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TM-News- Vol. 2
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Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
Serbia abolished need of visas for visiting iranians. I think it will be idea to play serbia/Bosnia level teams in friendlies. We have good relations with these countries, they have high level superstars, but we can definitely hold our own against them as we saw in the 2-1 montenegro win.
Lol that's the best made up story I've ever read about CQ. I've found it on Telegram-
فحاشي ركيك كي روش به دو هموطن ايراني!
روز گذشته، كي روش سرمربي تيم ملي كه همراه بازيكنان در يكي از استخرهاي تهران حضور پيدا كرده بود، با دو هموطن ايراني درگير شد.
وي كه در استخر در حال شنا بود، حين شنا كردن به دو نفر برخورد كرد و با عصبانيت شروع به فحاشي ركيك به اين پدر و پسر ايراني كرد و اين دو نيز با شگفتي، به عذرخواهي از او پرداختند، اما كي روش انقدر عصباني بود كه به فحاشي ادامه مي داد!
كي روش پس از اين فحاشي با عصبانیت از استخر خارج شد، و عينك خود را به سوي يكي از نزدیکانش در استخر پرتاب كرد!
رفتار زشت اين سرمربي خارجي باعث حيرت حاضران در استخر شد/انتخاب
Originally posted by Tehranto View Postمهدي مهدوی کیا و محمد مایلی کهن به علت حمایت از شجاعی و حاج صفی ممنوع التصویر شدند!
CQ's latest comments - not sure what the latest problem is but I'm assuming this is part of his usual strategy to motivate TM.
Team Melli facing dangerous winds of havoc
Dear friends,
We should be proud, happy and enjoying our World Cup qualification, our present unbeatable and clean sheet records, and our number 1 position in Asia FIFA Ranking.
Two games before the end of our group qualification, Iran secured the first position and became the second National Team qualified for Russia 2018, after Brazil, witch is one remarkable achievement. So, as we now prepare to play with South Korea and Syria, we should be engaged and united, fighting for these historical records, finishing our qualification in style, pride and joy.
Three months after our qualification there should be in place already one ambitious and challenging World Cup Preparation Program, supported by one clear and consistent financial budget. But unfortunately, this is not the case. If that support doesn’t come on the right time, and if we repeat the same past experiences and mistakes, walking through the same previous uncertain paths, we will be facing dangerous “quick sand”.
Dear friends,
On top of this uncertain financial situation, we are facing now the announcement of some dangerous, unexpected and unnecessary local winds of havoc, coming into our direction. Certainly Team Melli doesn’t need that and without any doubt the fans and supporters don’t deserve and expect that also.
We must remind and emphasise President Rohani motivational and challenging words, after we reached Russia 2018 World Cup qualification:
80 million!
One Nation!
One heart beat!
Only with the right on time financial support, to implement one ambitious World Cup preparation, and with a powerful sense of tolerance and togetherness, we will be able to achieve our Goals and Dreams in Russia 2018.
Team Melli spirit and mentality has always been, no matter what, “under promise and over delivery”. However, it is not understandable and acceptable that Team Melli steel get rewarded, as usual, with nothing but “over promises and under deliveries.”
Let us all focus on South Korea and Syria. All for Team Melli!
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