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TM-News- Vol. 2

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      Originally posted by greenguy4life View Post
      First of all Omid Namazi is a snake. Querioz fed him.

      Secondly the other guy who I don't know or care who he is, doesn't sound like he's UEFA Pro Licence coach. Until he gets that he can say Querioz is a bad coach.

      And no he doesn't have a right to his opinion because he's talking bs. When you go undefeated for that long, that shows that he has improved the team, he's trying to say Iran hasn't changed since the last world cup which to me sounds very retarded.
      lol wtf they are stuck at asian cup. wake up! that was what 2 years ago?


        A friend of my dad who's also a friend of mine (not going to say his name) knows Omid Namazi personally. I was so tempted to tell him to contact Namazi and tell him how disappointed we are of him for that interview. But then I remembered that Iranians in the U.S. have already expressed their opinions and will continue to let him know how they feel. It's truly disappointing.


          Originally posted by Omid177 View Post
          I remember when we were 0-1 behind against Uzbekistan and that retard Namazi subbed Pejman Nouri and Abbasfard in. It was his only match as TM's headcoach and we lost looooool

          As for the other guy, you can clearly see how jealous he is of CQs success. Even if Iran manages to go to the second round they'll still say some BS. And also he lied about CQ being sacked from UAE and South Africa but what can you expect from an unknown moron.
          Not to defend Namazi but he was getting the instruction from CQ. I guess you are talking about the match when CQ was suspended!


            baba fuck namazi... who is he ?? a fucking random mofo !! dont let these motherfuckers especially the guy who did the interview get to much attention !! these people are morons !! i would love to know the name of the guy who did the interview, son of a bitch !!

            TM was never as strong as today, and this allthough we've had way more talented players in the past! jahanbakhsh azmoun ezzatollahi Beiranvand and so on ... are nothing compared to Daei, Azizi, Mahdavikia, Bagheri Abedzadeh and many more ! i get goosebumps when i think about the 1996-2002 squad !! Just imagine we would have had a coach like CQ !!


              I live in Orange County , CA , USA and I can tell you that Namazi is a Oghdeyi,jealous,ungreatfull piece of shit.


                Do you know what happened to that young talent he took to Orange County from Iran? I can't remember his nane but i think he went from a lige bartar team there to pishraft


                  Originally posted by Iran_19 View Post
                  Not to defend Namazi but he was getting the instruction from CQ. I guess you are talking about the match when CQ was suspended!
                  Are you sure? As far as I know CQ couldn't communicate with Namazi and the team during the match. Maybe in half-time? It can't be coincidence because I've never seen such terrible sub decisions in TM.
                  These subs made sense just because of the fact that Namazi is a retard but I don't think CQ would sub in P.Nouri for M.Nouri (who was great in that match) when your team needs a goal.


                    Omid Namazi is a snake


                      so where are we playing that Pickup game against Togo..?? ToIran? ya ToRussiye?


                        Originally posted by greenguy4life View Post
                        Omid Namazi is a snake
                        Imagine that! and hes supposed to be a PRO!!! so now see the kind of shiite we have in our Iran coaching our clubs!!!


                          Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
                          so where are we playing that Pickup game against Togo..?? ToIran? ya ToRussiye?
                          To Russye


                            Kranjcar about Karimi's return to Sepahan. He said that he wasn't physically ready to compete in Dinamo and he worked hard to make him fit, but Karimi was moved to their B team and then loaned to Lokomotiva after Kranjcar's departure.

                            فکر می*کنم تیرماه بود که علی کریمی به دیناموزاگرب رفت. این تیم در آن مقطع زیر نظر من آماده حضور در مقدماتی لیگ قهرمانان اروپا می*شد. ما به این رقابت*ها راه یافتیم و بعد از آن هم من از این تیم جدا شدم، اما علی کریمی در آنجا ماند. بعد از آن هم به دیناموزاگراب بی رفت. فکر می*کنم چیزی که باعث حضور علی کریمی در اروپا شد، این بود که او با دیدگاه ایران به کرواسی رفت. او فکر می*کرد با آمادگی که دارد، در اروپا هم می*تواند بازی کند، اما این*طور نیست.

                            وی ادامه داد:

                            زمانی که من در دیناموزاگرب سرمربی کریمی بودم، دیدم که او از نظر بدنی عقب است. زمان زیادی گذاشتم که او را به شرایط ایده*آل جسمانی برگردانم تا بتواند با هم پستی*هایش رقابت کند، اما این طور نشد. بعد از آن هم به تیم خواهر خوانده دیناموزاگرب، یعنی لوکوموتیو رفت. حالا هم دوباره به سپاهان برگشته است. شاید کادر فنی لوکوموتیو از عملکرد او راضی نبود و یا هر چیز دیگر. به هر حال شاید این یک تجربه*ای شد برای علی کریمی. اینکه او کیفیت اروپا را لمس کرد و دید که چقدر با ایران فرق دارد.

                            سرمربی سپاهان با ابراز خرسندی از همکاری دوباره با علی کریمی در سپاهان، خاطرنشان کرد:

                            من خودم می*خواستم که کریمی به سپاهان برگردد. شاید این تجربه برایش بد نبود. در اروپا شرایط مثل ایران نیست. اگر بازیکنی که شرایط جسمانی*اش در سطح بین*المللی نیست، به اروپا برود و ببیند نمی*تواند پابه*پای آنها تمرین و بازی کند، برای جبران عقب افتادگی*اش کار سختی دارد. امیدوارم حالا در سپاهان به کار ما بیاید. من حالا می*توانم روی کریمی کار کنم تا همان بازیکن مدنظرم در دیناموزاگرب شود. او جزو بازیکنانی بود که خودم خواستم به سپاهان بیاید.


                              Originally posted by Omid177 View Post
                              Are you sure? As far as I know CQ couldn't communicate with Namazi and the team during the match. Maybe in half-time? It can't be coincidence because I've never seen such terrible sub decisions in TM.
                              These subs made sense just because of the fact that Namazi is a retard but I don't think CQ would sub in P.Nouri for M.Nouri (who was great in that match) when your team needs a goal.
                              You discuss about the eventual substitutions with your head coach before the match, considering different possible scenarios. There is no way he made those subs without Queiroz advise before match or in half time(even if they couldn't communicate via phone, text).


                                The latest FIFA ranking

                                25 Iran
                                40 Japan
                                50 Australia
                                51 South Korea
                                53 Saudi Arabia
                                62 China
                                69 Uzbekistan
                                72 UAE
                                75 Syria
                                85 Qatar

