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TM-News- Vol. 2

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    Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
    And who is the true fan?

    If Ali Karimi or any other player says something criticizing CQ that doesn't mean we should tell whatever we like about them. Except the people like Mayeli Kohan who are sick and mentally retarded any other professional person in our football can give his opinion about TM and CQ. For your info CQ was not the guy who took us to WC. It was our hard working squad and a little luck that took us that far last time. CQ just did his part. Stop worshiping him.
    My friend I am not trying to antagonize you, just having a discussion. I did not mean to say you are not a true fan so please don't take it that way.

    I'm sorry but your comment that CQ did not take us to WC is just simply not true. Players like Ashkan and Reza would never have joined TM if not for CQ and Reza is LITERALLY the reason why we went to WC.

    To me AK has continuously been making comments which hinder TM at inopportune times and that will not earn my respect personally.

    Also he is mostly criticizing Taj and not CQ. I completely disagree with him regarding the issue. TM is far more important for all of Iran than IPL and the only motive his comments have are for supporting people like Branko who have recently had an agenda against CQ.


      ه گزارش سایت رسمی فدراسیون، کارلوس کی روش در جدیدترین پیام خود نوشت:

      «دوستان عزیز
      "غیرممکن را ممکن سازیم"
      تیم ملی فوتبال در حال حاضر در حال انجام مسابقات جام جهانی 2018 روسیه است. ما تنها نیمه اول و نیمه دوم این مسابقات را پشت سر گذاشته ایم و در راه رسیدن اینجام جهانی" باید هشت نیمه دیگر بازی کنیم. به زودی ما بازی با ازبکستان (نیمه سوم) و کره جنوبی (نیمه چهارم) را خواهیم داشت. بعد از این چهار بازی ما 12 امتیاز را پشت سر گذاشته ایم.

      خواهش می کنم به بنده اجازه بدهید که به ذهنمان تلنگری بزنم و با یادآوری خاطرات گذشته، به یک یادگیری نیز برسیم.

      تاریخچه تیم ملی به ما می گوید که با در نظر گرفتن اینکه در گذشته بازیکنان، مربیان بسیار خوب و رؤسای فدراسیون مجربی حضور داشتند ولی در گذشته دو صعود پیاپی به جام جهانی غیرممکن بوده است.

      برای اولین بار ایران در سال 1978 به جام جهانی صعود کرد. بعد از آن سال 1998 و 20 سال طول کشید. سپس ایران در جام های جهانی 2006 و 2014 حضور داشت که هر بار هشت سال فاصله داشت.
      کار من، هدف من، ماموریت و آرزوی من این است که غیرممکن را ممکن سازم.
      اگر شما فکر می کنید که این کار سهل و آسان است، فقط کافی است که از تمام بازیکنان، و مربیان بسیار خوب و روسای فدراسیون فوتبال که در گذشته در این کار شکست خوردند بپرسید که چرا غیرممکن بود؟

      دوستان عزیز
      اگر ما از تاریخ درس بگیریم، برای تبدیل غیرممکن به ممکن، نمی توانیم اشتباه ها یا سوءتفاهم های گذشته را تکرار کنیم.
      با تقدیم بهترین ها به تک تک شما

      کارلوس کیروش
      Last edited by St_Mark; 09-21-2016, 01:33 AM.


        Originally posted by NFL View Post
        Shireh Ali Karimi.. No one like him!!
        Always speak your mind!! and don't give faak who thinks what of it!!!!
        and he is 110% correct.
        this is a joke!!!!!!!! even Afghanistan's league will not shut down they way our joke of a league does.
        and after all that Break and training camp and practices, then what??? Six of our starters are from some faaking foreign league who were never in the camp and are added to the team 3 or 4 days before Match day! and the other five play for Persepolis!!!!!!!! LOL..
        one of the other reasons is that if the vatani coaches were actually good we wouldnt of have this problem. IPL is getting more boring each year and thats because the players arent being developed.. no good training.. not good equipement and the rest... he needs them to get prepared. you cannot compare irans teams and europeans. there the club gets the ;oplayers up to a point where just 3,4 days for national team is needed. AND they get the friendliees they want to gel together.. while tm doesnt get friendlies.. and if they do they arent any good ones.. no professional facilities.. nothing. even afganistan has beteer facilities and syria who is at war because our regime give more money to them than developing our own nation.


          Uzbekistan league


            Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
            I dont agree.
            Oman seems a perfect place for both nations, as well as with regards to the political factors.

            Oman, unlike many other PERSIAN gulf fiefdoms has pretty good relations with iran. And since Assad is on the payroll of IR, by all logic he should not (dare not, one would like to believe) object .
            All that is aside the proximity of the venue to BOTH nations. Hell, syrians may even have some advantage in oman being an arab country.
            Only one problem. Oman has even better relations with KSA and is closer in proximity and culturally to the KSA. Why risk political stablity for a football match that doesn't even involve your nation.

            Sent from my ME173X using Tapatalk
            Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


              This is by no means a defense of AK , who imo is bipolar most probably. But CQ picking AK was hardly done as a favor to AK. It was more a tactic by CQ to divert the pressure and criticism from HIMSELF, who'd just had a run of horrible results and fans were slowly pointing the finger at him. He picked an untrained, ill-prepared and unsuitable BUT EXTREMELY FAN-POPULAR player to get that pressure off him. And voila! Suddenly in the eyes of immature iranian fans, he became a savior and grand master and whatnot. Never bothering to see just what an unsuitable appointment this was.

