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CAM position, TM main concern..

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    I really liked playing Shojaei at the CAM during the China game as he made some key passes. Going forward, I would continue to play him until someone like Rafiei can step up into the role. We have plenty of options at wing, CDM, and ST but limited in CAM.


      ^You start your post saying we have plenty of options for CAM and end it with We have limited options for CAM.


        Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
        If he's also a winger that tells me his pace shd be adequate.
        How are his ball skills? How fast can he dribble. Remember anyone can dribble. But those who do it quickly and then take off are the successful ones.
        For example, shojaei can dribble. But due to his lack of pace the defender catches up with him quickly
        Really at this moment the Swedish NT is a joke and probably not much better thand TM.
        Lets not even talk about Swedish league players who are no way near the Swedish NT.
        Not saying that this guy is crappie, as I don't know him, however generally we could say he is nowhere near TM right now.


          no need to change anything until we loose a game which might be our next one against UZB


            I dont think we will lose to UZB.. Yes UZB has 6 points but look at who they played and how they won. All their games were won against weak teams in the dying minutes of the games.


              Ive always rated Omid Ebrahimi more as a great ball-distributing CM than a DM..!!

              we simply dont have sufficient time to break in an all New player into our system of play, and lets face it, there is so much tracking back and defensive duties associated with playing CM/DM/CAM in CQ's tactics, that very few prospects would have the necessary energy and teammate support around them to operate your traditional fluid attacking CAM role you'd normally see done in other formations/team tactics..!!

              i thought Massoud did a marvelous job of playing that role in China, but as expected he couldnt last more than a Half doing so efficiently due to huge physical/fitness demands of that position in CQ's TM..!

              Carlos has experimented with Khosro and Dejagha/Tarmi for that position before, why not Omid..?? I think he is a more sensible prospect for that role than Khosro, who has never before played in Center of Pitch for most of his football career..!

              For his diminutive size, Omid is still very defensively sound, possesses good stamina, moves W/O the ball better than any TM Player providing easy outlets for his teammates constantly, has an excellent touch on long passes forward (which is primarily how we initiate our Attacks anyhow, cause often by the time we regain possession from opponents 90% of our team has retreated back to our own half and we only have 1-2 players in good position to counter up the pitch.) Has an great LD shot, and very unselfish on attacking forays..!
              just throwing it out for thoughts in our current predicament when our Offensive Transitional Game is soo damn poor ..!


                Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
                Ive always rated Omid Ebrahimi more as a great ball-distributing CM than a DM..!!

                we simply dont have sufficient time to break in an all New player into our system of play, and lets face it, there is so much tracking back and defensive duties associated with playing CM/DM/CAM in CQ's tactics, that very few prospects would have the necessary energy and teammate support around them to operate your traditional fluid attacking CAM role you'd normally see done in other formations/team tactics..!!

                i thought Massoud did a marvelous job of playing that role in China, but as expected he couldnt last more than a Half doing so efficiently due to huge physical/fitness demands of that position in CQ's TM..!

                Carlos has experimented with Khosro and Dejagha/Tarmi for that position before, why not Omid..?? I think he is a more sensible prospect for that role than Khosro, who has never before played in Center of Pitch for most of his football career..!

                For his diminutive size, Omid is still very defensively sound, possesses good stamina, moves W/O the ball better than any TM Player providing easy outlets for his teammates constantly, has an excellent touch on long passes forward (which is primarily how we initiate our Attacks anyhow, cause often by the time we regain possession from opponents 90% of our team has retreated back to our own half and we only have 1-2 players in good position to counter up the pitch.) Has an great LD shot, and very unselfish on attacking forays..!
                just throwing it out for thoughts in our current predicament when our Offensive Transitional Game is soo damn poor ..!
                Very important point: his shots are superb as well. He hits accurate shots and they don't sail way over the keepers head which is common in Iran.

                Not a bad idea.


                  Omid Ebrahimi would actually be a smart play. He has experience and very skilled on set pieces. I sort of wish he was the same player as the Sepahan days but he is still serviceable.


                    Haha i love it. Omid is like a poor mans Nekou.. Would love to have him on TM until Karimi and Ezzatolahi have blossomed and are ready!


                      There's no one even close to the technical ability of Dejagah and Masoud and factor in their experience too and it's easy to see why they have the position wrapped up between them.


                        We need to invite Mosalman to NT. He may help us as CAM.

