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TM-News- Vol. 2
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به گزارش "ورزش سه"، با بازگشت کارلوس کی روش به ایران
اردوی تیم ملی فوتبال از امروز ساعت 16 در هتل المپیک تهران شروع می شود.
بر این اساس بازیکنانی که حدود یک هفته قبل به اردوی تیم ملی دعوت شده بودند،
از امروز رسما خود را به کادرفنی معرفی می کنند و قرار است تمرینات تیم ملی نیز آغاز شود.
در این بین برخی لژیونرها که نامشان در لیست قبلی بود در اردوی اتریش به جمع سایر ملی پوشان اضافه می شوند.
Last edited by St_Mark; 05-20-2017, 03:37 AM.
Originally posted by sedee91 View PostIn my opinion, Gaspar is going to be just a coach and the strategist that CQ wanted to fill, because that was the issue that he wanted to talk about with IFF. Since Gaspar is moved to the Strategist position, they fill his position with the new GK coach, Alexandre Lopez.
I was about to say same thing about gaspar becoming a technical assistant. He has been with CQ for a long time is much more than just a GK coach. I think that maybe Dan Gaspar will be in nekounams role and Alexandre Lopez is the new GK coach. For him, his position is a huge upgrade on what it was (various clubs in qatar,India) and he gets to work with a legendary countryman (CQ) who could prob even refer him to other portuguese teams in the future.
Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View PostI was about to say same thing about gaspar becoming a technical assistant. He has been with CQ for a long time is much more than just a GK coach. I think that maybe Dan Gaspar will be in nekounams role and Alexandre Lopez is the new GK coach. For him, his position is a huge upgrade on what it was (various clubs in qatar,India) and he gets to work with a legendary countryman (CQ) who could prob even refer him to other portuguese teams in the future.
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