              CQ, the ever cunning and sly politician and populist.


                Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                This is by no means a defense of AK , who imo is bipolar most probably. But CQ picking AK was hardly done as a favor to AK. It was more a tactic by CQ to divert the pressure and criticism from HIMSELF, who'd just had a run of horrible results and fans were slowly pointing the finger at him. He picked an untrained, ill-prepared and unsuitable BUT EXTREMELY FAN-POPULAR player to get that pressure off him. And voila! Suddenly in the eyes of immature iranian fans, he became a savior and grand master and whatnot. Never bothering to see just what an unsuitable appointment this was.

                CQ, the ever cunning and sly politician and populist.
                This doesn't hold true at all. CQ chose Karimi as his assistant after the World Cup and this relationship lasted until Karimi bailed right before the Asian Cup. This is the same period when fans were begging Kafashian to offer CQ a new contract and were even posting messages on Zarif's social media. In fact, CQ's popularity was at its absolute peak at this stage and pressure on him was as its lowest.


                  "Thailand to play @TeamMelliIran on 9 November, 19:00, at Rajamangala Stadium."


                    iff already has answered ali karimi.


                      I think Karimi should criticize our league coaches for their bad trainig programs and 2 IFF for not having a common base game system that clubs have to follow for their players and their so-called "academys" if they even have any.
                      Things that we dont understand is that we think so much about ourselves and think that we know everything about football and have so much expectations . Are we really that good? NO!!

                      Do you really think CQ want to cancel the league so long time for two games? no I do not think so. but he sees that the players are in very bad condition because of bad outdated training programs from coaches who have had their coaching license from a 3 day coaching course from IFF and the players have not learned to play other play systems than the systems they have in their clubs.

                      All good leagues in the world have a common basic play system that they have to play when they are kids in the clubs Academys and have much more developed and more serious physical training than we have in Iran.
                      The time when CQ have all the players he have to do rehabilitation 3 days and then test their physical situation with physical training for 6-7 days and then when they are good shape for international games for Asian level then he can start train on tactical moves.
                      He have to do rehab after the flight to Uzbekistan and play the game and fly home and do the same thing for the Korea game.
                      When I talked with Mahdavikia and asked him about how their ordinary training looked like in Iran, he said that the coaches used to come to the training with their regular clothes without changing to training cloths and they starts to warm up and then some kind of training with the ball and then play 3-4 teams with 5 players in each team to play in small areas. their pre-season training was to run up and down on the hill and work with weights. thats it.
                      the players ate unhealthy food and went to bed late and many players was even smokers and the coaches knew about it. The players unprofessional way of their life is not really their fault, but it's because they have not been taught as a young how to live and behave off the pitch.

                      So instead of criticizing CQ for canceling the league so often for so long time is natural for me cause he wants to get results. So think depther and try to understand his professional view on football and understand what he goes through with our unprofessional players he tries to build up 2 qualify for the World Cup without standard facilities like a smallest thing as a good football pitch so they can pass the ball right on his tactical training.

                      So criticize the unprofessional coaches and dallals who control our football
                      TEAM MELLI IRAN - PERSPOLIS


                        ه گزارش سایت فدراسیون فوتبال، 17 بازیکن زیر برای حضور در اردوی تیم ملی در ارمنستان به این تیم دعوت شدند:
                        دروازه بانها: علیرضا حقیقی، علیرضا بیرانوند و محمدرضا اخباری
                        مدافعان: رامین رضاییان، وریا غفوری، سید جلال حسینی، عزت الله پورقاز، محمد انصاری، سعید آقایی
                        بازیکنان میانی: آندرانیک تیموریان، امید ابراهیمی، داریوش شجاعیان، احسان حاج صفی، سروش رفیعی
                        مهاجمان: وحید امیری، مهدی ترابی و مهدی طارمی
                        فهرست نهایی تیم ملی فوتبال ایران برای دیدار برابر ازبکستان و کره جنوبی بعد از اردوی تیم ملی در ارمنستان اعلام می شود.

                        Alireza Haghighi




                        Last edited by St_Mark; 09-21-2016, 10:07 AM.


                          17 men squad for the training camp in Armenia

                          Goal: Alireza Haghighi, Alireza Beiranvand, Mohammad Reza Akhbari

                          Defence: Ramin Rezaeian, Vouria Ghafouri, Seyed Jalal Hosseini, Ezatollah Pourghaz, Mohammad Ansari, Saeid Aghaei

                          Midfield: Andranik Teymourian, Omid Ebrahimi, Dariush Shojaeian, Ehsan Hajsafi, Soroush Rafiei

                          Attack: Vahid Amiri, Mehdi Torabi, Mehdi Taremi


                            Pourghaz Again.!!


                              We need to figure out a partner for Hosseini. Montazeri will be questionable for Uzbek game.

                              Has Hajsafi been called up as a midfielder?


                                Before you all ask where is x and y and so and so please note the players listed are only domestic players. The legionnaires will be added 4 days before the game against Uzbekistan.

