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TM-News- Vol. 2

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    Originally posted by krol View Post
    It's not that I failed miserably to show you those things; it's that you fail miserably at common sense.
    1) That world class coach HAS to give a shit what that no good coach says on a stupid tv show because that no good coach is in charge of the biggest club in the country and in a position to manipulate millions of imbeciles. Having millions of morons turn on their country's national team and bash the staff day in and day out is a major side issue that can't simply be ignored. MK has been bashing CQ on a weekly basis yet CQ never responded this way. Because he understands MK can't turn the fans against the national team the way the headcoach of perspolis can.
    2) See above. If you really can't understand on your own how getting bashed by millions of our own fans is a significant side issue for the team and its coaching staff, it's a waste of time trying to reason with you. Just the fact that you keep trying to present Branko's baseless attacks on CQ as 'legitimate criticism' proves you have an agenda and refuse to be honest.
    As for his assistants, his reasoning is he doesn't need a large crew anymore if future camps are only going to be 3 days before matchdays. You may disagree with it, but it's not "abnormal". The stuff about his driver and other people getting fired is not confirmed and frankly I don't give a damn. What I do care is that with this guy we now easily dominate a South Korea that 4 years ago came to Iran and played 70 minutes of the game in OUR half. To others apparently it's more important to beat the mighty al-Gharafe with their precious club that no one outside Iran gives a damn about, or simply win an internet argument about CQ.
    Some of the best coaches have eccentric and even violent behavior. Wenger recently got banned for pushing the 4th ref. Before that he shoved Mourinho during a game while being watched by millions of people. Ferguson once kicked a shoe at Beckham who ended up having to get his eyebrow stitched up. None of this is "normal behavior". Now ask Arsenal and Man U fans if they give a crap about any of that as long as the coach gets results. No worries though. I really do hope CQ leaves and gives a big middle finger to the DUMBEST fans on the planet. Good luck with your next "normal" coach.
    so according to your common sense, Branko is in a position to manipulate millions of "imbecile" fans of perspolis against TM (your words, not mine), and if he is succenful then the same imbecile fans would bash the TM staff day in and day out and this is something that could hurt TM and Carlos couldn't allow that, and therefore, our world class coach decided that the best way to counter Branko's plan was to eject 8 perspolis players from the camp and send them back to Iran! you done it. I am done. I got my explanation. now I know why Carlos did that. gotta tell you though, that's some fucked up logic!! laughable at best. don't ever call anyone imbecile, never mind millions of them.. look in the mirror first.

    yes, some great coaches are eccentric, but no half decent man would punish his own players for something someone else "said".. those players in camp were HIS players, NOT Branko's and they had absolutely nothing to do with what branko said about that stupid camp. Those other great coaches don't fire their translator and assistant coaches and drivers because some coach said something about them on TV. those other great eccentric coaches don't go to clubs headquarters and sit there for 12 hours and call up the media to show off his antiques, because somebody who has no authority over him had said something about him that he didn't like..

    and just FYI, being "eccentric" didn't make Wenger a good coach. he is a great coach who happens to be an eccentric man but you (for obvious reason, call it lack of logic and inability to comprehend certain things as shown above) are portraying this "eccentricity" as a requirement to being a great coach, which is absolutely not true!!


      ^ None of the assistants have been fired, Aryan has not been fired, get real. They are not with the team now, they will be when the preparation starts. Oceano is already back in Iran. Not sure where you got that rubbish from.

      100% CQ has spoken with the players about this all. If you think he has left them in the dark, then you need to wake up and understand that this is reality and not the cinema.

      Again, TM will be fine. TM will always have fans. Branko won't, especially with a pariah team like PP. 3 years ago Azadi Stadium was a joke at PP games (unless truly big matches). As soon as Branko falters, they will start treating him like shit, as Iranian fans always do. Where were all the PP fans in the empty stadiums 3 years ago? No loyalty then, and no loyalty when the hard times start again. All of a sudden they are die-hards, and will do anything to protect their club?? This all stems from bikari, and nothing more.

      What a joke. They play 1.5 seasons of good football and everyone starts pouring back. No loyalty.


