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TM-News- Vol. 2

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    Originally posted by Ghermez Agha View Post
    Do you ever type without using the F-bomb when on topic of CQ? Seems like we have finally found someone as hateful as Mayeli after all these years!
    here is another well thought out comment with logical conclusion.
    because I use the F word in my post, it must be that I am hateful towards Carlos, AND, "finally", we have found someone like Mayeli.
    the same logic that arrived at the idea that "Branko wants to turn millions of Pespolis fans, who are embeciles, against TM".
    the same logic that arrives at the idea that anyone that defended Branko in his criticism, does not have TM's interest in heart and takes Perspolis before TM and care more for Prespolis than TM
    I refuse to be a sheep.
    each to his own.

    to me, there is no blanket for anyone. even a broken clock can be right twice a day. just because I didn't like Branko 10 years ago, doesn't mean that I have to be against him in every thing. just because one criticizes Carlos over a certain issue, doesn't mean that he is criticizing what he has accomplished with TM or question his coaching ability or that he doesn't want to see his TM succeed. Just because MK is an idiot, it doesn't mean that he is wrong in everything that he says or does. etc etc. you get the picture!!


      Morning ladies and gents. So what are we arguing about today?


        Cant wait to see what TM will look like without PP players. We will definitely still get all the results as long as CQ is in charge and it will be a big thumb up Brangohs KOON for thinking he is special.
        "History is a set of lies that people have agreed upon,"


          Originally posted by Ali Doust View Post
          Cant wait to see what TM will look like without PP players. We will definitely still get all the results as long as CQ is in charge and it will be a big thumb up Brangohs KOON for thinking he is special.
          Why should persepolis players who are leading the league by 9pts be punished?


            Originally posted by Ali Doust View Post
            Cant wait to see what TM will look like without PP players. We will definitely still get all the results as long as CQ is in charge and it will be a big thumb up Brangohs KOON for thinking he is special.
            No need to hate.
            These arguments are the same every few years - they just change subjects. A few years ago people were ticked at GN because he would complain about CQ when he was manager of Esteghlal, now its the same for Persepolis.

            Damn this stupid ACL tournament, because as long as it has been around it has been causing scheduling issues for our clubs, TM and everyone.


              These problems existed even before CQ. This is from 7 years ago. Same talks, same arguments. Nothing has changed.


                Its going to be Ghafouri for Rezaian, Haghighi/Akhbari for Beiranvand, Ansarifard above Taremi in the pecking order, Dejagah/Torabi over Amiri.

                Biggest loss is Beiranvand and Rezaian.


                  He will invite Persepolis players. The core of TM from local league is from Persepolis, you simply can't ignore guys like Jalal, Beiranvand, Amiri, Rezaeian, Taremi, that is 5 key players of starting line up in TM. If he does that, as much as i like him, he needs to get fired.


                    CQ can get results with or without PP players. Its not about the players its about the game plan. This way Brangoh can keep his overweight players and well see how they do in ACL without any distractions.
                    "History is a set of lies that people have agreed upon,"


                      Originally posted by Iran_19 View Post
                      He will invite Persepolis players. The core of TM from local league is from Persepolis, you simply can't ignore guys like Jalal, Beiranvand, Amiri, Rezaeian, Taremi, that is 5 key players of starting line up in TM. If he does that, as much as i like him, he needs to get fired.
                      I don't think he will do anything like that. but even if he did decide not to call up Perspolis players, I don't see anything worng with that.
                      He is the coach and has the right to call up whomever he wants.


                        Originally posted by NFL View Post
                        I don't think he will do anything like that. but even if he did decide not to call up Perspolis players, I don't see anything worng with that.
                        He is the coach and has the right to call up whomever he wants.
                        You simply can't put the qualification of a nation in danger and handicap your team because of some stupid, childish fight. As i said if he does that, Taj needs to fire him, but we all know he won't. there is one million dollars involved, that is why Taj rather to deal with his shits and CQ never write a resign letter and just talk!


                          Originally posted by Iran_19 View Post
                          You simply can't put the qualification of a nation in danger and handicap your team because of some stupid, childish fight. As i said if he does that, Taj needs to fire him, but we all know he won't. there is one million dollars involved, that is why Taj rather to deal with his shits and CQ never write a resign letter and just talk!
                          Did the team get handicapped when we put aside guys like Rahmati and Aghili? Sometimes you have to scarifies to make a point and this is one of those cases. Brangoh needs to be put in his place for talking trash and this will do it.
                          "History is a set of lies that people have agreed upon,"


                            Originally posted by Ali Doust View Post
                            Did the team get handicapped when we put aside guys like Rahmati and Aghili? Sometimes you have to scarifies to make a point and this is one of those cases. Brangoh needs to be put in his place for talking trash and this will do it.
                            Are we ready to make Akhbari or Sosha are starting keeper? Persepolis players make up the bulk of TM


                              Soroush Rafiei put this picture on his insta. The caption says, "work for reaching your dreams".

                              In the picture on left he is the kid that is looking at Ali Karimi's shoes

                              Last edited by TheBoss; 02-09-2017, 01:18 PM.


                                Originally posted by Ali Doust View Post
                                Did the team get handicapped when we put aside guys like Rahmati and Aghili? Sometimes you have to scarifies to make a point and this is one of those cases. Brangoh needs to be put in his place for talking trash and this will do it.
                                You are mixing things dude, why would 9 players pay the price because of stupid CQ childish attitude? Rahmati and Aghili was disciplinary issues and it was their fault, what 9 Persepolis players have done to deserve such a shitty treatment?
                                The guy was already fired if he was acting like that anywhere else, there is no way any other country would shut down the league for national team camps, lets have some logic!

