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TM-News- Vol. 2

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    wow impressive video


      Originally posted by Abtin View Post
      Great video on the one and only TM!

      If only Haghighi had caught one or two PKs...


        Originally posted by mahestan View Post
        If only Haghighi had caught one or two PKs...
        If only they called the penalty for Ashkan… If only Messi didn't score that lucky banger…

        When we think about all the ifs, we can never move to a promising future


          Originally posted by Iranianarsenal11 View Post
          If only they called the penalty for Ashkan… If only Messi didn't score that lucky banger…

          When we think about all the ifs, we can never move to a promising future
          You can't forget about the past, or you'll keep making the same mistakes.


            Originally posted by Iranianarsenal11 View Post
            If only they called the penalty for Ashkan… If only Messi didn't score that lucky banger…

            When we think about all the ifs, we can never move to a promising future
            The ref was too scared to award that penalty that IMO would have made Iran win historically against Argentina! but its over, lets move on and hope the next time we pay a football power we score and win!


              I miss TM. Can't wait to see them playing against Korea.


                is also strage, how there is a while till korea game and korea coach said he is done with tm analysis, i was surprised when i saw that


                  Any word on when the TM camps start back and when the list will be announced?

                  I am hoping to see some new youngsters in the lineup


                    Originally posted by naderb94 View Post
                    Any word on when the TM camps start back and when the list will be announced?
                    I am hoping to see some new youngsters in the lineup
                    im hoping ghoddos gets called up. I feel like he is the only player that could definitely add something better to TM. The only other guy with a shot is probably Kaveh Rezaei, but we are stacked at CF. Othan than that I expect CQ to call up the same players as usual ( and rightly so) . Hopefully the starting xi gets a bit of tinkering nd we see more of guys like Torabi , Akhbari Aghaei, etc. Only other person I would like to see called up is Moharammi, who IMO would be a better alternative to rezaeian than Vouria who currently cant seem to string together a few months of consistent play without injury.


                      Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
                      im hoping ghoddos gets called up. I feel like he is the only player that could definitely add something better to TM. The only other guy with a shot is probably Kaveh Rezaei, but we are stacked at CF. Othan than that I expect CQ to call up the same players as usual ( and rightly so) . Hopefully the starting xi gets a bit of tinkering nd we see more of guys like Torabi , Akhbari Aghaei, etc. Only other person I would like to see called up is Moharammi, who IMO would be a better alternative to rezaeian than Vouria who currently cant seem to string together a few months of consistent play without injury.
                      Would like to see Dariush Shojaeian and Kamal Kamaybina added as well and get them back into TM


                        According to V3

                        داورزنی اعلام کرد؛

                        شجاعی و حاج صفی از حضور در تیم ملی محروم شدند

                        معاون وزیر ورزش گفت: به دلیل اینکه شجاعی و حاج صفی خط قرمز نظام را زیر پا گذاشتند دیگر جایی در تیم ملی فوتبال ایران ندارند.

                        به گزارش "ورزش سه"، محمدرضا داورزنی در گفتگو با صداوسیما بیان کرد: در ۳۸ سال گذشته هیچکدام از ورزشکاران ما در صحنه های مهم حتی المپیک حاضر نبودند مقابل ورزشکاران رژیم غاصب صهیونیستی که ما آنها را به رسمیت نمی شناسیم به میدان مسابقه بروند و اتفاق اخیر در شرایطی رخ داد که ما بارها با تهدیدهای کمیته بین المللی المپیک مواجه شده بودیم اما به دلیل اینکه این رژیم اشغالگر خط قرمزی برای ایران و ملت های مظلوم جهان است طبیعی بود که این حساسیت برای ملت شریف ما وجود داشته باشد. خیلی از جاها بوده است که ورزشکاران کشورمان طلای المپیک را از دست دادند تا پای ارزش های ایران اسلامی بایستند و از مردم مظلوم فلسطین حمایت کنند.

                        وی در ادامه گفت: وقتی دو فوتبالیست ما بی تفاوت به این موضوع عمل می کنند به صرف اینکه تعهدی به باشگاهشان دارد، پس تعهدشان به ملت شریف ایران چه می شود؟

                        معاون وزیر ورزش افزود: این دو بازیکن قرارداد مالی با یک باشگاهی دارند که پول بگیرند و برای آن باشگاه بازی کنند اما اینکه بروند با نماینده رژیم منفوری که تمام گرفتاریهای منطقه ناشی از اقدامات آن است، بازی کنند و بی تفاوت نسبت به همه این فشارها و همه جنایاتی که اسرائیلی ها انجام می دهند، به میدان بروند این وضعیت برای مردم ایران قابل تحمل نیست.

                        داورزنی افزود: با این شرایط طبیعی است که فدراسیون فوتبال و کمیته انضباطی آن تصمیم جدی درباره آینده این دوبازیکن فوتبال بگیرد اما در حال حاظر به طور قطع مسعود شجاعی و احسان حاج صفی به تیم ملی فوتبال ایران دعوت نخواهند شد زیرا آنها خط قرمزها را زیر پا گذاشتند.

                        وی درباره اینکه کی روش چه واکنشی به دعوت نشدن از این دو بازیکن به تیم ملی فوتبال دارد گفت:مراجع تصمصیم گیری به این موضوع نظام جمهوری اسلامی ایران، وزارت ورزش و جوانان و همچنین فدراسیون فوتبال هستند، نه آقای کارلوس کی روش. هرچند که این سرمربی پرتغالی برای فوتبال کشورمان زحمت کشیده که در جای خود ارزشمند بوده اما این اتفاقی که افتاده زیرپا گذاشتن خط قرمز نظام جمهوری اسلامی ایران است.

                        وی در پایان تاکید کرد: هیچکس حق ندارد خط قرمز نظام جمهوری اسلامی ایران را رد کند.


                          Davarzani also became biggest Dastmal-Kesh, this is a must for people in charge in order to survive in that system! Akheh yeki nist bege shoma ro sana na, hamin Arafat ba Hazrate Emameton refigh fabric bodan, bad Zamane Jang ham pialeye Saddam shode bod! Kaase daghtar az aash.



                            There is no comment from IFF & no report from any major news agency in this regards. So far only V3 and JJ made such claims.
                            TM list will be announced after W5 and this report if true won't be the final verdict.
                            Would IFF comply with Sports ministry?


                              Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
                              There is no comment from IFF & no report from any major news agency in this regards. So far only V3 and JJ made such claims.
                              TM list will be announced after W5 and this report if true won't be the final verdict.
                              Would IFF comply with Sports ministry?
                              Add 90 to that list also. Anyway it will be lots of pressure on IFF from fans, we are talking about two veterans who are loved by everyone in TM, we don't talk about 20 years old kids, it will for sure affect the team chemistry if they are excluded.


                                Originally posted by Iran_19 View Post
                                Add 90 to that list also. Anyway it will be lots of pressure on IFF from fans, we are talking about two veterans who are loved by everyone in TM, we don't talk about 20 years old kids, it will for sure affect the team chemistry.
                                Isna too.

                                The way I understand it DC has yet to meet and hear their response and reasoning then issue a verdict. Short of that Daverzani's comment is just his opinion.

                                Masoud and Ehsan have made no public comments since the game but at some point, they have to.
                                Hope for the best but situation may get more political.

