What is the best strategy to play among the Asian teams ?....the world of football is unpredictable..and at any time ,any team can score,...or turn a free kick to a score...there teams in Asia,with different phylosophies,different speed,different style,and different level of technical and tactical plans....
so,what and how could TM be consistant ?.....
CQ,deffense has been tested by big teams,and not so big teams...and appears it follows something very solid and foundemental.
I do n't believe,there any other team in Asia , ( or even in the world ),that has been scored upon less than TM in the last two years.
while,TM offense has been consistantly getting better....but,a solid deffense,that has been tested,appears to be great back ground for our offense...and a right strategy.
so,what and how could TM be consistant ?.....
CQ,deffense has been tested by big teams,and not so big teams...and appears it follows something very solid and foundemental.
I do n't believe,there any other team in Asia , ( or even in the world ),that has been scored upon less than TM in the last two years.
while,TM offense has been consistantly getting better....but,a solid deffense,that has been tested,appears to be great back ground for our offense...and a right strategy.