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TM-News- Vol. 2

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    Originally posted by Tehranto View Post
    I was obviously joking - but it's asinine for anyone to want to lose to Syria, for what? To get back at Koreans? We haven't lost to them in 5 games, winning 4. We've pained them enough.

    Syria are the last team we should do favours to. It also puts our entire integrity in question and undermines it. I will, as an Iranian, lose respect for Team Melli. Syria would do us no favours - we saved their country from ISIS - we owe them nothing, they are in our debt.
    People are free to think what they want to and express their opinion whether we like it or not , i wasn't agreeing with this guy statement at all though, good to hear you were joking.


      Originally posted by Gotham View Post
      Considering you're a mod, I thought you were dead serious tbh... many other members did too. That said it's silly to think Iran should let Syria win, but there's nothing wrong with people having different opinions (even though they can be nonsense).
      I would never do that. not that type, I should have used my words more carefully but I was just saying that you really aren't a TM fan if you want them to lose. We want to extend our clean sheet streak AND defeat the team that was horrible to us in our last WCQ game with them.

      GO TM!



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          Just want to refresh everyone's memory about the first game in Malaysia. Remember their number 15 flopping like a fish out of water after he committed a nasty foul with a tackle (minute 7:45 in the video). CQ promised them a good GOOSHMALI in Azadi.
          The time has come. NO MERCY.


            Originally posted by Mani View Post
            Do you remember Dejagah's debut match against Qatar. Some would argue that we deliberately helped Qatar in that match to eliminate Bahrain. I can think of a dozen example of such matches in Asia involving every team, even the Japanese who are very clean when it comes to this sort of thing. Like in 2004 Asian Cup, when we and Japan had basically agreed to a draw and kept passing the ball around for the last 30 minutes of the match to eliminate Oman. That said, Iran probably has the cleanest record in Asia when it comes to these things, and we have been the victim of it more often. But, you can't write off the possibility specially given how close Syria is to Iran politically and how much CQ and Team Melli players hate the Korean team. I don't personally think it's gonna happen, but it is possible.
            Iran and Japan did not collude to eliminate Oman. No team can be forced to play attacking football and if both sides would rather have a tie by playing it safe, it's not collusion.

            CQ is a professional and his teams always step foot on the pitch to win. Also I don't think CQ "hates" Korea and actually prefers to play a country that offers a professional environment versus some of the crap we have gone through when playing teams like lebanon and syria. No one complains if you lose to a team on a high quality pitch. Games should not be decided by a lousy pitch or grassrolling. As much as we consider Korea a rival, I would take a Korea stadium any day over a junior high school quality pitch more suited for playing water polo. We lost to Lebanon on their lousy pitch and we tied syria while trying to navigate through water, all while having syrian players bouncing up and down as if they were dead zombies returning to life.
            “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


              Bah bah. Let the cancellations begin

              چند روز قبل گفته بودیم قرار است بازی دوستانه*ای پیش از بازی با روسیه داشته باشیم اما این بازی احتمال خیلی زیاد امروز لغو می*شود چون هنوز بودجه*ای برای این بازی دوستانه نیست. همین اتفاقات باعث می*شود تا ما زمان را از دست بدهیم.
              And another "great" news. It didn't really worked out in Perspolis, do they think people would support the IFF??

              کی*روش در رابطه با اینکه آیا هزینه برنامه*های تیم ملی تأمین خواهد شد، تصریح کرد: می*دانم راجع به چه موضوعی صحبت می*کنید. سعی می*کنیم یک حساب بانکی باز کنیم تا شاید مردم کمک کردند.


                I want to defeat Syria and i am 100% sure that TM and CQ will kick their a..
                You guys forget how dirty the syrians played against us? How agressvie they behaeve against
                our boys? No guys please stop this " lets lose to syria" i want to defeat them
                as high as possible.

                The only two Teams that i respect is china and the uzbeks.


                  Here the evidence for my point of view:


                    The Iran-Japan game wasn't a collusion. In competitions, advancing teams prefer to have strong teams advance out of the group simply to have a better shot at going all the way. If you're Japan or SK, you prefer to have Iran/Australia to advance with you (instead of Oman/Bahrain) because they are more likely to eliminate whoever is advancing from the other group.
                    This is standard practice in competitions and doesn't apply to the Iran-Syria game.


                      Originally posted by Tehranto View Post
                      I have never banned anyone on here for the year + I have been a MOD - but Treason is where I draw the line.

                      So go on with that BS Mullah talk. No governance accepts treason and this talk here is treacherous.

                      TREASON!! Really?? Judge jury and executioner all wrapped up in one! Pls hang me out in Public and make an example for the rest of us!...


                        Originally posted by eerooni View Post
                        TREASON!! Really?? Judge jury and executioner all wrapped up in one! Pls hang me out in Public and make an example for the rest of us!...
                        I was being hyperbolic. Chill out.


                          Posted by L'Equipe. Lol @ choosing a picture of Taremi wearing a Perspolis GIVOVA training kit


                            Originally posted by 04041374 View Post
                            Posted by L'Equipe. Lol @ choosing a picture of Taremi wearing a Perspolis GIVOVA training kit
                            Out of all our handsome players they chose Mahdi joon, ghorbune un dandunash beram?!?!?! :facepalm:
                            IRI's politics is no different than handling a pressure cooker ..... As the pressure builds up, you slowly let the steam out just a tad bit so that you don't see overflow, and once the pressure from below is less, you put the lid down again and raise the temperature.


                              Originally posted by 04041374 View Post
                              Posted by L'Equipe. Lol @ choosing a picture of Taremi wearing a Perspolis GIVOVA training kit
                              That is very insulting and disrespectful of them.

                              1) what does persepolis (a club) have to do with national teams and the world cup?

                              2) everyone on the picture is wearing their national team shirt except Taremi.

                              3) all the players that are representing their team is the actual star of their team and
                              plays in europe plus they are well known players while they didn't pick azmoun for us that is well known in europe. No offence to Taremi but I don't think they chose him because they think he is the star. Also they are all in a match while they picked an unexcited picture of taremi when there are so many pictures of him going beast mode on the pitch.


                                Have no problem with them using Taremi but there are so many good photos of him celebrating after scoring for TM they could have used.

