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Saman Ghoddos @ Östersunds FK | 2016 - 2017

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    If he does choose Sweden please close this thread as we don’t give a damn about Swedish players...this is a Persian forum and Iranian players should only be discussed


      Originally posted by sarbaz View Post
      Well if he chooses Sweden then best of luck to him but the love,passion, loyalty, care and feeling of belonging he can get from 85 million Iranians across the world , he will never get from Sweden , never.
      I completely agree. And not because I think that Swedish people won't show him love. I'm sure they will show their support. Ama farhang e ma fargh mikone ba oonha. It's a different kind of love and passion that only resonates from Iranians due to our welcoming culture.


        And that is exactly the reason why I said that my brother.

        Common let's be real , this is the white Scandinavian European culture, he will never ever be accepted as one of them , even if he scores the WC final winning goal for them in the 2018 .

        It won't happen , in thier eyes he will always be a second class citizen from a moslem middle eastern country and it doesn't matter if he was born there.

        I know some people are gona be upset by these comments but it is true , Europe is very racist.


          ^^ totally agree! I lived here for a long time and its worse the more you go to the north. My experiences in Spain and Italy for example are better.
          Iran deserves better, TM deserves better.
          O.G from '97 & still here


            Yes because in those Southern European countries , we look just like them so the level of rasicism is less but nevertheless it still exists.


              Just take a look what racist people of Sweden are writing on flashback forum. That he should choose his shitty country and that they don't want to see an Iranian in the Swedish national team. These racist mother fkers will ruin his career. According to swedes Zlatan has not done a shit for Swedish football and their NT. Jävla äckliga Sverige Demokrater hela bunten! Saman Ghoddos, mark my words DU KOMMER ALDRIG ATT BLI ACCEPTERAD SOM EN HELSVENSK HUR HÅRT ÄN DU KÄMPAR OCH FÖRSÖKER! Ta det från mig som också är född och uppvuxen i Sverige men som alltid har blivit särbehandlad pga mitt utseende.


                Originally posted by sarbaz View Post
                Yes because in those Southern European countries , we look just like them so the level of rasicism is less but nevertheless it still exists.



                  Well I didn't even know about what they are saying in thier chat rooms and blogs so there you go .
                  BS or not Like I said
                  Even in nations like Italy, Spain , Portugal and Greece there is a lot of racism but from what I have seen,heard and red
                  It is less than the Northern European nations.


                    Originally posted by Shantaram View Post
                    Just take a look what racist people of Sweden are writing on flashback forum. That he should choose his shitty country and that they don't want to see an Iranian in the Swedish national team. These racist mother fkers will ruin his career. According to swedes Zlatan has not done a shit for Swedish football and their NT. Jävla äckliga Sverige Demokrater hela bunten! Saman Ghoddos, mark my words DU KOMMER ALDRIG ATT BLI ACCEPTERAD SOM EN HELSVENSK HUR HÅRT ÄN DU KÄMPAR OCH FÖRSÖKER! Ta det från mig som också är född och uppvuxen i Sverige men som alltid har blivit särbehandlad pga mitt utseende.
                    We shouldn't care about Flashback. It's a racist shit hole for trolls and people who want to hate on others anonymously. You would never read anything positive about anyone on that forum, so don't get provoked.


                      After the Hertha game yesterday, Ghoddos said he may decide which country he will play for right when he wakes up today.

                      So I guess he should have already decided by now.


                        I bet none of the dual citizens we have here on the forum including myself would consider the EU country they are residing in if they didn't have political reasons to do so. I would choose TM from day one even if I was assured a starting place in the Dutch NT line up.


                          Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                          I bet none of the dual citizens we have here on the forum including myself would consider the EU country they are residing in if they didn't have political reasons to do so. I would choose TM from day one even if I was assured a starting place in the Dutch NT line up.

                          Scotland are the best team in the world. 😂😂😂😂😂😂


                            Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                            I bet none of the dual citizens we have here on the forum including myself would consider the EU country they are residing in if they didn't have political reasons to do so. I would choose TM from day one even if I was assured a starting place in the Dutch NT line up.
                            Same, don't live in an EU country but would pick TM any day. Only annoying thing would be the passport issue like Aria Jasuru. I'm sure many people have that issue though.

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                            Twitter and Instagram: @aryo__hadi



                              Originally posted by MR.ESTESNAII View Post
                              If he does choose Sweden please close this thread as we don’t give a damn about Swedish players...this is a Persian forum and Iranian players should only be discussed
                              I am against having a specific thread for players that didn't choose officially their TM and/or are obviously not TM material. I suggest having one thread regrouping all these ryan, steven etc... like the one for players that are in the QSL.

                              The day, one of them choose officially TM, OK to open a specific thread for them.


                                sardar azmoun new instagram post talking with Saman

                                Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

