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TM-News- Vol. 2

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    بخشی از پاداش تیم ملی قبل از بازی با سوریه و بخشی دیگر این هفته پرداخت میشود

    تاج: تیم ملی قبل از آغاز جام جهانی 8 بازی تدارکاتی خواهد داشت
    به کیروش گفتیم طبق برنامه از تیم ملی حمایت میکنیم

    رئیس فدراسیون فوتبال گفت: به کیروش گفتیم طبق برنامه از تیم ملی حمایت میکنیم.

    به گزارش خبرگزاری فارس، مهدی تاج پس از برگزاری مراسم انتخاب برترین های فوتسال سال 95-96 گفت: ابتدا باید از کمیته فوتسال بابت برگزاری این مراسم تشکر کنم. وی در پاسخ به سؤالی مبنی بر اینکه آیا مشکل پرداخت پاداش تیم ملی حل شده گفت: ما بخشی از پادا ها را قبل از بازی با سوریه پرداخت کردیم و این هفته بخش دیگر آن ان شاءالله پرداخت می شود.تاج همچنین در خصوص جلسه اخیر خود با کی روش گفت: پس از بازی با سوریه ما جلسه ای با سرمربی تیم ملی برگزار کردیم و قرار شد که طبق برنامه های که کی روش می دهد آنها را ادامه دهیم.




        They were quick to block this video


          Originally posted by koush22 View Post
          great film man....but with a totally crap ending ..!! boo


            "Iran must invest to avoid World Cup disappointment - Queiroz

            Iran coach Carlos Queiroz has urged the country's authorities to commit more funding to the preparations for next year's World Cup finals or risk elimination in the group stages yet again.

            Queiroz's side became the first team from Asia to book their ticket for Russia in June and next summer's tournament will be the fifth time Iran have appeared at the World Cup finals.

            In 1978, 1998, 2006 and 2014, the three-times Asian champions failed to advance to the knockout phase of the competition and Queiroz fears a similar outcome next year if funding issues are not addressed immediately.

            "The situation basically is the same as in the past," Queiroz told Reuters.

            "We have the federation trying to do their best. But unfortunately in Iran, and I think all over the world, when you struggle with financial support it's always very difficult to implement a programme.

            "We qualified three months ago and at this moment there is no reason for us not to have a clear plan and a consistent budget in order to make decisions.

            "If you copy the preparations of the last four World Cups, you don't go anywhere. It's a simple conclusion," he added.

            Queiroz's comments echo a recent statement issued by seven Iran players on Instagram, in which they called on the authorities to emulate South Korea in mobilising the country "from top to bottom" for the World Cup campaign.

            The Portuguese coach presented his preparation plans to the Iran's football federation soon after they qualified but only two friendlies have been arranged so far.

            Iran will play Togo on Oct. 5 before taking on World Cup hosts Russia five days later.

            Queiroz believes it is crucial that his team plays more matches against top quality opposition ahead of the finals, something that will only happen if the purse-strings are loosened.

            "Based on my personal connections I was able to bring this friendly game against Russia," said Queiroz.

            "Russia are the host nation and have accepted to play against Iran and this is huge in terms of international impact and reputation, but we cannot rely on my personal contacts and relationships.

            "If you want to play good friendly games, money talks in football. You cannot ignore this situation."

            Queiroz has stressed the Iranians need to take a more professional approach to their preparations or risk more disappointment on the game's biggest stage and a widening of the gap with the top footballing nations.

            "My short term target is to be sure we have an outstanding, unique and challenging World Cup preparation and I will try my best to be different," said Queiroz.

            "How many World Cups have Iran participated in? Four. This is the fifth World Cup. What did the four World Cups teach us?

            "If you want to be in the second stage you must be different. Different in your preparation, ambitious, creative, use your imagination to see how you can in 10 months make this team improve.

            "In order to be different I need to put all of my energy into this first goal.

