Even I would run in front of their bench cheering the goal.

                      Besides, how will he reach RGN and the frwqrds? Do you suggest he goes AROUND the pitch by first going towards our own goal and then reach the far side and then run all along the pitch to reach the other aide of the field, only then could he join the celebration?
                      Sounds silly, no?
                      Of course the shortest distance is in front of the morons' bench.

                      As long as he doesnt provoke them or say or do anything towards them, he's perfectly fine. This was a major game changer at the dying seconds of the match that was rife with frustration. Anyone in the world would run amok.


                        taremi again showed he cant perform in big game!also hajsafi was poor,


                          Originally posted by Bessos View Post
                          In all honesty, if luck wasn't on our side today, we would have drawn or even lost.
                          A draw would have been a more deserved outcome TBH, considering how both teams played.
                          Both goals were lucky goals. The first one due to mistake of the opponent (+ luckily falling into Ansarifard's lap) then kicked away by the Qatari defender (+ once again luckily falling on Gucci).
                          The second goal was also a bit of luck, since it was ARJ's left foot. The ball could have went any other direction to be honest.
                          In conclusion, TM didn't truly deserve this win at all. But we got the all important 3 points, which is all that matters in the end.
                          TM needs to show lots of improvements in the upcoming days/months.
                          Gucci's goal was lucky but to be honest, coming on in the 90th min during such a crucial game and suddenly getting a chance like that is not easy to deal with and he finished it.

                          Jahanbakhsh's goal was not lucky at all. Great pass from Teymourian, great first touch, and a beautiful shot that was perfectly placed. There's no luck with that. Even if it was his "weaker" foot, he clearly isn't so bad with his left and he struck the ball exactly where he intended.

                          Yes, overall we got lucky because of that keeper mistake, which led to qatar leaving more space at the back for that 2nd goal but nothing was lucky about the move/shot from Jahanbakhsh.


                            Nekonam should be punished..
                            the Qatari team had the right to argue,as TM staff was "trying to rob it in ",and demoralize the Qatari team and their nation,while the game was still on .


                              Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                              Nekonam should be punished..
                              the Qatari team had the right to argue,as TM staff was "trying to rob it in ",and demoralize the Qatari team and their nation,while the game was still on .
                              No he shouldn't be punished. Stop victimizing Qatar, they are full of it.


                                Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                                Hasn't Mourinho done that a few times?

                                Slap by Qatari bench player.

                                Look how Hosseini manhandles two Qataris on his own.

