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Saman Ghoddos @ Östersunds FK | 2016 - 2017

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    Saman be zoodi dar yek lige khoobe Europa baazi mikone. Yeki az behtarin bazikonhaaye maa khahad bood.

    Dar zamin FEKR mikone va daghighan midone chi tasmim migire.


      Seems like such a likeable dude, fantastic interview from samman he gave great answers. Showed lots of enthusiasm and excitement you can tell he's already getting along well and joking around with sardar and Haghighi. I'm confident he will pishraft
      Team Meli Iran
      Perspolis FC
      Malavan Bandar Anzali

      "I will never be able to say good bye to Iran. I have a feeling of belonging to this country and to the people." - Carlos Queiroz


        That was perhaps the best TM interview i've watched.

        Saman is just such a good fit for TM and I feel like no one has any doubt about how good he is gonna be for us when he plays.

        Even if he doesn't play today there is -100% chance he will not play for Iran and you can tell from the interview.


          Well done Saman,.. Kheili NICE HASTAN LOOOOOOOOOOL man so cute. haahahahhahahahaa couldn't stop laughing at that. but anyway welcome!!!!!!!!


            Originally posted by pres80 View Post
            That was perhaps the best TM interview i've watched.
            Saman is just such a good fit for TM and I feel like no one has any doubt about how good he is gonna be for us when he plays.
            Even if he doesn't play today there is -100% chance he will not play for SWEDEN and you can tell from the interview.
            FIXED it for ya..!!

            im still hoping his paperwork issues are resolved & he makes his Debut Today @ Azadi somehow..!!


              Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
              FIXED it for ya..!!

              im still hoping his paperwork issues are resolved & he makes his Debut Today @ Azadi somehow..!!
              Haha no there is 100% chance he won't play for sweeden not -100%!

              I feel you man, nothing official has been announced. I am crossing all my fingers and toes for it to happen!


                Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
                FIXED it for ya..!!

                im still hoping his paperwork issues are resolved & he makes his Debut Today @ Azadi somehow..!!
                vay thjat music


                  Originally posted by Tehranto View Post
                  That's a good point.

                  Has Saman's ineligibility for tomorrow's game been verified?
                  Still don't know and its 1.5 hr before the game.


                    Only time we will know is when they put the full squad on the tv before the game.


                      I think some of us including myself will need to be alone with privacy IF Ghoddos comes on, some might cry... Some might get a little too excited (me)


                        not in the starting line up ..! but if his paperwork is sorted out, im pretty sure he will get some minutes off the bench..! unless the game situation not warrant his inclusion !!?


                          Ghoddoos said ask FIFA why my paperwork hasn't been cleared.

                          As we thought, FIFA is being lazy.


                            وبسایت رسمی برنامه نود - ملی*پوش فوتبال ایران گفت: نمی*دانم چرا موضوع رجیستر من حل نشده و باید آن را ازفیفا بپرسید.

                            به گزارش وبسایت نود ، سامان قدوس در پاسخ به این سؤال که چرا مشکل رجیستر شما برای این بازی حل نشد، گفت: من نمی*دانم این موضوع را باید از فیفا بپرسید. امیدوارم مشکلم حل شود و بتوانم در روسیه تیم ملی ایران را همراهی کنم.

                            وی در مورد عملکرد تیم ملی گفت: بچه*ها بازی خوبی انجام دادند و خوشحالم که چنین جوی را در ورزشگاه دیدم. تماشاگران حمایت خوبی از تیم ملی کردند و من چنین شرایطی را ندیده بودم. پیش از مسابقه کی روش به ما گفت بود که سوریه خوب بازی خواهد کرد و کارمان سخت خواهدبود و فکر نمی*کردیم بازی مساوی شود.

                            قدوس در مورد اینکه تیم بعدی*ات را چه زمانی مشخص می*کنی؟ گفت: هنوز چیزی مشخص نیست.

                            ملی*پوش فوتبال در مورد اینکه از میان تیم*های ایران، چه تیم*هایی را می*شناسی، گفت: استقلال و پرسپولیس را می*شناسم اما فقط تیم ملی.


                              Hope the issue get solved before WC!


                                Ghoddos was cleared by Fifa to play for Iran yesterday. He says that he spoke to CQ and they didn't want to risk anything, and it was probably because he didn't want to make any last second changes to the team.

                                Saman Ghoddos är nyss hemkommen från sin första landslagssamling med Iran.Det blev dock ingen speltid då det iranska förbundet inte fick igenom papprena med Fifa.- Såklart blev jag ledsen för att jag inte fick spela, säger Ghoddos till Fotbollskanalen.