            "How can we convince the federation and the people who have the responsibility to support us that we must be different? We cannot be like Portugal because they started 45 years ago.

            "We cannot be like Germany, they started 55 years ago, France 55 years ago. How can we in 10 months reduce this gap? That's my first job." "


              Unfortunately, CQ's requests will all go to waste. The gov't has no desire to assist the IFF especially with added sanctions looming


                ملی پوشان ایران از پنجم مهرماه (27 سپتامبر) به منظور انجام دو دیدار تدارکاتی وارد اردوی آماده سازی می شوند

                اولین بازی دوستانه ایران روز پنج شنبه 13 مهرماه (5 اکتبر) مقابل توگو برگزار می شود.

                دیدار دوم تیم ملی فوتبال ایران مقابل روسیه روز سه شنبه 18 مهرماه (10 اکتبر) از ساعت 19 به وقت محلی در شهر کازان برگزار می شود.


                  I just saw that Pourghaz has 8 caps for Iran, just let that sink in...


                    Anti-CQ gang in USA. Namazi doesn't seem to be very fond of CQ either.
                    Last edited by 04041374; 09-12-2017, 06:03 AM.


                      Originally posted by 04041374 View Post
                      Anti-CQ gang in USA. Namazi doesn't seem to be very fond of CQ either.
                      First of all Omid Namazi is a snake. Querioz fed him.

                      Secondly the other guy who I don't know or care who he is, doesn't sound like he's UEFA Pro Licence coach. Until he gets that he can say Querioz is a bad coach.

                      And no he doesn't have a right to his opinion because he's talking bs. When you go undefeated for that long, that shows that he has improved the team, he's trying to say Iran hasn't changed since the last world cup which to me sounds very retarded.


                        I remember when we were 0-1 behind against Uzbekistan and that retard Namazi subbed Pejman Nouri and Abbasfard in. It was his only match as TM's headcoach and we lost looooool

                        As for the other guy, you can clearly see how jealous he is of CQs success. Even if Iran manages to go to the second round they'll still say some BS. And also he lied about CQ being sacked from UAE and South Africa but what can you expect from an unknown moron.


                          I posted this elsewhere but I want to post it here becuase its TM related and its about the Clown Omid Namazi's ridiculous interview:

                          You know what,? CQ may have one trick pony but facts are facts,
                          TWICE WC qualified
                          Asia's # 24 ranked team
                          Undefeated against the likes of Iraq, Korea, Japan, Chile and many other Persian Gulf teams.
                          Created a disciplined , well organized team that is feared by all
                          and we say feared and respected is when Syria scored two goals on us, it was as if they beat Brazil!!! Its goes to show that CQ and Team Melli are a force to be reckoned with. I guarentee you if Korea had scored two goals as well, their would have been a national holiday in Korea!
                          Omid Namazi and all people like him( Mayeli Kohan to name one) love to critique success. They never critique failures.
                          IFF's Failure in providing kits, providing proper training grounds, providing adequate friendlies, providing a long term plan , paying salaries and the list goes on and on.... We have a Super surgeon and many patients on the surgical bed, yet we fail to provide him with basic surgical tools and expect a successful outcome! I can guarantee you if CQ had facilities on par with Qatar or Japan or Korea, he would EVOLVE the team to the next level, he has rightly kept using one technique because with the current sad state of infrastructure we have he can only do so much! So Omid Namazi needs to go back and do his Namaz and be thankful for being CQs assistant as this has enhanced his resume and got him lucrative jobs!... CQ has done more for our football than any one in charge since the revolution... That to me is STUPENDOUS SUCCESS !!!


                            F**k Namazi

                            He is an Oghdeyi , Jalouse and Ungreatfull person like most Iranians , myself included too.


                              That means we play only 6 friendly matches? Damn i was hoping for 8!!


                                After the Russia camp and 2 friendlis there , we will play 6 more freindly matches .

                                I think if IFF can do that for TM and CQ , that will be very amazing and pretty sufficent