        Originally posted by NFL View Post
        so according to your common sense, Branko is in a position to manipulate millions of "imbecile" fans of perspolis against TM (your words, not mine), and if he is succenful then the same imbecile fans would bash the TM staff day in and day out and this is something that could hurt TM and Carlos couldn't allow that, and therefore, our world class coach decided that the best way to counter Branko's plan was to eject 8 perspolis players from the camp and send them back to Iran! you done it. I am done. I got my explanation.
        When CQ ejected the red players, Branko had already succeeded in turning the legion of morons against the national team. By the time CQ announced his decision, thousands of jackasses had already been insulting him on a daily basis on social media and comment sections. A club with this many vatan-foroush among its fans doesn't deserve to be represented in the national team. The only way to shut them up would be to give in to Branko's demands and pretend the worthless ACL is somehow as important as the World Cup. CQ's reasoning was crystal clear: 1) Branko doesn't want to release his players outside FIFA days, 2) The plans CQ has for the team can't be accomplished with such a limited schedule, 3) Branko keeps attacking CQ personally over this problem and neither side is willing to change their plans even though the World Cup is a thousand times more important for our football than the less than worthless Asian league. So the best solution is for Perspolis to concentrate on that pathetic league, and Team Melli will focus on the World Cup without them. If Branko thinks his players keep coming back fat from TM camps, then he can have them year round. No more excuses for either coach. CQ gets to have his camps, Branko gets to have his players. So why are the red idiots still moaning? What is there to sob about? CQ sucks?...He makes your players fat?...His camps are too long?... Well congratulations! You'll never have to worry about him again! shar kam. Good luck getting past Al-Gharafa, Al-Lekhwiya and other giants of world football. It's perfectly reasonable to care about the annual ACL as much as the freaking World Cup that comes along every four years and we've only qualified for four times in our history. Did I say reasonable? I meant retarded.

        yes, some great coaches are eccentric, but no half decent man would punish his own players for something someone else "said".. those players in camp were HIS players, NOT Branko's and they had absolutely nothing to do with what branko said about that stupid camp. Those other great coaches don't fire their translator and assistant coaches and drivers because some coach said something about them on TV. those other great eccentric coaches don't go to clubs headquarters and sit there for 12 hours and call up the media to show off his antiques, because somebody who has no authority over him had said something about him that he didn't like..
        and just FYI, being "eccentric" didn't make Wenger a good coach. he is a great coach who happens to be an eccentric man but you (for obvious reason, call it lack of logic and inability to comprehend certain things as shown above) are portraying this "eccentricity" as a requirement to being a great coach, which is absolutely not true!!
        Blah blah blah... Nothing but hysterical incoherent nonsense.

        I mean, there is stupid and then there is the argument that sitting in the federation for a few hours is worse than shoving other coaches and kicking a boot at your own player's face! Actually that's not even as dumb as the suggestion that I somehow said being eccentric is "a requirement to being a great coach", rather than the fact that great coaches sometimes have egos and eccentricities which the fans accept in return for results.

        In all honesty, I hope people like you have some kind of personal stake in all this and stand to benefit in some way from CQ leaving and/or Branko replacing him. Otherwise, to have this much venom and pedarkoshtegi against a man who has lifted our football to places WAY beyond what our pitiful infrastructure, budget and management deserves is pathetic. It's downright insane. Fans like this don't even deserve that Croatian con artist, let alone Queiroz.


          Guys relax
          CQ isn't going anywhere and Branko will win the IPL championship in the next 5 weeks
          TM will beat both Qatar and China and will eventually advance to the WC 2018 with ease


            btw guys, is again spreading rumour that CQ left iran gone to Lisbon. CQ said himself if he's going to another country its purely working for team melli. now they are portraiting him as he's going on vacation again. such mofo's. i didnt read the news they post but from the title it seems they are at it again.. cq left this cq left that.


              Originally posted by euphory View Post
              btw guys, is again spreading rumour that CQ left iran gone to Lisbon. CQ said himself if he's going to another country its purely working for team melli. now they are portraiting him as he's going on vacation again. such mofo's. i didnt read the news they post but from the title it seems they are at it again.. cq left this cq left that.
              I read today that CQ will show up at Esteghlal's game. Don't know whether it's true or not.


                shutup p
                You just got Caged
                K.C McElroy's Fan


                  CQ is in Iran. His coaches are in Iran too.



                    so now we know again that is one of the news agencies that is with the dallal gang


                      Mohmmad Mousavi, part of the national volleyball team in its glory days under Velasco, posted this comment on instagram in support of Queiroz. For those who can't read Farsi, he compares CQ to Velasco and says both of these coaches managed to transform our national teams but we took them for granted. He refers to himself as one of those who thought the team could do just as well without Velasco but now he admits he was wrong, and says we're making the same mistake with CQ.


                        Originally posted by krol View Post
                        I hope people like you have some kind of personal stake in all this and stand to benefit in some way from CQ leaving and/or Branko replacing him. Otherwise, to have this much venom and pedarkoshtegi against a man who has lifted our football to places WAY beyond what our pitiful infrastructure, budget and management deserves is pathetic. It's downright insane. Fans like this don't even deserve that Croatian con artist, let alone Queiroz.
                        Sure I do. I do have a fucking Stake in this like I did with ghotbi, like I did with the guy before him and like I did when I was defending carlos qerioz when some fans here wanted him fired (right here on this very site), just a few years ago.

