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TM-News- Vol. 2

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    Originally posted by pres80 View Post
    This could also be an interesting line up:


    Would love a surprise Ghoddos start but I don't think it is likely.
    I would swap Rezaeian and Mohammadi's places and replace Taremi with Dejagah. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Ghoddos started though. It will be something that the Koreans will definitely not expect, and could come as a big shock to them


      Originally posted by Kian B. View Post
      I would swap Rezaeian and Mohammadi's places and replace Taremi with Dejagah. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Ghoddos started though. It will be something that the Koreans will definitely not expect, and could come as a big shock to them
      haha good catch.

      I coppied another members line up and changed the order of goalkeeper bottom striker top and forgot to switch those two.

      I think Taremi is very physically strong and fit which is why I would use him to start but you cant go wrong with Dejagah tbh.

      At the end of the day we have no understanding of the opponent so CQ will know exactly where to put these guys to fit the game plan.

      Taremi and Hajsafi could easily be switched if that is better defensively.


        Is TM taking a Charter back or the same 20+ hour flight home via Dubai??!!


          TM players wrote this text on their Instagram in protest to the facilities and IFF.

          • سلام به هموطنان عزيز
            ما بوديم و يك جهنم.ما بوديم و كوره اي كه كره اي ها ساخته بودند تا اين بار بعد از پايان بازي، روي تابلوي ورزشگاه نتيجه به نفع آنها ثبت شود. يك كشور بسيج شده بودند.از صدر تا ذيل. اين سوي ميدان فقط يك تيم همدل بود و دعاي هواداران. يك تيم سراسر با انگيزه و مسلح به تدابير كادر فني .جنگيديم و ده نفره شديم اما باز هم حريف ما نشدند.كاش اينجا هم عملكرد مسئولان مملكت و فدراسيون كره جنوبي را الگو قرار مي دادند.افسوس.هيچكس اينجا انگار نديد كه ما مسافر جام جهاني شده ايم.از صدر تا ذيل.خستگي به تن اين تيم ماند.دستتان درد نكند.حالا ديگر پيروزي هم ارزشى ندارد.اينجا موفقيت هم يتيم است.


            Originally posted by 04041374 View Post
            TM players wrote this text on their Instagram in protest to the facilities and IFF.

            All players posted this on their social media. For us who are not great Farsi-readers, can you please give a quick translation or tell us what the story behind it is.


              It's insane how unified Team is on and beyond the football field ... they have all posted the exact same image of Iran's flag with the same message.



                Originally posted by Tehranto View Post
                All players posted this on their social media. For us who are not great Farsi-readers, can you please give a quick translation or tell us what the story behind it is.
                yes I can. Basically the post talks about how the players and fans are all one and fought to get these positive results. The post goes on to say how they ( team )wish the federation and those in charge would do their job. Also says how even last night korea wasnt their opposition ( those in charge were standing in the way of their success)

                هيچكس اينجا انگار نديد كه ما مسافر جام جهاني شده ايم.

                Its as if nobody has seen that we are going to the WC. This is something CQ himself pretty much said word for word in his FB post earlier.
                These posts put more pressure on IFF, sports ministry. Lets all hope TM gets what they deserve. Proper facilities, friendlies, gear. Needed now


                  great! really proud, good for them!

                  wondering, did Shojaei post it too?
                  Iran deserves better, TM deserves better.
                  O.G from '97 & still here


                    How unified is our team? It's incredible.

                    Dameshoon garm - and dameh garm to CQ for putting all the boys on the same page.

                    Remember the debacle and fissures we had in our very talented 2006 teams? Players were organized into different factions! Shame.


                    I know Mehdi Taj is well intended, but come on, do your job to the best of your abilities! I know he has to go through the IR buffons, but come on Taj - let's all work for TM! The IFF needs to do their job.


                      Originally posted by pajamNL View Post
                      great! really proud, good for them!

                      wondering, did Shojaei post it too?
                      Nope - but liked the ones that did. Remember, he's got to be politically smart now, he cannot be too bold - otherwise, he will be sidelined. I prefer he play it smart

                      Shojaei is one of the bravest players we have ever had. He always stands on the right side of history.


                        This is the CQ effect! Politics, bullshit, mismanagement, negligence ... none of these things will no longer be tolerated. No more 'business as usual' in Iran at least when it comes to TM. It is a cultural shift that is happening and Iranian athletes and teams will reap the benefits long after CQ is gone.


                          Ramin Rezaeian vs. Varzesh 3 - Part 4839009482034

                          Instead of reacting to their articles, he should just focus on his game.
                          Too good, he didn't join a German team. I don't know how he would react to Kicker's biased ratings.


                            Originally posted by 04041374 View Post
                            Ramin Rezaeian vs. Varzesh 3 - Part 4839009482034

                            Instead of reacting to their articles, he should just focus on his game.
                            Too good, he didn't join a German team. I don't know how he would react to Kicker's biased ratings.
                            I have no problem at all with him calling them out.

                            I don't really care about this rating stuff but they write utter BS 90% of the time which is unacceptable.

                            Good on him for calling them out.


                              Lessons we and mihani coaches (hopeully) learned:
                              1. Australian referees (at least 3 so far that we know) are totally prejudiced rednecks
                              2. A single player can kill your plan and ruin your result
                              3. You cannot just select anyone who can play well for a match or for TM in general without considering mental capacity
                              4. Vatani coaches need to acknowledge that they are not good enough to fill CQ s shoes
                              5. Roodarvasi partibaazi prejudices and biases for and against religious or nonreligious players impacts vatani coaches and therefore they make bad decisions in player selection and fail as a result example: Daie could have defeated Saudis if he had chosen a different set of players.
                              CQ is a free man and that is the third reason he succeeds
                              Mihani coaches can be influenced by others, they can do lajbaazi, they can favor the wrong players and choose the worst combinations of players
                              Mihani coaches need to go abroad, get educated in coahing, get a foreign team, prove themselves and then come back to take care of TM. Nouri, Kia and Hashemian are the only ones following this path. so in the future they deserve more than any other mihani coaches to step in CQ's shoes.


                                Originally posted by 04041374 View Post
                                Ramin Rezaeian vs. Varzesh 3 - Part 4839009482034

                                Instead of reacting to their articles, he should just focus on his game.
                                Too good, he didn't join a German team. I don't know how he would react to Kicker's biased ratings.
                                Dude has an obvious ego problem, he would eat himself if he was made out of chocolate.