                        this is what you and people like you resort to. A phantom. Just like your non-existence claim that Branko turned "Millions" of perspolis fans against TM and our coach's counter was to eject Pespolis players from Camp.


                          Originally posted by krol View Post
                          and says we're making the same mistake with CQ.
                          and what fucking mistake is that? that we fired him? that millions of fans want him to be fired? What? DID IFF accept his resignation? Sensationalism and mixing up of facts doesn't make your argument right.

                          No one has done anything against Carlos Qeiroz. or TM.. Not one thing.
                          Talking is not Action. Criticism doesn't hurt anything or anyone. this is a phenomenon created by the IR that anyone that criticizes must have another motive and must be an enemy. Well, you and some other people here have fallen into that trap.


                            Originally posted by Ando Teymourian View Post
                            ^ None of the assistants have been fired, Aryan has not been fired, get real. They are not with the team now, they will be when the preparation starts. Oceano is already back in Iran. Not sure where you got that rubbish from.
                            Who is talking about Oceano?? he said himself that he doesn't need his iranian assistants anymore because we are going to follow FIFA days plan... whether he does it or not, is not on me. but he did say it.
                            Originally posted by Ando Teymourian View Post
                            100% CQ has spoken with the players about this all. If you think he has left them in the dark, then you need to wake up and understand that this is reality and not the cinema.
                            Again, TM will be fine. TM will always have fans. Branko won't, especially with a pariah team like PP. 3 years ago Azadi Stadium was a joke at PP games (unless truly big matches). As soon as Branko falters, they will start treating him like shit, as Iranian fans always do. Where were all the PP fans in the empty stadiums 3 years ago? No loyalty then, and no loyalty when the hard times start again. All of a sudden they are die-hards, and will do anything to protect their club?? This all stems from bikari, and nothing more.
                            What a joke. They play 1.5 seasons of good football and everyone starts pouring back. No loyalty.
                            and all this is related to this subject, HOW?
                            CQ has spoken to players? what is that supposed to mean?
                            Krol claims that CQ had to react to Branko's criticsm on 90 because Branko wanted to "turn millions of Imbecile perspolis fans againt TM". now you want to make it better by making it sound like Carlos already spoke to the players before sending them back? so fucking what that he spoke to them? the issue wasn't the players. the issue was the "millions of imbecile fans" turning against TM. and my question was IF fans were to be turned against TM (according to Krol) then how is sending players back an effective counter in the first place?

                            my point is that this idea that Branko wants to turn perspolis fans against TM is phantom created by "some" sore loser SS/Teraktor/esfehani fans or those who simply hated Branko from his days at TM. and that Carlos's reaction was simply an emotional reaction out of haste and anger.

                            it's easy to sit behind your computer and make up shit and accuse this guy or that guy and calling Millions of fucking football fans Imebecil (and get a thank you from a Moderator for it). it's another to point out FACTS.

                            what carlos qerioz did was add fuel to the argument for nothing. and that's what my criticism is based on.
                            he has done this many times. his reactions are "chaleh Maydonnee", something we don't expect from a world class coach like Carlos Qerioz. at least something I did not expect from him.


                              Originally posted by NFL View Post
                              it's easy to sit behind your computer and make up shit and accuse this guy or that guy and calling Millions of fucking football fans Imebecil (and get a thank you from a Moderator for it). it's another to point out FACTS.
                              lol nice try! For your information, Krol's post was much more than only a sentence mentioning "millions of imbecile fans"! It's not like I took out only that sentence to quote and to thank! The thank you was for his entire post and all of his good points!

                              But now that we're clear on that, let me break it down for you: I too believe that club fans (being it PP, Esteghlal/Sepahani/Traktor/Saba...) who turn against their NT, call their NT staff names, create side issues and hashiye, give fohshe kharmadar etc., only for some club coach and their own club's (short term) success, are imbeciles and not worthy of being called "true TM fans"!

                              I thought I had already clarified this a long time ago!
                              Last edited by Amin_; 02-08-2017, 08:30 AM.
                              Persian Pride running through my veins!

                              Esteghlal for life!!


                                Originally posted by NFL View Post
                                Sure I do. I do have a fucking Stake in this like I did with ghotbi, like I did with the guy before him and like I did when I was defending carlos qerioz when some fans here wanted him fired (right here on this very site), just a few years ago.

                                this is what you and people like you resort to. A phantom. Just like your non-existence claim that Branko turned "Millions" of perspolis fans against TM and our coach's counter was to eject Pespolis players from Camp.
                                Do you ever type without using the F-bomb when on topic of CQ? Seems like we have finally found someone as hateful as Mayeli after all these years!
                                Team Meli Iran
                                Perspolis FC
                                Malavan Bandar Anzali

                                "I will never be able to say good bye to Iran. I have a feeling of belonging to this country and to the people." - Carlos Queiroz

